Wie gesagt, ich würde den werten Herren von Gearbest grundsätzlich erstmal garnichts glauben. Die Infos die hier im Forum zusammen getragen werden sprechen Bände.
Übrigens meins ist auch ein Redmi Note 3 Pro, also ich würde an deiner Stelle keine 2 Wochen warten.
Übrigens meins ist auch ein Redmi Note 3 Pro, also ich würde an deiner Stelle keine 2 Wochen warten.
Dear x,
Thank you for contacting us, we are always keen to help in any way we can.
We are sorry we offered the wrong information.
We will resend your item.
We are sorry for the delay due to the test of the customs.
I can confirm that we will be resending the item to you as soon as it has been processed . This package will be received within 10-25 business days(due to peak season).
Please kindly wait for the item.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding
Once again, we wish to extend our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you once again for your continued patience and kind support in this matter.
Thank you for contacting us, we are always keen to help in any way we can.
We are sorry we offered the wrong information.
We will resend your item.
We are sorry for the delay due to the test of the customs.
I can confirm that we will be resending the item to you as soon as it has been processed . This package will be received within 10-25 business days(due to peak season).
Please kindly wait for the item.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding
Once again, we wish to extend our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you once again for your continued patience and kind support in this matter.
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