habe heute folgendes GeSkyped..
craxer: i bought two s7589. Before i bought the Handys, i wrote with tina, to get two different colours. She told me, i should write it on paypal komment. So i did it and she confirmed me that she saw the comment on paypal message, that i want to buy one in white colour and one in gray/black.
But now, i get two times the white one.
[09:31:00] craxer: And.. Both handys was used. With little deformations on bodys and instable software.
In both i find private data. In one of them with pornographic content.
[09:31:09] craxer: I am sure, i get two used phones :/
[09:31:56] craxer: Why ? I wait for a long time. I bought before in tmallbox.com
They send me used phones too.. So i send it back and never do business with tmallbox.com
[09:32:06] craxer: now the same with mixeshop.com :/
[09:33:08] craxer: what is your opinion ? how can a customer get two used phones at the same time (worry)
[09:33:46] craxer: in one of them, there was only one battery included, the other one is everywhere in the world, i think.
tony zhou: you have order number please
[11:18:54] tony zhou: let me check
[11:20:26] tony zhou: i am sorry just not leave out
[11:25:05] tony zhou: hello friend , you can write me on monday i will be solve the problem for you ,because today i am at home not working
[11:25:11] tony zhou: so cannot check with your order
[11:25:17] tony zhou: so we talk on monday then
Ich hoffe Fehler lag bei der tina, wenn tony das Problem lösen kann, dann wird mixeshop für mich hochheilig

Aber schon erbärmlich, wenn ich irgendein User wäre, würde mir wahrscheinlich der Fehler nicht mal auffallen. Schlampige Mitarbeiter, zumindest hoffe ich, dass es an einzelnen Mitarbeitern lag, die an dem Paket zu mir mitbeteiligt waren.
Oder der Zoll in Deutschland tauscht die Pakete beliebig rum, was ich nicht wahrhaben möchte aber man kanns ja nie wissen :s