Schau mal hier:Etwas, das mich interessiert:
Ginge es, die Firmware des 3G auf ein "altes" Cipohone zu flashen
Das funktioniert einwandfrei

Schau mal hier:Etwas, das mich interessiert:
Ginge es, die Firmware des 3G auf ein "altes" Cipohone zu flashen
I made a perfect backup with no errors! How to flash this one? The scatter file that comes with it is not accepted by FlashTool. Is it ok to use scat_6230.txt from previous firmware as a replacement and MTK_AllInOne_Da.bin?Hier ist die ciPhone 3G Firmware:
I made a perfect backup with no errors! How to flash this one? The scatter file that comes with it is not accepted by FlashTool. Is it ok to use scat_6230.txt from previous firmware as a replacement and MTK_AllInOne_Da.bin?
I got it working. It didn't work in c:\FlashTool\APL216_V1.5_20080916_英中繁阿\APL216_PCB01_gprs_MT6230_S02.APL216_V1_5_20080916.bin\ folder, but works in c:\FlashTool\APL216_PCB01_gprs_MT6230_S02.APL216_V1_5_20080916.bin\ folder. By the way what is BPLGUInfoCustomSrcP_MT6230_S02_APL216_V1_5_20080916 file? Not needed?The scatter file is not accepted???? I flashed a phone yesterday, it worked just fine!!!
You really need to use the "scatAPL216.txt" file inside the "APL216_V1.5_20080916_ËóÍðÀ¦¦ó" directory, or else the flashtool doesn't know where the firmware is and which one to flash.
Just got it working!!! Language was Chinese after update and I had to calibrate the screen first but got it changed to english. Many thanks ColonelZap! I guess you are the first one to get a german firmware so I´ll be watching this forum.Hey, congratulations![]()