mal ein iphone klone mit Marvell CPU, mit 624 Mhz. Dann natürlich auch kapazitiver touch
jetzt muß nur noch der preis stimmen 
gar nicht so übel

gar nicht so übel

This is called Vphone V1 mobile phone is clearly the high imitation of Apple iPhone, but its not the latest target iPhone 4. Cool profile with Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system has not either substance, high-definition 3.5-inch 480x320px pixel capacitive touch screen is enough to make people remember when the Ciphone C6 cell phone.
Vphone V1 with Marvell PXA310 processor, clocked at up to 624MHz; memory with the more mainstream 256M (NAND Flash) 128m (DDR RAM); Another WIFI wireless Internet access and Bluetooth support. This hardware configuration in the high imitation iPhone, very rare. Further information about this machine please pay attention to this site.