Rechtsklick -> Treibersoftware aktualisieren -> Auf dem Computer nach Treibersoftware suchen -> Die Treiber in einen Ordner und diesen auswähle, Haken bei Unterordner einbeziehen und auf "weiter".......
Findet dann bei mir keinen Treiber...
EDIT: Auch nach der Anleitung bei xda funktioniert es nicht...
Unzip the files you downloaded and move/copy folders and files where they need to go:
Within the rom zip that you downloaded from the Baidu website, you can find the \G2s_20130109-104044 sub-folder. This folder contains the actual rom files (14 files). Move this entire folder onto your desktop. The reason for doing this is that there are folders within the zip file whose names contain characters that your version of Windows might not be able to read, even if you can see them in Windows Explorer (the filemanager). This will cause you trouble when you try to flash the rom.
After unzipping the driver and flash tool zip file, you will find the \USB-VCOM-Drivers folder with \INF and \SYS sub-folders. In the \INF folder there are three other sub-folders: \ 2K_XP_COM, \Vista, and \Win7.
Copy the \INF\cdc-acm.inf file into your C:\Windows\inf folder. (You may have to give permission to do this.)
Based on your version of Windows (2K-XP, Vista, Win7, 32-bit or 64-bit), locate the one correct usb2ser_????.inf file and copy it to your C:\Windows\inf folder. (You may have to give permission to do this.)
Copy both the \SYS\androidusb.sys and \SYS\usbser.sys into your C:\Windows\System32\driver folder. (You may have to give permission to do this.)
Install the drivers:
Plug your phone into your computer with a USB cable. If you had not previously installed the drivers, the system will start trying to install them.
If the system asks you to choose to install the drivers, click on “install the software automatically” and proceed.
If system is unsuccessful in locating and installing the drivers, you can try to go back and locate the drivers yourself by pointing to the individual files, but this should not happen if you properly copied the drivers over to your C:\Windows system folders.