Naja denke mal alle Waren die mit dem Flieger aus China kommen werden erstmal gesammelt damit der Flieger auch wirklich voll ist damit es sich auch richtig lohnt!
hm..also bei mir steht:
Delay in Outbound Air Mail Service
Recent months have witnessed an upsurge of some 30% in outbound air mail compared to corresponding period last year. In addition, with the impact of global financial crisis, airlines have cut back on their flights. These have resulted in the overall supply of air cargo space lagging far behind demand. Hence delays by one to two weeks have been caused to outbound air mail for a number of destinations including Brazil, Russia, the US and Europe since late October.
Hongkong Post is most concerned about the situation. With our efforts to secure extra air cargo space from all possible sources and arrange chartered flights, as well as to liaise with other postal administrations to dispatch air mail via postal transfer, the situation regarding the conveyance of outbound air mail has noticeably improved. Presently the outbound air mail service may still experience a delay of three to five days, but hopefully will resume normal after Christmas.
ironie:"globale finanzkrise"...aber bitte nid bei billig-china produkten...sry..das nehme ich denen aber nid ab...!!!
EDIT:upsorge heisstg AUFSCHWUNG...und die airlines canceln ihre flüge?wenn ein aufschwung da ist?sicher...das macht kein unternehmen...
vor einem gericht und auf see BIST du in "gottes hand"...!!ich erlaube mir das umzufunzen...
vor einem gericht,auf hoher see und vor dem "chinesischem shipping" bist DU in "gottes hand" !