Hi there
The firmware you find in my Post #5 is probably the same firmware you have on your phone now, the only difference is that it supports other languages like German. Therefore it also has the German keyboard layout with ü,ä,ö and ß
You are absolutely right, you select the scatter log file called scat_6230.txt from the firmware directory and the download agent file from the flash software directory called MTK_AllInOne_Da.bin
You do NOT need any authentification file!!!
You CAN download your own firmware before flashing another firmware, please look that pictures in my first post. Problem is, you won't be able to flash it back "like that", it'll have to brought into a flashable format before you can actually flash it back. I have no clue how that works, but there are people out there who could do that for you, we have a user on this board (oxa), he's capable of doing it, if this needs to be done
I don't know what will happen if your phone is disconnected during the flash, I bet it could kill your phone?!? Once you have started flashing, I would't touch the phone or cable!!! Luckily this never happend to me, I was always successful flashing my phone so far, and I have done it a few times before
Good luck!!!