Meizu MX3 - 5,1 display ( 1920 x 1200 p) Samsung Orion 5410 Octacore ????


Well-Known Member
Hi ich habe mir nun doch wieder ein Meizu geholt und habe jetzt ein kleines Problem der vor-vor Besitzer hat sich nicht aus seinem Flyme Account ausgeloggt und jetzt kann ich mich nicht in meinen einloggen da immer kommt das ich mich im anderen ausloggen soll hat da wer nen plan? @Manu-M3

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Meizu Fanboy
So viel ich weiß, ist das Problem bekannt. Versuchs mal mit Clear Data, aber es könnte sein, dass du dieses Telefon nur auf dem einen Flyme Konto nutzen kannst.

Gesendet von meinem M353 mit Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Ja mit clear Data habe ich es schon versucht es ging nicht. Gibt es dann noch eine andere moeglichkeit es zu rooten damit ich es auf deutsch stellen kann?

Sent from my M351 using Tapatalk


und einfach auf den Flyme account klicken und "log out" drücken? Bringt das was ? Vielleicht kann man sich mit einem neuen Account einloggen? Dann gibt es dort noch die Option "Bind mobile phone". Weiß nicht was das macht.

Hmm also wenn ich mich auslogge, gibt es die Möglichkeit "Retain Flyme user Data" und "delete". Damit kann man ja die Flyme user daten löschen?



Well-Known Member
Nein das steht nicht da kann mich nicht ausloggen da er intern eingeloggt ist aber auf dem phone steht davon nichts mehr

Sent from my M351 using Tapatalk


Am 29.5. gibt es das MX3 auch in einer Sonderedition mit Silberrahmen oder so, allerdings gibt es davon erstmal nur 1000 Stück. Die Hardware und preis bleiben ansonsten gleich.

1799元起!魅族全新MX3银翼版来了 mydrivers

1799 yuan! Meizu MX3 Silverwing new version coming
Meizu announced today that, MX3 Silverwing version will be at 10:00 on May 29 starting at Meizu's official website limited edition of 1,000 units. This version is the first release special style after MX3 independent arise.

MX3 Wings Edition is a charm friends first proposed, was later adopted Meizu boss J.Wong, and then mass-produced to meet the likes of the user. Specifically, it is the white version of the MX3 silver metal frame transplanted into a black version up, look on the grade.

It is understood, MX3 Silverwing version offers 16GB, 32GB, and other capacities, priced consistent with the regular edition, or 1799 yuan.

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Anscheinend mag JD Xiaomi nicht leiden. Auf der Shoppingseite vom Xiaomi mi3 verlinkt JD zum Meizu MX3. :crazy:

Übersetzt steht da

Millet 3 Mobile 3G phones (Sky Grey) TD-SCDMA/GSM mobile version of the official website

Meizu MX3 praise over 15,000 quality products, trusted Meizu work, buy a mobile phone of choice for Meizu! [Click to buy Meizu MX3]

拉仇恨:京东 你这么做小米知道吗? mydrivers

Pull hate: millet Jingdong you do know?
According to the news microblogging users, Jingdong Mall was added to the mobile version of millet phone 3 page appears dumbfounding scene, what? Look down.

In the millet mobile phone 3 introductory text below the page title, Meizu MX3 out there promoting introduction: "Meizu MX3 praise over 15,000 quality products, trusted Meizu work, buy a mobile phone of choice for Meizu!"

We all know the relationship Meizu millet and millet 3 and MX3, and Jingdong, you do ...

In the past, this situation does not seem to have seen, is it Jingdong intentional?


Well-Known Member
Kann mir einer sagen, wie ich das MX3 ohne das interne Root System von Meizu rooten kann? Kann dies nicht nutzen, da der Vorbesitzer seinen Account nicht richtig gelöscht hat.


Persona non Greta
laut einem user von meizume soll es mit rootgenius oder sjroot auch funktionieren aber ICH habe keinen plan ob es geht,
am besten weiterhin versuchen den vorbesitzer zu kontakten,daß er einen remote log out macht


Well-Known Member
Okay, werde ich morgen mal versuchen. Hatte bereits Vroot, Framaroot, Anzhi Root und Eroot versucht.


Neues alpha update fürs Mx3:

Experience MX3 Flyme OS 3.6.5 firmware (domestic edition)
Version: Flyme OS 3.6.5A
Update Time :2014-06-03
Applicable models: MX3
Software Size: 446MB
Download A
Download B

MD5: f216e2058879bdbd6009c0345ce1c76e

Version highlights:
Now the mobile phone can correctly display the name of virtual operators;
Gallery we added a 'automatic' filter, gently point can make the pictures more beautiful;

Matters needing attention:
1) has ROOT, or install security software for the Android signature patch users, Please clear the data during the upgrade, otherwise it may not boot. Clear data will result in the loss of personal data such as contacts,
Please note that synchronous backup;
2) this firmware upgrade from the low version of the firmware, do not need to clear the data;
3) to enable Android 4.4 ART mode, system will be used in the reset state conversion, will consume a large amount of time and energy (conversion 200 application consumes about half an hour, 10% of the electricity; during this period, cannot use the phone function etc.), please allow for enough of a charge;
4.Enable Android 4.4 ART mode, each upgrade the firmware, will be in the boot interface application conversion, will consume a large amount of time and energy;
5) the individual third party applications to not compatible with Android 4.4, will be running error, need to solve in the new version of the application itself;
6) from high to low version version of the firmware, brush,We must clear the data, or may not boot;
7) MX3 TD user, do not brush back to the version number is less than Flyme OS 3.1 firmware upgrade, if will not boot;
8) the international version of MX3, upgrading the firmware, may cause the application data is not compatible;
9) MX3, MX3 TD, can upgrade the firmware;
10) before upgrading, please backup personal data by Flyme;
11) before upgrading, please ensure that the battery is greater than 20%;

The upgrade process:
1) will be copied to the mobile phone in the mobile phone firmware, own document click can upgrade the firmware;
2) to clear the data, please tick (check, contacts, SMS, email, third party programs and other system files will be deleted, music, photos, video and other user files will not be deleted);
3) upgrade, do not shut down, after the upgrade is complete, mobile phone will boot;
4) into the "Settings", "mobile phone", if the display system version number correctly, the upgrade was successful;

Change the details:

Can now show the correct virtual operators (such as Ali communication) name
If you open the call waiting service, now wait for every 5 seconds will play prompt sound prompt you
Dialing again repair missed calls will flash the phone interface problem
The local broadcast recording or call recording restoration calls, the communication of silent problem
Repair of new information interface from the cross screen to enter the recipient interface, click 'Add' keyboard not pop the question
Now the OTG function can be used normally connected to U disk
Third party notice all disappeared after the repair, the status bar will remain third party notice running notification icon issues
Repair off 'allows the installation of the unknown sources' from the document application installation, open the APK after the installation of the package returned, there' external application installation has stopped running 'problems
Repair no network connection, in the choice of load on the screen flashing light application, interface problem
Now automatically connect to the WiFi, choose the strongest signal, not for the last time the connection
Repair of connections in the process of WiFiDisplay, the automatic restart of the system
Repair the switch from the WiFi to the mobile network can not be reconnected problem
For slow network result in binding mobile phone and security settings option shows the delay problem
We modify the evaluation of the application logic, now need to download and install only after the evaluation, it can make people see the software evaluation more objective information
[The notification bar]
To improve the response speed of the dropdown notification bar
Since the playlist or I most love delete downloaded songs from the list of repair, does not automatically download deleted songs problem
Repair into my music interface, display 'loading' too long problems
Repair of connections Headset after entering the equalizer, sporadic 'use needs to be inserted into the Headset' problems
Repair of unknown album, prompting server timeout problem in the list view
Repair of connections Headset play songs calls, unplug the Headset answer, hang up the concert continued to broadcast problem
Repair DLNA enabled mobile phone end play songs, and then close the remote player, click the play button in mobile phone music player unsuccessful problem
[method] input
Repair the input English Baidu voice initials don't automatically capitalized problem
Fix switching simplified traditional language, strokes, handwriting input method simplified traditional incorrect switching problem
Repair in the encrypted, Exchange call to account the loss of mail
Repair the calendar after the exit, the problem of up to 25% CPU usage
Repair the network neighbor when frequently switched WiFi network click device list crash
The gallery added a 'automatic' filter
The flashlight can not normal use of the problem
[Third party applications]
Now every day love to eliminate the game click position will not drift.


Heute wird auf irgendeiner Messe das Meizu Mx3 mit Ubuntu vorgestellt. Wann es mal kommt steht wohl noch nicht fest.

Ubuntu版MX3正式亮相:太流畅了 mydrivers

Ubuntu version MX3 debut: too fluent
Earlier this year, Meizu announced and Ubuntu to cooperate in the future will provide a package for Ubuntu system Brush MX3 mobile phone users. But after the news of heat transfer for a period of time, Ubuntu version MX3 generally go down the drain just like disappeared, until the opening of CommunicAsia it again today unveiled.

Meizu booth today, based on the Ubuntu system MX3, introduces viewers to some of the relevant details of the Ubuntu version of MX3. Meizu said Ubuntu is more flexible in terms of authorization, a higher degree of freedom OEM manufacturers, rather than being constrained Google. The latest "Scope" feature allows users can search directly from the home screen and access to content, applications and services, very convenient.

Experience from the field of view, Ubuntu version MX3 system operation is very smooth, but in some unsatisfactory aspects of performance stability, and the stability of the underlying drive is still in perfect them, so when mass production has not been a full time table.

In addition Meizu also said Ubuntu is another choice outside of the Android system, but even Meizu future use Ubuntu system will build Flyme interfaces and services on top of this, to do a better user experience.
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Hier noch mehr:

Ubuntu版魅族MX3上手体验:极好的 mydrivers

Ubuntu version of the Meizu MX3 started to experience: excellent
Meizu before the Spring Festival, said the system will be developed to run Ubuntu MX3; February of this year, Vice President Ubuntu developer Canonical personally visited Meizu, Meizu will continue with the topic of Ubuntu heating; communications on MWC 2014 exhibition, running Ubuntu with Meizu MX3 system went to Barcelona, the "new" phone seems to be a distant.

Held today at the Shanghai Expo Asian mobile communication, I finally saw the MX3 running Ubuntu system, this should be its first public appearance in the country. I experience a bit in the field, was very impressed.

Ubuntu staff writer said that the most important feature Ubuntu system is its cross-platform advantages - after a development application can be used directly on the phone, tablet and desktop computers. However, after a detailed started, it left the deepest impression on me, but rather a gesture touch.

Ubuntu around the screen are used up, slide your finger to the right against the left side of the screen, it brings up the application sidebar, including camera, clock, contacts and other key system applications as well as the main screen, click the button on the main screen to return to the desktop.
Meizu MX3 Ubuntu system to use video

Slide your finger to the left against the right side of the screen, you can switch applications recently.

Top of the screen is the same and other mobile systems Notification Center, the same decline evocative. Highlights Ubuntu Notification Center is that it supports a sliding switch notification item - fingertip against top of the screen graphic identity, you can switch Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth switches and other projects.

Slide the bottom of the screen is used gestures to bring up the application menu item. For example, when displaying pictures, slide your finger close to the bottom of the screen can be conjured up images of the secondary menu, the user can edit or delete pictures.

Ubuntu desktop is divided into five parts, one is left to right, applications, videos, desktop, music and books. List of applications to be placed on top of the recently opened "Applications". They also list the classic card-arranged, fingers long after the card can be turned off by the application program.

Also worth mentioning is that the application Dash plugin option, which aggregates the Amazon, Reddit, Google Books and other common services. Looks pretty good, but I find they are just simple website quick entrance in the experience.

Because MX3 is the demo version running Ubuntu, the system is still relatively low degree of completion, front camera and NFC and other hardware are not available. Of course, even the development of Ubuntu, it iOS, Android, etc. compared to systems development for many years, still there is not a small gap. An Ubuntu staff told me that the current work is to increase their cooperation with manufacturers and operators through the, Ubuntu in order to increase the market share. System will improve and market coverage simultaneously.




New Member
hallo an alle, hab mir soeben das neue update draufgezogen und es ging astrein. Hab mein mx3 351 zuvor gerootet, brauchte das neue update.bin aber nirgens zu verschieben, einfach im download ordner anklicken und es ging los. was ich auf anhieb sehe: deutsche sprache überall tastatur mir umlauten. bin ganz happy mit dem gerät. zuvor hatte ich einen 4 zoll samsung und die neue grösse ist echt ne herausforderung. Überlege noch aufs mx2 downzugraden aber vielleicht gewöhne ich mich bald dran. Der 15:9 screen ist einfach bombe und prima als tabletersatz (für mich zumindest). Das flyme ist so einfach wie genial. Version 4 wird eine augenweide. vorgestern wurde sas gerät bei 7% akku plötzlich so heiss, und blieb es auch die nächsten 3std, das ich dachte jetzt ists vorbei. gemessene 60℃ kann aber auch weniger da ich der app nicht ganz traue:) war aber nur einmal der fall. seitdem alles gut. ein problem hab ich aber, das hier bisher noch nicht diskutiert wurde: die audio qualität des players. Der mx3 hat ja einen wolfson chip der ja auf papier recht gut ist. In echt hören sich meine lieder (320kbps mp3,flac) leider ziemlich bescheiden an. Der hauseigene equalizer kann da nur wenig richten ebenso dirac hd, der zwar eine doch gute aufwertung in den höhen gibt, aber sonst viel zu dynamisch ist. nutze koss sporta kopfhörer. viper4android hilft da auch nicht, nur mit poweramp schaffe ich einigermassen gute ergebnisse. mein altes handy, sgs advance (oldie) klingt mit poweramp fast schon besser. Also youtube videos mit viel gerede klingen unglaublich gut, auch bei soundcloud scheinen die tracks viel sauberer rüberzukommen. Aber beim player, vor allem bei flacs steckt iwie der wurm drin. ich bin mir fast sicher das man aus dem chip noch mehr rausholen kann (hack?) . Konnte bislang aber nix finden. habt ihr eine idee? [DOUBLEPOST=1403470281,1403470082][/DOUBLEPOST]oh mann, wieso ist die schrift so riesig? :()


Persona non Greta
die schrift kannst du im editor kleiner machen,
also ich hatte bei meinem MX 3 stets guten sound,egal ob mit dem standard player oder einem aus dem store,auch besondere kopphörer nutze ich nicht und von meinem musikgeschmack möchte ich gar nicht anfangen :)


New Member
also classic und co hören sich ganz gut an aber beim rest ist noch viel luft nach oben. Das teil hat das potential. man müsste sich nur irgendwie da reinhacken

hörst du etwa auch gabba??



New Member
Heh also ich gehe in die elektronische richtung..techno, psytrance natüelich ne challenge aber mit seinem 2watt verstärker sorgt das teil für richtig dampf. Man darf nur nicht zu sehr aufdrehen sonst platzt der kopf..heh
Ein traum würde der rest auch noch funzen. Btw diese koss sporta kopfhörer kosten um die 20€ und ich kann die dir zu 1000% empfehlen

Gesendet von meinem M351 mit Tapatalk


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