warunamail meinte:
Can someone post full instructions How to do it and the link for pc sofware that need for install new rom.
Remember to charge your phone to at least 80%.
First of all, you need to check what hardware version of your phone is. Then downlaod a suitable installer and install the program in your PC. Someone said that the installer won't work on Windows 7 and AMD CPU chipset! Run the installer in your PC.
Then, you need to set the phone to downlaod mode by holding the "volume up key" and "Home" key (the key under LCD)" and the reset (by uisng a pin). Then you can see a downlaod screen in your phone and at that time you can release the "volume up " and "Home" Key.
Connect the phone to the PC via the USB cable. The downlaod process will start. Remember don't plug and unplug any USB device during downlaod. Disconnect the USB cable after the download process finished and when you see the dragon logo if needed.
Someone reported that it will fail at 100%. Just try to downlaod it again in case this occur.
Have Fun!