ZUK Z1 - Snapdr 801 5,5" FHD 3GB Ram 64GB Rom LTE dual sim U-Touch 4100mah 8/13MP Cams



ZUK ist die neue Untermarke von Lenovo und im Herbst soll dann das erste Handy erscheinen. Bilder gibt es noch keine. Das Handy hat dann auch eine eigene Bedienoberfläche, nennt sich ZUI.
Der home button soll dann 5 verschiedene Funktionen haben.



ZUK Z1部份规格揭晓:指纹识别/全网通 mtksj

ZUK Z1 part specifications revealed: Fingerprint / entire
Was known as Love "from the black" before the phone ZUK CEO often listed in their own process launched a special phone poll, recently opened a point like activity on their personal microblogging, microblogging point when flattery 5000, ZUI Z1 product specifications produced publicly, more than 10,000 will open ZUIK Z1 closed beta, to date, it has more than a microblogging 11000+ people like crazy point.

Did not go back, facing the media in today's communication at, ZUK CEO often away for their own products Z1 was decrypted, some core specifications Z1 has been first disclosed.

Communication at the media, often drive first confirmed, ZUK Z1 will be a full Netcom phone support 7 frequency module 18 is also compatible with FDD-LTE / TD-LTE / WCDMA / TD-SCDMA / CDMA1x, EVDO and GSM network with dual SIM card slots provide support dual card dual standby, covering all domestic network standard.

ZUK Z1 Cheats The second is a new integrated interactive design, named for the U-Touch, Z1 phone will be equipped with an entity HOME key, which also integrates five interactive features. When the button is pressed the machine, you can wake up the fingerprint identification, a screen unlock or fingerprint payment and other operations; in the U-Touch paddling around, you can quickly switch most recently opened applications; In addition, through different operations, the key can implementation returns, home and menu features three Android King, is indeed amazing.

Another person ZUK has confirmed that will use the latest version of Android optimized custom 5.11 ZUI, will integrate safety as music, music shops and other applications Lenovo stars. The machine's battery life to be expected, sources said Z1 battery capacity will be more than 4000mAh!

Much of our attention ZUK Z1 designs not yet disclosed in the ZUK brand conference, officials said ZUK phone will use the excellent manufacturing process, according to ZUK "return to early heart, just to give you the easiest option for" brand slogan to analyze, ZUK Z1 design should take simple route.

For its own first product, ZUK concerned, although there are a more open attitude, but overall still conservative and more detailedly information will have to wait, however, praised the current point number over a million, Z1 closed beta will be in the near future open, then there may be more information disclosed. And earlier, ZUK tier cities for the wind a lot, the price of the machine naturally to look forward.
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Am 11.8. wird das handy angeblich vorgestellt.

ZUK Z1发布时间确认 众筹或先行 mtksj

ZUK Z1 Published confirm the public to raise or advance
First time Z1 debut, after rumors ZUK Z1 listed need to wait until the official release in September, it now appears somewhat ahead of plan, ZUK official microblogging confirmed its first release for the Z1 scheduled August 11, Location Location Beijing conference. However, the notice does not directly representing the release Z1, but with "ZUK new" says may mean in addition to mobile phones, there may be other intelligent hardware also appeared.

Another concern is ZUK positive correlation revealed Tuesday events and Jingdong, combined ZUK head said, almost can confirm --ZUK Z1 will Jingdong episode, and the use of a popular public to raise the starting mode, just ZUK Z1 July 21 whether to raise the public immediately? Or will the day only two parties announced a partnership needs to be further confirmed.

ZUK Z1 open a new factory belonging to the magical journey of a pioneer, how the product is obviously the heart of the known part enough suction eye, such as the collection of fingerprint identification / return and many other functions in one of the U-Touch key, and if the entire network, large batteries, remove the above, maybe tomorrow there will be more information about the announcement Z1.


Das ZUK Z1 soll angeblich 2199 yuans kosten (326€), kein Ahnung ob das stimmt.

没秘密了?ZUK Z1价格/规格全被曝光 mtksj

No secret? ZUK Z1 price / specifications are exposure
Heady ZUK Z1 phone starting from today all the chips in Jingdong, at undisclosed prices, full specifications, case design, this is indeed a bold move, but from the current situation, ZUK diehard powder is not in minority, after all the chips get 3K User support (including one yuan file).

Before the official is not fully disclosed all information ZUK Z1, entitled Broke the news people Leaksfly Before the suspected insider allude announced Z1 other specifications, such as screen, processor, even the price also spread.

According to his words, ZUK Z1 will adopt Xiaolong 810 processor, screen size is 5.5 inches, with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 FHD level, while prices may eventually ZUK Z1 to 2199 yuan market. Other specifications are identical with the official announcement of the agreement, Z1 has more than 4000mAh high capacity battery, the use of 3G RAM + 64G ROM Large memory and USB 3.0 Type-C interface to support the entire network dual card standby, equipped with a set of fingerprint identification, return, application switching is one of the U-Touch key.

Currently listed Z1 arrangement is clear, after the August 11 press conference, all the participating Z1 congregation raised 14 users can purchase a single Z1 at the official store, the post can be filled (price = final price - all to raise deposit). September 14 to complete the delivery. It is worth noting that the official mentioned more than once to raise the public version ZUK Z1, Z1 Another specification may mean different versions,
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Fotoquelle: http://www.weibo.com/u/5602102157[DOUBLEPOST=1437736300,1437735776][/DOUBLEPOST]Hier noch eni paar Bilder:

工信部再立功!ZUK K1手机外观首曝:指纹识别怒赞 mydrivers

MIIT again meritorious! ZUK K1 phone looks first exposure: Fingerprint anger Like
Magical new conference workshop will be held on August 11, the official launch of its first mobile phone product --ZUK K1,Following the debut renderings Aircraft complete exposure out appearance. You ask what the great God come from? Nature is MIIT spike all God's ah.

Currently, ZUK K1 has passed the Ministry of Industry network license, the page information display, the machine model "Z1221", the issuing time is July 22. The device supports TD-LTE / LTE FDD / TD-SCDMA / WCDMA / cdma2000 / CDMA 1X / GSM network support (full CNC), support dual card dual standbyʱ??

From the figure, the mobile phone is more compact overall design, metal frame material beneath a square Home key. As previously understood, ZUK called "U-Touch", known as one of the five all-around button, to redefine interaction logic Home key.Touch to return to be achieved, press fingerprint to unlock sliding around switching applications and other functions, very human.

Other features include: Full Netcom, USB Type-C interface (first USB 3.0 standard, transmission speeds of up to 5Gbps), with more than 4000mAh battery, running the depth of customization based on Android 5.1.1 ZUI systemsʱ??

Core Configuration temporarily not clear, just know it will provide 13 million pixel camera.

As for specific price, we may look forward to it.
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Active Member
Die Akku Kapazität soll übrigens 4100 mAh sein. Zur Info....

Und es soll ein 808 verbaut sein, nicht der 810. Wobei es meiner Ansicht nach bestimmt auch zwei Modelle/Versionen geben kann.


gibt es schon Infos zu den verwendeten LTE Bändern? B20 dabei?
was die "internationale" Version für Bänder hat, steht noch nicht fest, oder ich hab es noch nicht entdeckt.

Ansonsten, wird hier erklärt was die Bänder Vielfalt bedeutet:

7 die 18 frequency

The official definition of
Mode: Communication mode
Frequency: communications band
18 Frequency: The total number of bands, the more the number of band theory, the more support the communication area. ZUK phone supports GSM (Band 2/3/5/8), TD-SCDMA (Band 34/39), TD-LTE (Band 38/39/40/41), WCDMA (Band 1/2/5/8) , FDD-LTE (Band 1/3/7) and CDMA1X & EVDO (Band BC0)

Demnach siehts also schlecht aus, was Band 20 betrifft. Man kann halt nur auf die "internationale" Version vom Handy hoffen.


was die "internationale" Version für Bänder hat, steht noch nicht fest, oder ich hab es noch nicht entdeckt.

Ansonsten, wird hier erklärt was die Bänder Vielfalt bedeutet:

Demnach siehts also schlecht aus, was Band 20 betrifft. Man kann halt nur auf die "internationale" Version vom Handy hoffen.
Wäre ja auch zu schön gewesen...
Ich gehe mal davon aus das deren Internationale Version wie die von Xiaomi und Meizu ausfällt, also auch ohne B20.
Naja, die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt :grin:


Kleines :offtopic:

Ich würde zu gene mal ein offizielles Statement einer der großen Handyhersteller sehen, warum ausgerechnet Band 20 so oft fehlt!!! Bislang scheinen wir ja immer nur zu spekulieren, warum das so ist :(

Technisch aufwändig, technisch zu teuer zu realisieren? Glaube ich nicht!!! Jeder einigermaßen vernünftige Chinakracher kann auch Band 20 unterstützen, das kann das Problem nicht sein! Das geht auch für sehr kleines Geld!

Kein Interesse, weil Band 20 für ihre Zielmärkte keine oder nur eine untergeodnete Rolle spielt? Glaube ich auch nicht!
Beispiel Xiaomi Mi 4i:


Quelle: http://www.mi.com/en/mi4i/

Bei dem Handy wird "großartig" damit geworben, daß es sooooooo viele Frequenzen unterstützt!!! Scheint also ein echtes Verkaufsargument zu sein, ansonsten würden sie es nicht als Highlight hervorheben. Wenn sie problemlos auch noch Band 20 hätten integrieren können, hätten sie es sicher getan und mit 17 Frequenzen geworben ;)

Da bleibt eigentlich nur noch zu vermuten, daß Band 20 tatsächlich eine Frage von Lizenzen / Kosten für Lizenzen oder etwas in diese Richtung ist?

Und genau DAS würde ich gerne mal "schwarz auf weiß" von einem der großen Hersteller erfahren, was GENAU das Problem ist, warum Band 20 so selten unterstützt wird!


Well-Known Member
ColonelZap, vllt kostet es ja doch etwas? und viele dieser chinakracher verkaufen sich denke ich nicht sooooo super im inland und zielen auf den verkauft hier in europa, und man muss sagen band 20 haben eben nur deutschland, österreich, schweden und luxemburg

und ich denke mal nicht das dies der große markt für xiaomi und co. ist


ColonelZap, vllt kostet es ja doch etwas?
Das wird auf jeden Fall eine Kostenfrage sein, aber ich denke halt nicht, daß die Kosten einen technischen Hintergrund haben? Kleine Hersteller schaffen es für sehr wenig Geld ihre Handys auch mit Band 20 anzubieten, ich VERMUTE(!!!) daß sie auf irgendwelche Lizenzen / Gesetze, Tests oder was auch immer schaißen und die "big player" wie Xiaomi, Meizu und Co. können es sich nicht leisten solche Regulierungen "einfach so" zu umgehen ;)

Wie gesagt, es wird SICHER einen guten Grund geben, warum Band 20 so oft fehlt, wäre das alles "kein Problem", dann würden Xiaomi und Co. auch 100%ig Band 20 mit integrieren, auch wenn es weltweit gesehen vielleicht nur eine untergeodnete Rolle spielt? Warum sollte Xiaomi nicht mit 17 Frequenzen werben wollen? 17 Frequenzen sind eindeutig besser als "nur" 16 Frequenzen, das sollte ja wohl keine Frage sein :grin: Es scheint ihnen ja am Herzen zu liegen mit so vielen wie möglich Frequenzen werben zu können, also WARUM fehlt Band 20??????

Das möchte ich gerne mal "offiziell" erfahren :)


Well-Known Member
Inkorrekt, Band 20 wird sogar im Nahen Osten, Kenia usw. verwendet ...


Dass sich diese Mär so hält, tztz.

man muss sagen band 20 haben eben nur deutschland, österreich, schweden und luxemburg

Da warte ich schon lange drauf ... evtl. müsste man die Reviewer fragen, welche Kontakte zu den Firmen ansich haben.

Also du scheinbar nicht :p
Ich würde zu gene mal ein offizielles Statement einer der großen Handyhersteller sehen, warum ausgerechnet Band 20 so oft fehlt!!! Bislang scheinen wir ja immer nur zu spekulieren, warum das so ist
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Hmm habe mal gebaidut. Das besondere an dem "Full netcom" handys, ist ja , daß alle Netze der China Unicom, China Mobile und China Telecom unterstützt werden. Das ist ja jetzt kein "weltweites" Handy, sondern bezieht sich ja nur auf die Netze in China.

Angeblich sind deswegen diese HAndys auch teurer, weil die Patentlizensen von Snapdragon mehr kosten. Ob das so stimmt , weiß ich auch nicht so genau.
Und dann sind ja die Provider in CHina auch Rivalen. Ein CHina Mobile Handy hat ja auch nie die FDD-LTE Bänder die China Unicom hat, dafür sind diese Handys meist billiger. Die FDD-LTE Bänder sind ja dann nur fürs internationale roaming freigeschaltet.

Full Netcom

The official definition of
Support China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom, the three operators of all of the network, which is to support GSM, CDMA, WCDMA, TD-SCDMA, CDMA 2000, TD-LTE, FDD- LTE network

Popular interpretation
Full Netcom models users need not consider their own operators issue, because it certainly compatible, the case of mobile phones based on the phone card option is no longer there.

The official definition of
It can support both TD-LTE and FDD-LTE 4G standard two kinds of networks in the country generally refers to the simultaneous use of mobile and China Unicom 4G network.

Popular interpretation
As long as you are mobile or Unicom users, nothing to worry about network incompatibility issues. Individual models because they support FDD-LTE standard, so China Telecom's 4G network can also be used.

Popular interpretation
China Mobile's 4G network using a TDD-LTE 1900MHz / 2300MHz / 2600MHz, China Unicom and China Telecom's 4G network using FDD-LTE 1800MHz / 2600MHz, China Mobile using B38 / B39 / B40 / B41 band, and China Unicom / China Telecom are using a B1 / B3 / B7 bands, 3G / 2G networks other corresponding band may correspond to the following table query
Why the entire network phones are expensive?
Asker adoption
For now,Full Netcom phone Processor mostly Qualcomm Therefore, all the company's patent licensing fees should be higher, resulting in increased costs
Huawei glory 4x full Netcom Telecom Edition Why more expensive than 300?

Into the telecommunications pit, optional thousand dollars machine pitiful, rare out of a telecommunications available 4x, can be two seconds to grab the end, the entire network does have the goods, but this expensive 300 flies like a swallow nausea, what your so much, just because of the three networks available? I did not see much of what other features?
It supports the network standard, the more the higher licensing fees, the higher the cost, the higher price of natural
You see FDD + WCDMA version is usually the most expensive, the entire network is usually the most expensive, and this is why
Buy a good demand
keine Ahnung , ob das so die gründe sind. Aber vielleicht muss man für dieses FDD Band 20 , dann auch extra noch irgendwelche Gebühren bezahlen? Und da dieses Band in China nicht genutzt wird, läßt man es halt weg.

Hmm vielleicht beantwortet der Artikel auch was?

http://www.pc841.com/shoujizhishi/37252.html (ist wohl der gleiche Artikel wie von mobile.163)

Oder der hier? :)


Easy answer a question: Why do most phones do not support the entire network
Shortage entire network models also regarded as a commonplace problem, in fact, talking about this issue but also with the times to distinguish, in the 3G era, to achieve full Netcom phone indeed very few, and into the 4G era, we can obviously feel the entire network of mobile phone has increased, but the reason is there such a problem simply because camp, technology and cost several reasons.
You can ask in this small series have hope right straightaway, dare not be too professional? Also, I do not know you Ah Xiao Bian is still my question comply? Why most phones do not support the entire network?

Well, small as fully as possible that some of my friends also want a better understanding of the problem, Xiao Bian will try to say after simple. Into the problem, the shortage of the entire network models also regarded as a commonplace problem, in fact, talking about this issue but also with the times to distinguish, in the 3G era, to achieve full Netcom phone indeed very few, and into the 4G era we can clearly feel the entire network of mobile phone has increased, but the reason is there such a problem simply because a few points.

First, the camp:

In 3G era, mobile phone network is essentially divided Link WCDMA and TelecommunicationsThe CDMA2000 two camps,Move Pseudo 3G network TD-SC Why not go DMA count, Xiao Bian do not say we understand. Unicom's WCDMA is the original GSM supporters, Telecom CDMA2000 is the original supporters of Qualcomm CDMA system. Both baseband, RF are not the same, so the phone manufacturers tend to pre-selected carriers do baseband, RF development, in general, taking into account the compatibility between their camp, handset manufacturers will do the WCDMA and GSM Together, The CDMA2000 1x / EVDO do together.

Second, the cost:

And from a cost point of view, in the 3G era, the entire network can be said that the phone is a very extravagant waste of resources. Many people may not know, all mobile phone network and you want to support the corresponding network standard are required to pay a fee, and this fee is not cheap. The phone supports WCDMA want to support CDMA2000? No problem, the money in place on OK, anyway, we all know that CDMA standard network license fee has always been led by a high-pass money, which can be seen from the general to another job telecom version of the phone price, so if you want to support the entire network, the phone manufacturers would pay twice as much or even more additional costs. While eliminating licensing costs aside, the phone to receive different networks require different standard modem, which for handset manufacturers, and is not a small overhead. Increased costs, profit margins declined naturally, for you are the mobile phone manufacturers, you will think of the introduction of the entire network phone? A lot of problems, empathy next obvious.

Third, the technology:

Apart interests considerations, 3G mobile phone era is so rare entire network, hardware and software limitations with the level of production also have a certain relationship, in the 3G era, a variety of different formats on a single chip integration may be more difficult, so we look The entire network to 3G mobile phone era are in the late basically only gradually appear in our field of vision.

Then to the 4G era, why the entire network of mobile phones have become more of a trend, because the 4G LTE itself is a grand unified era, so the order led by chip maker Qualcomm, the development of the entire network chip to help meet customers' We need, and get the support of chip manufacturers, mobile phone manufacturers are happy to enjoy it as natural. But although most of the phone's hardware supports the entire network, but is still limited by the contention between operators, many mobile phones are often not really realize the entire network, the majority of standard mobile phone will be locked, and sometimes even the same standard cell phone operators will be by way of limitation band phone lock join rival network, users want real use, only unlocked manually by brush, although reluctantly, but also at least the hope of the entire network.


Für mich bleibt es undurchsichtig.
Beispiel ASUS. Die haben problemlos mehrer Versionen auf den Markt gebracht. Die WW hat das Band 20. Nur tun sich viele chinesischen Online Shop sehr schwer diese zu liefern. Das geht nur über Umwege bei Ebay oder in der EU direkt. Ich denke mir, dass sollte man mal näher beleuchten. Unsere Boardmanschaft hat doch sehr gute Verbindung zu ihren Sponsoren. Kann man da nicht mal nachhacken @ColonelZap ?


Kann man da nicht mal nachhacken @ColonelZap ?
Ich denke, es wird nicht leicht bei diesem Thema an verläßliche Infos zu kommen?!? Die Shops können auch nur das weiterleiten, was die Hersteller ihnen weiß machen wollen. Ich habe auch praktisch keine Kontakte zu den Herstellern, nur GANZ selten mal mit Leuten von Elephone, Ulephone, Umi, etc. und DIE Kontakte sind eher für PR zuständig, ich kenne niemanden aus deren Rechtsabteilungen, die vielleicht etwas Licht auf die Sache werfen können. Zu großen Herstellern wie Xiaomi, Meizu und Co. habe zumindest ich absolut keinen Kontakt! Die geben sich mit einem ColonelZap nicht ab :hehehe:


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