MT6585 - Mediatek Quad core am Ende des Jahres ?


Was soll der denn jetzt noch, wo die 6589er doch schon ziemlich billig rauskommen zur Zeit...

P.s... Jetzt im März kommt der quadcore richtig ins Rollen, nicht ende2012 wie vermutet...


ja ist alles recht kompliziert. :) So wie es aussieht gibt es nun einen MT6589 und einen MT6589M , der MT6589M chip ist wohl eine abgespeckte version vom MT6589.

Sehr konfus. Aber dann muß man beim Handykauf zweimal gucken was für ein Quadcore verbaut ist.

联发科秘密武器MT6589M与MT6589的区别 mtksj

MediaTek the secret weapon MT6589M MT6589
MediaTek operations recently seems to be caught in the doldrums, but do not illusion is the appearance fool you, MediaTek is brewing in the Jedi, the secret weapon to start soon, Qualcomm afraid I have to step aside! A small number of new machines come out in the first quarter of the mainland mobile phone market, MediaTek, mobile phone chip plant operations seems low ebb; especially ○ the MediaTek February revenue VI. Ninety-two billion figure announced immediately below the crowd glasses, "worse than expected, we see the figures of the first reaction. MediaTek really that bad?

In fact, MediaTek send the most common approach is to make the market think that their company is very bad, quite let advantage of this opportunity to make the taste, and then suddenly one day start large-scale release of more good news shipments Lee! In fact, MediaTek internal morale is very high, as competitors Qualcomm filing blanket "secret weapon upcoming scabbard. MediaTek is planning a big plan in the second half of this year is to take-all in mainland China in low-end mobile phone chip market.
MediaTek mediatek

With the price of mass destruction

Think that a quad-core chip MT6589 smart phone is the main product of this year, MediaTek, it was wrong! Because under the cover of the MT6589, MediaTek is working to produce more price destruction chip-MT6589M,. And focus MediaTek chip specifications, and other details remain confidential home, it shows the degree of attention. But in fact, MT6589M variant of the MT6589 can support a multimode WCDMA, TD SCDMA, and EDGE, but will be part of the functional specifications to come down, for example, MT6589 supports Full HD, but MT6589M only support HD.

And the maximum difference between the two is that the manufacturing cost. MT6589 and MT6589M on the wafer output, although all twenty-eight Nano, but former uses solder bump which bumps with studs process; addition, after the end of the bumping, MT6589 require the RDL, i.e. Line Re The fabric repair process, but MT6589M do not. Alone in this part of the foundry, the costs spread over three percent.

Aimed at the November holiday sales tide

In accordance with the outgoing message by the mainland's mobile phone market, MT6589M the MT6589 light chip total manufacturing costs, the spread between the two at least fifteen percent to twenty percent; made public board, both priced at least can be poor to . The sharp cost advantage will be reaction on the price of the chip, MT6589M is the secret weapon of the second half of this year, MediaTek main. Moreover, the industry also reported, Qualcomm internal attaches great importance to the chip, and also quite the pressure, and is actively searching for the relevant information, and pondering a response to it.

MT6589M has to send samples to the mainland mobile phone brand manufacturers to enter the certification stage, also began to cast piece chip mass production point in time will be targeted in June and July, before the Golden Week in August and September up the goods boom. In terms of the overall multi-mode 3G smart phone, MT6589 main high-end market, as MT6589M will have a large bite in low-level opportunities.

But to think that the second half of this year for the secret weapon of the smart phone chip, MediaTek MT6589M, you're wrong! For cheap white card under $ 100 or cottage phone field, the single-mode part, In addition to the just recently introduced for WCDMA system MT6572, MediaTek is expected in the early third quarter of the second half of the second quarter, as well as Both variants of the chip will be large-scale mass production market, including for the the TD system of MT6572D well for EDGE systems MT6572E. In whether the MT6572, MT6572D or MT6572E, are also using twenty-eight nanometer process output dual-core chip, but are single-mode and dual-core, so the price will be low, MediaTek second half of the other two weapons .

As for the the MediaTek second quarter contains EDGE and 3G smart phone chip shipments, including estimated effective due to the eve of May up the goods, and the new MediaTek chips will continue the advent of mass production, single-season smart phone chip shipments the estimated increase twenty-five% Daosi Cheng, reached fifty million. The third quarter because of the new MediaTek chips have begun large-scale heavy volume, plus the terminal market the big pull cargo tide of Golden Week, the single-season shipments will reach a peak the seventy million estimated point of view.

A then a turnaround theme

To the fourth quarter because of the Lunar New Year in late January next year, so advance up the goods-effective, single-season estimate shipments reached sixty million, so the whole MediaTek chip shipments of smart phones this year more than two hundred million teeth, no doubt.

Revenue performance benefited from the March smart phone chip shipments doubled, at least nine billion yuan to take off the MediaTek March revenue, not only the monthly growth rate of almost half of the first quarter revenue more smoothly touchdowns, and fall on earnings forecast of two hundred thirty-five billion the Ersi ○ billion standard range.


So'n ******, ehrlich! Die werden damit sicher nicht hausieren gehen, wenn sie die M-Version verbauen...
Dann ordert man wieder ein Phone im guten Glauben nen normalen 6589 zu kriegen, und hat die Arschkarte...


Active Member

Das ist wie wenn du sagst ein Auto mit 200PS hätte mäßige Leistung, nur weil es welche mit 1000PS und mehr gibt.:OMG:


auch schneller mit HTML5 und dafür stromsparender :)

Low-power, high-performance chip MT6589 FishIE Tank Test
Everyone seems to HTML5 performance also increasingly pay attention to it, Microsoft launched fish tank test FishIE tank that is dedicated to the detection of mobile browser performance test address: more fish, and swim faster prove you phone the better the performance, the maximum optional 1000. MediaTek official has the "coolest quad-core MT6589" HTML5 performance with other chip comparison test to see at a glance what the weak strong.

MT6589 with a quad-core FishIE tank test video:

Test video in left for other vendors quad-core terminal, right MT6589 quad-core terminal equipped with MTK MT6589 quad-core processor phone not only fine screen, perform better and fluency, 100 fish test environment, MT6589 winning score of 60 FPS per second, and proves once again that the the coolest unique quad-core at, not only to lower power consumption, but also a higher level of performance, and the general public can have the price close to the people.



Q2 erscheint ein MT6589 von Sony? Naja mal abwarten :)

MT6589 possessed! Sony has a quad-core phone revealed truth
Earlier there was news that Sony initiative requires MediaTek songce the MT6589 processor. From the present situation, the former seems to have good launch quad-core mobile phone equipped with the platform.

Taiwan industrial chain broke the news that Sony is secretly developed a mobile phone equipped MT6589 quad-core processor. These low-priced smartphones can help them to grab more market share.

Sony launched this MT6589 four-core phone when it? Not long ago, they had just released the Xperia L / Xperia SP, so it is expected to debut in the second half of this year.


angeblich präsentiert Mediatek am 10. April die neuen CPUs ( MT6589M + MT6572 ) auf einer Messe in Shenzhen. U.a. wird dann auch ein neuer Quadcore chip vorgestellt, der LTE unterstützt. heißt angeblich MT6593 .
Vielleicht stellt dann da auch Sony sein Mediatek handy vor ?

MediaTek will participate in the 2013 China Electronic Information Expo
First China Electronic Information Expo (CITE 2013) will be held April 10 at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center was officially opened, a large number of domestic mobile phone manufacturers have exhibitors, one of the world's top 10 IC design giant MediaTek also will participate in the first session of China's electronic information Fair, MediaTek booth is located in the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hall 8 8A008, interested users can more MediaTek product information to MTK booth.
Held in Shenzhen, China Electronic Information Expo is designed for the electronics industry, new technologies, new products show as well as procurement platform, MediaTek will also bring its latest products on display, including a smart phone chips and other products. Since entry into the smart phone market, MediaTek launched 3G smartphone chip to obtain the recognition of domestic and foreign manufacturers, uses a lot the latest MT6589 quad-core processors, not only in domestic manufacturers, and is expected to be adopted by the international first-tier manufacturers, has reported Sony will launch quad-core chips equipped with MTK smart phone messages.

MediaTek will be forthcoming in the near future MT6572 chip, in addition to support a variety of network, subsequent or quad-core version of the market, another there more price advantage MT6589m-four core processor to further enhance market competitiveness. Is not the only 3G smart phone chip, MTK already begun layout 4G, a few days ago, some analysts said, MediaTek is expected to launch at the end of the quad-core chip MT6593 supports LTE network.


Mediatek präsentiert auf einer messe in Shenzen Neues. Anscheiend haben die u.a auch NFC support vorgestellt, ob das nun in Verbindung mit dem MT6589 chip kommt, weiß ich jetzt nicht. Liegt jetzt an der Übersetzung :p . Aber vielleicht haben ja in Zukunft die Klone auch NFC :) Außerdem gibt es mehr support für LTE.

CITE 2013:联发科8月推MT6589祼眼3D方案 mtksj

CITE 2013: MediaTek August pushed the MT6589 naked eye 3D programs
First China Electronic Information Expo (CITE 2013) was officially opened on April 10 at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center, a large number of domestic mobile phone manufacturers and the electronics industry exhibitors are expected to nearly 1,200 more than the electronics industry exhibitors, many new products and new technologies will continue to appearance. MediaTek, one of the world's top ten IC design giant participate the current China Electronic Information Expo, MediaTek booth located in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center Hall 8A008.

MediaTek to bring its latest products and technology exhibitors, include Wifi-Display multi-screen interactive 4K2K ultra high definition TV, NFC quick connect the TD terminal display and the cool 3D new products and innovative technology, in addition to the MT6589 including smartphones The chip and the latest LTE products.

4K2K ultra high definition TV
MediaTek booth

The MediaTek general manager Mr. Lv Xiangzheng MediaTek recognized by domestic users to "know better user demand in the Mainland, and more capacity to achieve terminal production advantages MT6572 dual-core chip will launch in May. MT6572 based A7 framework, the 28-nanometer process, built-MALI-400 graphics processor, in addition to support for TD-SCDMA network, also compatible with WCDMA and EDGE network. Many users are concerned about eight-core processor topic, Mr. Lv Xiangzheng said MediaTek temporary no launch eight-core chip of the plan, However, MediaTek is actively layout 4G market, and the second half of the year there will be more equipped MTK chip supporting LTE network products available.
MediaTek TD-LTE
MediaTek TD-LTE terminal display.

In addition to the force field of TD MediaTek on in CITE2013 Expo exhibition also features a cool 3D program, earlier listed MT6577 chip can support cool 3D platform, based on the latest quad-core chip MT6589 Cool 3D program will also be released in August MediaTek said allows the product to support the naked eye 3D features manufacturers simply increase the cost of about 120 yuan, the price advantage, can be predicted to be large quantities naked eye 3D quad-core phone will come to the stage give users more choices. It is understood that, based on quad-core chip MT6589 cool 3D new program will support dual camera naked eye 3D self-timer function also can be 2D, 3D screen instantly switch more powerful.
Naked eye 3D mobile
With Figure Source Network

First China Electronic Information Expo MediaTek also exhibited NFC quick connect Wifi-Display multi-screen interactive 4K2K ultra high-definition TV and other new technologies and products.


Well-Known Member
hat schon jemand erfahrungen mit nem mtk6572-phone gemacht?
im vergleich zu: 6577 oder/und 6589
würde mich über nen antutu screen shot freunen


Benchmark test vom MT6582M mit 1,3 ghz und Arm mali GPU. Der MT6582M ist anscheinend ein etwas gedrosselter chip. Der chip als MT6582 ohne M sollte dann ja noch mehr leisten?

MT6582性能曝光 安兔兔综合跑分超16000! mtksj

MT6582 performance integrated security Bunny ran sub exposure over 16,000!
MediaTek third-quarter production of the product, MT6572 for entry-level dual-core platform, MT6582's mission is to consolidate the existing thousand four core market share, so we can see a lot of changes in the MT6582 body, such as the main frequency of higher than the MT6589, GPU replacement became ARM MALI-400 MP, support TD / WCDMA dual network. Lenovo Mobile and Unicom time ago released a new thousand Yuan Quad 21M Product - Lenovo A850, which is equipped with MT6582m, there are already friends got the Lenovo A850, and emit a run grading information.
MT6582 using 28-nanometer process, with four A7 core, clocked at 1.3GHz, GPU uses ARM MALI-400MP2, through security Bunny V3.4 version of the comprehensive test, equipped with a quad-core processor MT6582M run Lenovo A850 points up to 16295 points, MT6589 models run sub majority in the 13000 floating around, MT6582's CPU, GPU two distinct aspects of performance, of course, this is just MT6582m to run sub, and MT6589m the same, 6582m for low-cost version of the specification phase to be lower than 6582, the latter's performance is more worth the wait.
Lenovo A850 is a quad-core Lenovo recently released a new machine, but the machine is the first use of a smart phone MTK6582 platform, the bright spot is to have 5.5 inches large screen, but the resolution is only qHD level. There are also 1G RAM +4 G ROM memory, supports up to 32GB memory card. 300 000 +500 megapixel dual camera, 2250 mA battery, running Android 4.2 system, supports WCDMA + GSM dual sim dual standby, bare metal price of the aircraft is reported only 1,299 yuan, the recent listing.


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