MT6585 - Mediatek Quad core am Ende des Jahres ?



laut mobileuncle soll der chip am Ende des Jahres zur Verfügung stehen. D.h. nächstes Jahr gibt es lauter quad core handys :) link

MediaTek MTK6585 hair again to force the smart machine chip quad-core 28nm technology
Abstract: It is understood that the new MediaTek (MTK6585) quad-core smart phone chips will use 28 nanometer technology. MediaTek MTK6585 fastest listed at the end of this year, the beginning of mass production and launch a variety of 28-nanometer smartphone chip, MediaTek will break the existing mobile phone chip additional equipped with a touch of IC mode, the touch. ..
It is understood that the new MediaTek (MTK6585) quad-core smartphone chips using 28 nanometer technology.

MediaTek MTK6585 fastest listed at the end of this year, the beginning of mass production and launch a variety of 28-nanometer smartphone chip, MediaTek will break the existing mobile phone chips sold separately equipped with a touch of IC mode, the touch IC integration with the mobile phone chip is expected to come out at the end of the 4-core chip will also be integrated touch IC with an IC the MediaTek single nuclear 1GMTK6575 of dual-core smartphone programs MTK6577 have done thousand yuan (RMB), low-cost, If MTK6585 listed in mass production, it is estimated that the quad-core mobile phone market will be the thriving scene, or is the reign of terror is more appropriate.

Of course, here MTK6585 taken GPU is not yet conclusive, but should not have three generations living under one roof using the POWER SGX531


Active Member
und woher sollen die chinesen die Akkus bekommen um ihn länger als 2 Stunden zu betreiben?
was nützt der beste Chip ohne Akkulaufzeit?
vielleicht in Tablets...


und woher sollen die chinesen die Akkus bekommen um ihn länger als 2 Stunden zu betreiben?
Wieso? Der Fertigungsprozess "schwindet" von 40nm auf 28 nanos! Und was heißt das? Weniger Stromverbrauch -> also effizienter! Der Quad wird nicht viel mehr verbraten als der aktuelle DC, wenn beide nicht sogar gleichauf liegen. Und inzwischen können die Chinesen vereinzelt sogar ganz passable Akkus bauen. Wir werden sehen ...

Was anderes ... sollte dies Jahr nicht der MTK8320 erscheinen? Aktuell findet man keine aussagekräftigen Angaben dazu. Oder wurde der sozusagen als MTK6577 veröffentlicht?


keine Ahnung, vom MT8320 hab ich auch nicht mehr gehört. Sollte ja auch ein Dual sim sein. Vielleicht hat sich auch einfach die Namensnennung geändert? Ursprünglich sollte der MT6577 ja auch MT6575T heißen und der single core MT6575M. War wohl zu konfus.


Hm, da wurde der 8320 wahrscheinlich kurzfristig zum 6577 umgetauft?! Wäre von der Namensgebung (bei gleichem Fertigungsprozess) auch ein ziemlich großer Sprung vom 65XX zum 83XX gewesen. Realistischer wäre doch eine neue Typenbezeichnung bei einer neuen Strukturbreite, z.B. vom MT6577 zum MT7XXX? Naja, schaumermal ...
Wenn das aber so mit dem 6585 Ende des Jahres stimmen sollte, wirds wahrscheinlich nix mit rechtzeitig unterm Weihnachtsbaum ;)


na super der chip heißt doch ganz anders :) also die quadcore version heißt MT6588 und kommt mit besserer GPU (GPU SGX 544). Unterstützt 13 MP kamera und kann eine display Auflösung von 1280 x800 p.
Gibt dann wohl auch eine verbesserte dual core version ( MT6583 ) link

MediaTek products line Figure leak quad-core chip code-named MT6588orMT6585 to? ! Dual-core version of MT6583
Recently from abroad in a electronic forum, a joint hair Division latest product roadmap inside is MediaTek's recent product of Xiangxi information from the figure we see that, before the spread out of the Quad-Core MediaTek smart phone chip code-named MT6585 is an error of, the real the model is MT6588.MTK MT6588 using the 28nm process, rose to a higher level than on a dual smart chip MT6577 technology, built-in 4-core CPU clocked at 1GHz, supports dual-channel maximum 1066Mbps integrated multi-mode WCDMA and TD modem, that is MediaTek the Division MT6588 quad-core chips Unicom and China mobile 3G network can support a more flexible choice. support up to 13 million-pixel camera, support 1080P video playback. in MT6588 body we finally have GPU upgrade, the product map, MT6588 quad-core chip GPU SGX 544, MT6577 chip, the MT6588 level of overall GPU doubling! MT6588 quad-core support resolution 1280 * 800 HD level. the MT6588's L1 cache, 32KB, L2 secondary cache 1Mb.
Are 28nm dual-core version of the MT6583 and MT6588 compulsory from the MT6583 chip parameters, it is clear that MT6588 emasculated version, MediaTek is likely to turn off the two chips of the MT6588 into MT6583, to let MT6575 / MT6577/MT6583/MT6588 the formation of tight product front, the MTK MT6583 compared to quad-core the MT6588 less two core camera supports 8 million video decoder 720P level, down to 854 * 480 resolution. It is understood that, MTK MT6588 and MT6583 2013 first quarter production, the fastest volume production for early next year!


davon hab ich auch nichts mehr gehört. Kann ja auch sein daß die Quellen und Foren was behauptet haben, was von Mediatek nie bestätigt wurde.

Aber was anderes, hier die features im Überblick:


mobiluncle link

The MediaTek four generations Parameters contrast MT6588, MT6583 will use the SGX544 support HD 1080P support for 13 million camera
Abstract: the distance of nearly a year, MediaTek's product life cycle is greatly shortened and Qualcomm manufacturers expect their products to continue to the main cost This does not, MediaTek has been ahead of the 28nm process products public, I believe from the production listed not too far away! We can see from the comparison of the following figure, when the United Nations Development Division MTK658 ...
Nearly a year, MediaTek's product life cycle greatly shorten the distance and high-pass and other manufacturers expect their products to continue to the main cost!

This does not, MediaTek has been ahead of the 28nm process products public, I believe from the production listed not too far away!

And from the comparison of the following figure shows, when the MediaTek MTK6583/MTK6588 will set off a tsunami, because the configuration is too force. Finally use the SGX544 of GPU, and finally no longer overclocking version of the SGX531, shoes, pleased you? There to support 1080P HD movie Oh, and also supports the 13 million-pixel camera Oh. . . Feel then ah, an ordinary digital camera can be retired


die CPU kommt doch nicht am Ende des Jahres, sondern im ersten Quartal 2013.

mobileuncle link

MediaTek MT6588 quad-core program of the smart machine platform or release early next year
The island of Taiwan media, "the Liberty Times reported today that the company's first quad-core smartphone platform program MT6588 MediaTek early next year (ie the first quarter of 2013). The program built-in 4 frequency is 1.5 or 1.7GHz processor cores of the Cortex-A7 supports WCDMA / TD-SCDMA communication standard.

In addition, the MT6588 program comes with a 13 million pixel camera, support for 1080p video playback, the screen resolution is generally more than 1280 * 800. "Liberty Times" said that the MT6588 will use the 28nm process, will be UMC (UMC) foundry. Instead of TSMC, to reduce the adverse effects of the competitive capacity.

In addition to the four core program, MediaTek in the first quarter of 2013 also plans to launch a dual-core Cortex-A7 platform MT6583 use the same 28nm process frequency for 1.5/1.7GHz, screen resolution 854 * 480, for the entry-level smartphone market.

According to data released prior to the ARM Cortex-A7 of computing power (DMIPS / MHz) of 1.9 weaker than the Cortex-A8 2.5 of the 2.0 and Cortex-A9; a little more than a single core of the A15 frequency dual-core A7 (DMIPS of / MHz 3.5) and Qualcomm Krait (DMIPS of / MHz, 3.3).


Well-Known Member
Also ich komme mit dem 6588 und 6583 nicht so klat...........
Meine Frage : Was hat der 6583 ??? 4 Kerne 1GHz
Was hat der 6588 ??? 4 Kerne 1,5Ghz

Kann mir das einer beantworten.........Danke


Pre Order from 30 Okt?

Glaube ich nicht, wird wohl wenn dann eher Ende des Jahres. Das Tapeout des MT6588 ist im Oktober, also wirds mit den Phones noch nen bissl dauern?!

Aber wer weiß ;)


MediaTek MT6588 Quad-Core CPU’s Going In To Production In October

Im Oktober soll eine erste limitierte MT6588 Charge produziert werden, die dann verschiedenen Herstellern zum testen zur Verfügung gestellt werden!
Dann kann es ja bald losgehen ;)

Quelle: andi@gizchina

Reports have emerged that chip manufacturer MediaTek are planning to put their next generation quad-core MT6588 CPU in to production as early as October!

Following on from the popularity of the dual-core MTK MT6577 quad-core CPU which is found in literally hundreds of high-performance low-cost Chinese phones, MediaTek have released plans they will be making a limited production run of quad-core MT6588 CPU’s next month.

The limited run of these low-cost quad-core CPU’s will be headed to current phone manufacturers to try out in either updated version of their current phones or possibly in all new next generation quad-core devices!

The MedaiTek MT6588 quad-core CPU is designed to cope with cameras of over 10 mega-pixels, will support dual-sim WCDMA and capture 1080p video.

With any luck we will be getting our first glimpses of next generation quad-core Chinese phones very soon!


ah jetzt versteh ich endlich das chinesisch :) soll angeblich günstiger als der MT6577 werden

ļҳҽ׷MT6588ĺ˹ܻأ룿 - ҵ̬ ƶ

【Mobile uncle News Channel] MediaTek MTK6588 quad-core chip set will be held in October, a small amount of production, its cost is even lower than MTK6577, clocked support 1.X Ghz with Powervr SGX 544 GPU upgrade to support 12 million pixels 1280 * 800 WXGA resolution, support 1080P filming, 28-nanometer process, support the Unicom WCDMA and TD-SCDMA mobile dual-mode dual standby ------ domestic mobile phone Which will be starting MTK6588 Quad-Core?


Welten Vernichter


Immerhin scheint es schon "Prototypen" zu geben?



Active Member
Alter Verwalter....
Ich hab zwar jetzt das ZTE V970 mit MTK6577, aber sobald es vernünftige und empfehlenswerte MTK6588 Phones gibt wird eingekauft!


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