MT6585 - Mediatek Quad core am Ende des Jahres ?



TCL wollen ja mit dem P600 als erste auf den Markt, nur wann weiß auch keiner :p


laut Mediatek ist der MT6589 hervoragend geeignet für dual sim dual active. Dort wird auch ein BIld gezeigt, das irgentwas erklärt, lol keine Ahung genau was. Glaube es soll zeigen , daß der chip 2 Modems hat, oder so


MTK联发科MT6589四核手机将率先完美解决双卡双通问题 Ydss link

MTK MediaTek MT6589 quad-core phone will be the first perfect solution to the dual card dual pass
January 9 message, according to sources, the recent production listed MediaTek MT6589 quad-core chip has the perfect solution netizens in the past has been tangled double pass. Contrast industry solution has obvious advantages, leading industry technology. MTK6589 quad-core chip using the latest integrated technology of its own, highly integrated, with dual MODEM function, dual-card double pass to really solve the problem. MediaTek MT6589 quad-core chip the dual baseband chip operation compared the solution of the main competitors are significantly more efficient and low rate of dropped calls. The saying goes, there are pictures and the truth, look at the picture below, the majority of Internet users should be able to be more well-understood.


Well-Known Member
nein nein war schon kein Versehen :grin:

geh mal auf den Reiter "MTK6589" ist das erste Phone....und im Antutu steht 6589 *gg

das es natürlich keins ist, schon klar....und das FCT nur den Namen "HDC" missbraucht ist auch klar.....die 1000 HDC Telefone auf FCT sind ja auch keine :p


naja trotzdem haben die nichts, das Jiayu G4 und Neo N003 bieten die ja auch an. Und den Photoshop bildern von FCT trau ich eh nicht :p


Warum machen das die Shops?

Weil es immer wieder potentielle Käufer gibt die sich vorher nicht informieren ... die PayPal Frist läuft ab, da das Phone nicht verfügbar. Einige werden sicher geduldig warten!
Oder die Shops schicken gefakte Modelle raus mit angepasster build und vorinstalliertem, auch gefaktem Antutu.
Somit wird es auch wiederum einigen gar nicht auffallen das sie kein Quad Modell bekommen haben ;)

Auf gehts!


Am 20. Januar sollen die ersten MT6589 kommen. TCL P600 und Y900 sind dann "offiziell" zu haben. Naja am 20. Januar sollen die Preise veröffentlicht werden, so zumindest die Quelle.

TCL P600/Y900 1月20日正式发售 - MTK手机网

TCL January 20, P600/Y900, officially on sale
The number of new machines of the concern of many users of TCL's release date has been uncertain information TCL Mobile official said a few days ago, TCL Y900, and P600 two quad-core mobile phone as well as the S850 slim phone will be January 20 officially listed Offering specific price temporarily
Number of new machines of the concern of many users of TCL's release date has been uncertain information TCL Mobile official said a few days ago, TCL Y900 TCL P600 two quad-core mobile phone as well as the S850 slim phone all will be January 20 listed for sale, the specific price temporarily ominous, star series dual-core new machine S820 and S520 two have quietly listed online priced at 1799 yuan / 1599 yuan.
TCL Y900/P600

TCL Mobile "YOU" Department "PLAY" is a new machine Y900 and P600 are equipped with a MediaTek MTK6589 Quad-Core, processor hardware configuration higher than P600, Y900 TCL S850 is a recent popular models, only 6.45 mm fuselage thickness is known as the world's thinnest smartphone, using the the MediaTek MT6577T dual-core processor, the following three parameters:

TCL Y900, TCL P600, TCL S850 core parameters TCL Y900 TCL P600 TCL S850
Processor MTK6589 1.2G MTK6589 quad-core quad-core 1.2G MTK6577T 1.2G
Screen is 5.0 inches IPS 1280 * 720 4.5-inch TFT 960 * 540 4.7-inch AMOLED 1280 * 720
Memory 1G RAM +16 G ROM 1G RAM + 16G ROM 1G RAM +16 G ROM
Camera 1300000 +800 Wan 1,300,000 +800 1300000 +800 Wan
Battery 2500 mA intgral the 1800 mA 1820 mA can not be removed
Dimensions 144 x 75 x 8.5mm 130.3 × 67 × 8.99mm 134.4x68.5x6.5mm
System Android 4.1 Android 4.1 Android 4.1
Function Bluetooth, WIFI, GPS Bluetooth, WIFI, GPS Bluetooth, WIFI, the GPS
Sensing light, gravity, proximity sensor, electronic compass, light, gravity, proximity sensor, electronic compass, light, gravity, proximity sensor

Star has started selling the Department of S820 and S520 in several new machine configuration can only be regarded as the bottom, according to the current listing price of view, the 20th Offer TCL Y900 TCL P600 and S850's price should not be too cheap . There are a number of domestic mobile phone manufacturers announced MTK6589 quad-core phone to launch Gionee mobile phone on the 18th upcoming elegance 2 new conference, listed for sale soon. TCL mobile phones, whether by virtue of distance time advantage with competitors to obtain market opportunities remains to be seen.


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