Mediatek MT6592 - 8 Core mit LTE TD-SCDMA und WCDMA ?



Und Mediatek nennt immer noch keinen Namen ;)


ja die haben ihren Notizzettel mit all den Bezeichnungen verloren. True Octa Core klingt ja auch nach mehr als MT6592 :)


So wie viele andere Hersteller ( ZTE Huawei etc ) bastelt auch Zopo an einem Octacore Handy herum. Jiayu hat ja auch schon was angekündigt, aber bei denen dauert es ja immer :p
Zopo sind schon mal am entwickeln. Voraussichtlich kommen dann die ersten handys nächstes jahr im Frühjahr.

传卓普将推MT6592八核智能手机 已开始研发 mtksj

Biography Zhuopu push MT6592 eight-core smartphone has started to develop
MediaTek to promote the popularity of quad-core smartphone, which is obvious to everyone, maybe some people will think that even if MTK does not do these things, other manufacturers will enter, but you can be sure that progress is not inevitable MTK is so rapidly. Upcoming MT6592 eight nuclear program the same way, if the news just before the sporadic legend, then the recent launch of MediaTek true eight nuclear White Paper implies - eight nuclear popularity of smart phones has left us is getting closer. As the quad-core smartphone popularization prime movers, MediaTek will also probably stimulate domestic smartphone early into eight nuclear age.

Known sources, domestic ZTE, Lenovo, Jin and other manufacturers are already planning to eight-core platform, presumably some other clients MediaTek cooperation will also follow up, in addition to many domestic brands are premeditated launch eight new nuclear weapon, recently it was rumored that the wind, this year's performance was eye-catching Zhuopu phone will immediately launch the pace of MediaTek MTK6592 solutions using eight-core smart phone, but said that it has in the development of which, and may lead starting MT6592 eight-core!

Zhuopu phone stand push MT6592 eight-core phone should be expected of them in many users, from the first product ZP200 to now the latest Zhuopu big black C7, Zhuopu all of our products are used in a MTK program, without exception, which is THL has in common with the phone, so Zhuopu launched MT6592 eight-core in our opinion should be taken for granted. Also a few days ago after the release of Ali box, Alibaba said it will be the first partners to carry MTK eight nuclear program available, we can see that is said partner Zhuopu no doubt that more and more in-depth cooperation between the two, will available on the big screen quad-core big black C7 turn as Ali's new flagship debut.

It is foreseeable that there will be more later on manufacturers joined the MTK eight nuclear camp, as in the end which vendors will be the first starting MTK MT6592 is still too early to go to the fourth quarter because MT6592 fastest production metrics, against Domestic Chinese New Year, equipped with the platform's products is estimated to be around until the Spring Festival in order to be officially listed.


New Member
Vielleicht noch ein interessanter Artikel zum Thema ....



New Member
Jetzt brauchen wir nur noch jemanden, der eine solche Wette eingeht :search:
Davon ab, ich persönlich brauche nicht wirklich einen octa-core, mir reicht der
89er :good3:


Well-Known Member
es war doch mit der MTK6589 nicht anders....diese sollte auch Ende des Jahres zuerst erscheinen und dann kam sie ers im Frühjahr nächsten Jahres.

Also Fakt ist im Oktober wird dieses Phone auf keinen Fall erhältlich sein, weil dann ja erst die Chips erscheinen.....denk mal bis dann die ersten Phones erscheinen wird es definitiv 2014


New Member
Ja der kommt sicher erst 2014... finde den aber auch ga nicht so interessant nen guter Nachfolger vom 6589 mit 2x A12 Kernen (oder A7) und 2x A15 Kernen und ner neuen SGX6*** für einen guten Preis finde ich viel sinvoller (hat Mediatek ja auch angekündigt):

der Octa-Core wird jetzt schon so gehyped das der auch in Chinahandys eher teuer werden wird und ganz ehrlich ich glaube nicht das irgendjemand diese (CPU) Leistung braucht dann lieber mehr in die GPU inverstieren denn wenn dann wird so viel Leistung nur von Spielen benötigt.


Ich lache mich schlapp!!! :hehehe:

Wer so einen Aufwand für ein Video betreibt, hat insgeheim garantiert etwas "Angst" vor der Konkurrenz ;)


Nokia testet anscheinend auch den MT6592 . D.h in Zukunft gibt es auch Windows handys mit MTK prozessor, nachdem ja schließlich nun Nokia Microsoft gehört?

传诺基亚Lumia系正测试MTK芯片 mtksj

Biography Nokia Lumia series being tested MTK chipset
Today's headlines undoubtedly Microsoft to 7.17 billion U.S. dollars acquisition of Nokia devices and services, completed the acquisition of the first quarter of next year, bringing the former had scolds Nokia, Motorola and Ericsson and other international mobile phone giant has existed in name only, is the corresponding gradual rise of the Chinese Army, Chinese-made boutique phones are emerging. And with Microsoft on the other rumor is that Nokia Lumia series products have been tested MTK chip, if the test goes well, it means that maybe in the near future to see the built-in MTK chip Windows Phone (WP) smart phones appear .
MediaTek smartphone chip applications in Android platform was water from the wind, especially around Qian Yuanji many low-end products, covering the entry-level single-core, dual-core and quad-core products, in addition to the end will be launched MT6592 true eight core processor and 4G chip MT6290, inevitably there will be a large number of manufacturers to use. However, due to system compatibility and other issues, has not yet seen MTK platform equipped with WP system products born. Previously Nokia Lumia series has always been high-pass monopoly, I believe MediaTek certainly will not miss this "fat."

As early as last October had had with Microsoft to create a built-in MTK MTK chips Surface phone rumors, but there is news that MediaTek and Microsoft will jointly develop WP8 reference design, but eventually let the matter rest, has once again pass Lumia products test MTK chip news, though, said the poor performance, but not hard to guess, ultimately, MTK subsequent WP camp figure, the introduction of sophisticated equipment is only a matter of time, for the love WP platform users, the more will the new choice.


angeblich will TCL im November ein MT6592 herausbringen, wenn es stimmt. Sind vielleicht auch nur Gerüchte?

11月份发布?TCL手机或首发MTK6592八核 mtksj

November release ? TCL mobile phones or starting MTK6592 eight nuclear
Less than one hundred days from 2014 , and last year's pace , the mobile phone chip giant MediaTek heavyweight products arranged in the New Year release, New Year Spring Festival season . The finale of this year MTK apparently already hubbub true eight -core SOC-MT6592, followed by starters which vendors will be the first true eight -core became a hot topic in the near future .

Earlier news that , MTK6592 true eight -core starter manufacturers may TCL and the birth of two as Jin phone , which MTK6589 Quad listing similar to the situation , but ultimately Gionee pioneered elegance two generations, do not grab fewer opportunities. Insiders are now well-known position , this year's nuclear program may be true eight TCL mobile phones first !

Although the industry , " China Cool UN" argument and did not these two companies, but in recent years, TCL mobile phones and Jin phone achievements for all to see , especially the recent launch of TCL TCL S950 mobile phone is a lot to seize the limelight , shipments enormous. Both manufacturers have a common characteristic , that is, its oversized semi- products are used MTK solution for MTK 's shipments made ​​great contributions to the Friends of the machine called MTK good . Missed last year with four core starters , if TCL really starting to get right , is bound to bring more attention and influence.

Another industry source said , MTK6592 , although not yet released , there have been many companies competing for starter, while for manufacturers who pioneered the first great significance , but standing in the position of friends , MTK6592 starter gets less important is the true eight -core is to have more to force the GPU, and the balance between performance and power consumption , etc. is the most talked about , it is said TCL mobile phones will be released in November true eight -core products, all of the answers may be on MT6592 sync announced.


laut Mtksj wird Mlais ein 5" und ein 5,7" handy mit MT6592 CPU herausbringen. Die Handybezeichnung ist noch unbekannt und wann es kommt steht auch noch nicht fest. naja mal abwarten :)

涵盖5英寸/5.7英寸 美莱仕将推八核手机 mtksj

Covering 5 inches / 5.7 inches US Lai Shi postponed eight -core phone
Aside even as close cooperation with MTK domestic a second-tier vendors aside, MTK program is currently the main shipping tier vendors and even many emerging brand has raised a lot of eight-core brand , will be in the year or early next year to launch its own true eight -core smartphone , in between cheap and big , the vast majority of users are willing to choose the price more competitive product, which has been pushing with MediaTek price PFP guidelines are not unrelated.

Recent insider site broke the news a MediaTek MT6592 true eight -core processor chip spy , but said this Board is MLAIS America Lai Shi eight -core mobile test board , which can be learned , the United States Lai Shi phone true eight -core smartphone launched without any suspense, but should see rapid progress , is now the official has officially announce the next will be true eight -core products on-line , the model being unknown , but there are some tricky message out .
It is reported that the United States is expected to Lai Shi eight -core phone before the official release , the specific time temporarily clear , has been confirmed then there will be two new products available, a small- screen products , with a 5-inch screen , the other one for the big screen products , the size of 5.7 inches , both of which use MTK MT6592 true eight nuclear program . Other parameters not detailedly described , but said the current mainstream standard , the current 2G RAM/1300 million camera / full- fitting screens is undoubtedly the focus of everyone sought after , it is not difficult to guess the next launch of the eight -core product specifications do not necessarily will be lower .

MediaTek true eight -core processors has attracted so many trials and not yet released at MediaTek , the multi-core strategy is certainly one of the priorities for next year , in a balance between power and performance MediaTek has a lot of experience , MT8135 release on in proof of this, if true eight -core aspects of further closer to the public demand, then it should not be reproduced MT6589 brilliant dream.


angebliches Benchmarkbild vom MT6592

内建MALI-450? 疑似MTK6592手机跑分性能曝光 mtksj

Built- MALI-450? Suspected MTK6592 phone to run sub- Performance exposure
Recently a series of messages that MediaTek not only to build 64 mobile processor , multi-core strategy will be carried out simultaneously, its true eight -core processor MTK MT6592 coming at the end of production. Some time ago using MT6592 chipset motherboard has been exposed , and now suspected MTK6592 phone to run sub- system information and screenshots again.
From spy information disclosed , MTK MT6592 or use ARM Mali-450MP GPU , MALI-450 using 40 -nanometer process technology , the highest frequency 480MHz, support 2K/4K resolution, compared to the MALI-400 performance has nearly doubled promotion. However, now there are not sure MT6592 which uses MALI-450, first, because the security Bunny sometimes does not recognize the existence of a case of new products , such as device information identified in only four cores , while MediaTek had not officially open graphics processor information does not rule out a more advanced GPU.

Figure test machine specifications in general, using HD -level resolution , 1GB of memory to run , the processor clocked at 1.7GHz, the previous message is displayed MediaTek true eight -core master frequency around the 1.7-2GHz , it seems this phone main frequency used is a lower version . By Ann Bunny V4 version to run sub- display , equipped with MTK6592 eight -core processor machine got 25,496 points, and MT6589T compared , MT6592 CPU performance has improved exponentially , multitasking run points better.

Now the rhythm has been heralded , really eight -core mobile phone imminent , although the frequency of the MT6592 1.7G main running points Xiaolong 800/Tegra 4 with some gaps , but the main frequency of 2GHz version should be more surprises , while we know that using the MTK Sarkozy has been advocating the line power and performance , the majority of product price close to the people , in order to cost -based, upcoming eight -core phone , the price is certainly still close to the common people.


boah das ding soll um die 210 euro (+20 versand und eventuell noch 40 drauf wegen zoll) kosten, da frage ich mich ob ein solches gerät noch als "china phone" (billig/günstig produkt) bezeichnet werden kann.


Active Member
Was für ein Ding soll 200€ kosten?
Und was ist daran so ungewöhnlich, es gibt nicht erst seit gestern sogenannte "Chinaphones" die 200€ und mehr kosten.
Schau mal z.B. bei Zopo.


Well-Known Member
Wenn die Hardware stimmt ist das gar kein Problem auch mal 250-300€ zu zahlen da ist man immer noch ehr weit unter dem Preis eines Originalen Phones


nächsten Monat startet die Massenproduktion der Octacores von Mediatek.

MTK八核或下月量产 大规模出货在即 mtksj

MTK eight nuclear or large-scale mass production next month, shipping soon
Time to move forward , the smartphone market is quietly undergoing dramatic changes , a variety of new technologies and new products have changed over time and gradually spread. Compared to the PC, smart phones can use the " fast " to describe , in addition to 4G, like 64-bit computing , eight -core processors and other applications on the PC shortly before emerging popularity of the product , has become a major trend of smart phones next year .

As last year , the mobile phone chip design giants MediaTek end there will be major product launches , on behalf of high-end products MediaTek true eight -core processor upcoming production market, and time is the fourth quarter of this year . Latest news that the eight -core processor code- MT6592 fastest available at the November production , large volume shipments early next year , eight of the nuclear age is about to blow the horn .
From a functional lonely times to occupy more than half of the domestic smartphone market share , MediaTek took less than two years, to become the greatest threat to Qualcomm . According to MediaTek historical financial report shows MediaTek fourth quarter of 2012 total revenues of 26.7 billion NT $ 37 million this year, Q2 total revenues of 33.2 billion 76 million , revenue increased significantly. Benefit at the beginning of mass production MT6589 quad-core processor large number of shipments this year, Q2 smartphone chip over 50 million units, while shipments in the third quarter also significantly improved , according to data shows MediaTek Q3 smart phone chip shipments has reached 65 million units ! Previously General Manager Xie Qingjiang MediaTek has said that this year MediaTek smartphone shipments will remain 200 million sets of target unchanged , while the 2012 MediaTek smartphone chip shipments of approximately 110 million units.

Support the huge shipments of MediaTek volume production this year, another dual-core, quad-core smartphone chip, which MT6589 thousands of smart phones has become the standard , and then listed MT6589T is used to get quite a few high-end flagship for the goods made ​​substantial contributions. Generation quad-core chip MT6582 equally loved by domestic manufacturers , the low-end entry-level product MT6572 chip to market, it has become a comprehensive cost-effective entry- generation smart phones the ideal choice.

Domestic market share climbed steadily , while MediaTek targeting the emerging markets and mature European market , following its chips for Sony, LG and other international giants adopted after some time ago also came next year will be the Samsung uses news.
Push the end of true eight -core processor

The next upcoming production of the product , code- MT6592 true eight -core products are most popular in the industry concerned , the chip is the first truly can achieve synchronous operation of the eight-core mobile processor , multi-core MediaTek is an important part of the strategy . MTK MT6592 using 28 -nanometer process technology , with eight Cortex-A7 processor , it may integrate MALI-450MP graphics processor, main frequency up to 2GHz, from the latest run of exposure out of the performance point of view, compared to the quad-core upgrade MT6589 , coupled with MediaTek 's own low-power technology , mass production has not really been eight nuclear large number of manufacturers of domestic concern .

Who will now lead production MTK6592 eight -core phone is no clear answer , but in truth MediaTek announced eight-core processor, industry sources said there had been MTK good cooperation with Lenovo, ZTE, TCL and other manufacturers have begun Gionee planning related products, many companies have emerged more recently announced that it would launch vehicle carrying MT6592 true eight -core smartphone , the next will be equally conceivable that there will be many MTK eight -core products available.

MediaTek MT6592 is a ring of high-end product line , MediaTek smartphone product line this year's show will also be released high-end quad-core products , or Code MT6588. At the same time the public has begun to move towards 4G networks , MediaTek has been in the development of LTE baseband solution that can support its mobile chip LTE network support, integration and AP LTEModem complete solution may be available early next year . In addition to the more advanced architecture products, MediaTek has begun to layout , had earlier obtained ARM Cortex-A12 and the latest 64-bit architecture Cortex-A50 Series authorization fully proved this point.

MediaTek helm Mr. Cai Mingjie some time ago for the first time to break the silence media interview said that even MediaTek has already obtained good results , but really do the industry leader , MediaTek needs to be done , especially in the more competitive in 2014 , MediaTek long way to go .


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