Mediatek MT6592 - 8 Core mit LTE TD-SCDMA und WCDMA ?



anscheinend unterstützt der neue Quadcore von Mediatek MT6582 WCDMA und TD-SCDMA, also eine optimierte Variante vom MT6589

联发科第三季度推新四核MT6582/MT6582M mtksj

MediaTek third quarter to push the new quad-core MT6582/MT6582M
Quoted from Taiwan Commercial Times news: Benefiting from strong demand in emerging markets, the low-cost smart phone has become the second half of the mainstream market, MediaTek (2454) second half of the program to refresh product lines in the third quarter in mid-market a new generation support for TD-SCDMA and WCDMA dual-mode quad-core MT6582 chip, low-end market places MT6572 as the main product. In addition, MediaTek research made in the eight core MT6592 will be launched in the fourth quarter, the main next year Chinese Lunar New Year season.
MediaTek in the first half against MT6589/MT6589m two chips, white card on the mainland and brands smart phone market and lay a solid market share. According to China mobile phone industry that MediaTek and Qualcomm in the mainland market mobile phone chip shipments, has shown signs of being evenly balanced competitive situation, but Qualcomm continue to cut prices Attacking market share, MediaTek only price comeback, but MediaTek second quarter revenue still pay out 33.276 billion yuan rosy transcripts quarter growth rate as high as 39%.

Corporation that after August MediaTek chips into the peak shipping new monthly revenue will return ten billion yuan more than in the third quarter over the second quarter revenue will grow about 5% in the fourth quarter because there next year Chinese New Year demand to support revenue decline limited. And with a volume perspective, a good chance this year, MediaTek smartphone chip in the mainland market king.

Qualcomm in the second half to change strategy, launched 28nm Snapdragon 200/400 mobile phone chips, the low-end market began to snatch the mainland, MediaTek has also decided to refresh the product line, including low-cost smart phone market, launched in June MT6572 and has a large number of goods, will be launched in the third quarter MT6582/MT6582m, against Qualcomm new product line.

MediaTek MT6582 is 28 nm quad-core ARM Cortex A7 architecture, the industry as the MT6589 is optimized version, featuring the first TD-SCDMA and WCDMA dual-mode integrated in the same single chip. In addition, MediaTek will also introduce a streamlined version cheap MT6582m, to mid-market caught.

MediaTek being developed in eight core MT6592, will use TSMC's 28-nanometer process, detailed specifications have not yet set out a course, but the message that the chip will contain eight Cortex A7 core, core computing clock up 2GHz. However, the core part of the graphics chip, MediaTek may abandon Imagination of silicon intellectual property, mining authorization for direct use of quad-core ARM Mali IPs.

Corporation that after August MediaTek chips into the peak shipping new monthly revenue will return ten billion yuan more than in the third quarter over the second quarter revenue will grow about 5% in the fourth quarter because there next year Chinese New Year demand to support revenue decline limited. And with a volume perspective, a good chance this year, MediaTek smartphone chip in the mainland market king.


angeblich schafft der MT6592 knapp unter 30000 Punkte im Antutu benchmark test und soll dabei stromsparender sein. Naja mal abwarten :)

跑分直逼骁龙800与Tegra4 MT6592性能揭晓 mtksj

Run sub encroaching Xiaolong 800 and Tegra4 MT6592 Performance Revealed
In the first eight-core MT6592 really spread out the news when he said that the security Bunny ran sub MT6592 almost reached 30,000 points, but no direct evidence, we are skeptical. Recently there has been a security Bunny MTK MT6592 ran sub-baked, confirming rumors are not true, MT6592 performance almost equal to the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 and Tegra 4 of security Bunny run points, and power performance is more than competitors.
The figure above shows the MT6592 1.7GHz frequency rate of the security Bunny run points to nearly 30,000 points, ahead of the competition platform B, with little difference between competing products A and has more advantages in power consumption. This is only clocked at 1.7GHz version, based on MediaTek General Manager Mr. Zhu Shangzu global smart phone interviews can be learned, MT6592 highest clocked at up to 2GHz, I believe more Aspect running club, currently known Xiaolong 800 and Tegra 4 Both were running points around 30000-33000 points, 2G frequency of the MT6592 forecast may also reach this level.
Before the news show, MT6592 using 28-nanometer process technology, the integration of eight A7 processor, built-in quad-core MALI graphics processor (model unknown), can support the latest HEVC/VP9 format 1080P 30fps video decoding, specifications ominous, but as for now MediaTek most high-end products, should support more new technology. Besides performance and perfect balance between power consumption MTK emphasis has been a top priority for many people in the industry really eight nuclear power control reservations, MT6592 ability to maintain high performance under the premise of lower power consumption ? Soon after MediaTek will give the answer, I really can end eight-core MT6592 volume production.


Well-Known Member
Da bin ich ja mal gespannt, das schafft ja kein Exynos oder anderer Chip! Wenn das wahr wäre.... HAmmer! :)


Active Member
Das war keine bearbeitete Version bei Intel, sondern das Original vom Hersteller.
Nur hat die eben zu hohe Werte ausgespuckt.


nun ist es offiziell :)

( habs mal unten angehängt )

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联发科正式宣布推出真八核处理器MT6592 mtksj

MediaTek officially announced the launch of true eight-core processor MT6592
Released from insiders conspired to create MediaTek true eight-core (True Octa-Core) processor-MT6592 MTK rise to their own experiences, the more and more information will indeed prove MediaTek launched eight-core smartphone chip MT6592. Following Samsung released based on ARM big.LITTLE frame of the "eight-core" Exynos 5420, the official finally today MediaTek will launch officially confirmed Foreign really eight-core solution, and MT6592 advantages such as to make introduction, this also means that the first true eight-core smartphone processors officially unveiled.
Now there have been eight-core solution is comprised of four A15 + A7 four core components, commonly known as 4 +4 cores can run only four cores, the true sense of the eight non-core processors. Benefit from the true eight-core solution of the CPU core configuration and software support, MT6592 built eight core can simultaneously operate, and built the most advanced graphics and processing techniques to achieve a balance between power and performance, MT6592 can be applied to each application and each task was assigned to the intelligent processor resources and capabilities needed to achieve and maintain a large number of tasks simultaneously running fast response and low power consumption.

So true eight-core solution can bring us what? MediaTek officials have given the answer: With eight core capabilities that can be run simultaneously, MT6592 can be delivered to different tasks to different core processing, to enhance the system, browse the Web and play games such as fluency, let users have a better experience, another true eight-core solution HEVC 1080P video decoder consumes less electricity, can provide users with improved frame rate of 20%.

True eight-core specifications not yet announced

Although the focus is to introduce MediaTek eight-core processor technology, however, has been launched MT6592 no suspense, the current eight-core SOC Xiangxi specification is not clear, sporadic message display MT6592 dominant frequency will be up to 2GHz, using 28-nanometer process technology integrates eight A7 core and MT6592 will no longer use Imagination's PowerVR GPU, quad-core graphics processor instead MALI. MT6592 can support FHD level HEVC and VP9 decoding, 1080P display and 13 million pixel camera, reportedly MT6592 can support the next generation of Google Android 5.0 operating system, the specifications should be published together with the conference.

MTK Wireless Communications Division General Manager Mr. Zhu Shangzu said that, MT6592 will be at the end of mass production, but also to enter the high-end flagship MediaTek market first move will be more high-standard chip or available in the next year to make up for high-end products empty defect.

For more detailedly true eight nuclear program information is available through the link below to download MediaTek true eight-core White Paper: Click to download!



Well-Known Member
Im November geht es dann also los..............der 6592 kommt und ich frage mich nur wie soll das nur weiter gehen..........freue mich aber schon auf die neuen Handys mit diesem Chip...


Well-Known Member
na wie die dinger letztendlich heißen ist doch eigentlich egal.....denke mal man kann sich daran gut orientieren.


Well-Known Member
nenn es doch auch einfach doch so wie mit dem angeblich erscheinendem 6588, der dann 6589 hieß...hat auch keinen gestört :grin: nichmal FCT, die die Sektion immer noch pflegen :p


Das kenne ich natürlich und daß das Ding bislang als MT6592 bezeichet wird habe ich auch schon wahrgenommen, was ich noch nicht gesehen habe, ist diese Bezeichnung GANZ OFFIZIELL von Mediatek? Ober habe ich das übersehen?
hmm auf steht noch nichts davon , aber wenn man bei der Suche oben rechts MT6592 eingibt, findet die Mediatek Seite den Octacore Eintrag.


Aber ich glaube die brauchen eh immer länger , bis die das auf ihrer Seite mal aktualisieren. War auch schon bei den Vorgängern so. Da waren die MT6577 oder MT6589 schon auf den Markt, aber auf der Mediatekseite war irgendwie nichts zu finden :)

Doppelpost zusammengefügt nach 2 minutes:

.ist doch so wie mit dem angeblich erscheinendem 6588
der kommmt ja auch noch :grin:


Well-Known Member
@ John
du hattest mich falsch verstanden.....ich weiß ja das jetzt (angeblich) die 92 und die besagte 88 erscheint.
Aber der erste quad sollte ja schon 88 heißen, hieß dann ja aber 89...

Und bei FCT ist der ja nach wie vor drin und sind auch Geräte erhältlich die angeblich diesen 88er Soc haben sollen...

von daher alles halb so wild.....spätestens Anfang nächsten Jahres wissen wir, wie das Ding heißen wird :)


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