Start Download
Program Path:I:\MyBackup\NewBegin\fastboots\Attempt2\x1_na_dvt1_fastboot\prog_emmc_firehose_8994_lite.mbn
Binary build date: May 13 2015 @ 14:41:37
QSAHARASERVER CALLED LIKE THIS: 'C:\Program Files\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\QSaharaServer.exe -p \\.\COM3 -s 13:I:\MyBackup\NewBegin\fastboots\Attempt2\x1_na_dvt1_fastboot\prog_emmc_firehose_8994_lite.mbn 'Current working dir: C:\Users\Soultaker\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL
Sahara mappings:
2: amss.mbn
6: apps.mbn
8: dsp1.mbn
10: dbl.mbn
11: osbl.mbn
12: dsp2.mbn
16: efs1.mbn
17: efs2.mbn
20: efs3.mbn
21: sbl1.mbn
22: sbl2.mbn
23: rpm.mbn
25: tz.mbn
28: dsp3.mbn
29: acdb.mbn
30: wdt.mbn
31: mba.mbn
13: I:\MyBackup\NewBegin\fastboots\Attempt2\x1_na_dvt1_fastboot\prog_emmc_firehose_8994_lite.mbn
01:23:52: Requested ID 13, file: "I:\MyBackup\NewBegin\fastboots\Attempt2\x1_na_dvt1_fastboot\prog_emmc_firehose_8994_lite.mbn"
01:23:52: 321872 bytes transferred in 0.078000 seconds (3.9354MBps)
01:23:52: File transferred successfully
NOTE: Target requested image 13 which is DeviceProgrammer. Forcing QUIT. This is by design, ** All is well ** SUCCESS!!
01:23:52: Sahara protocol completed
Sending Programmer Finished
Switch To FireHose
Wait for 3 seconds...
Max Payload Size to Target:49152 Bytes
Device Type:eMMC
Disable Ack Raw Data Every N Packets
Skip Write:False
Always Validate:False
Use Verbose:False
Binary build date: Jun 3 2015 @ 17:12:06
Build version: 15.06.
C:\Program Files\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\fh_loader.exe --port=\\.\COM3 --sendxml=rawprogram_unsparse.xml --search_path=I:\MyBackup\NewBegin\fastboots\Attempt2\x1_na_dvt1_fastboot --noprompt --showpercentagecomplete --zlpawarehost=1 --memoryname=eMMC
01:23:55: INFO: Current working dir (cwd): C:\Users\Soultaker\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\
01:23:55: INFO: Showing network mappings to allow debugging
01:23:55: INFO:
01:23:55: INFO: Trying to store 'rawprogram_unsparse.xml' in string table
01:23:55: INFO: Looking for file 'rawprogram_unsparse.xml'
01:23:55: INFO: User wants to talk to port '\\.\COM3'
01:23:56: INFO: Took 0.43700000 seconds to open port
01:23:56: INFO: Sorting TAGS to ensure order is <configure>,<erase>, others, <patch>,<power>
01:23:56: INFO: If you don't want this, use --dontsorttags
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'NON-HLOS.bin'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'BTFM.bin'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'pmic.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'pmic.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'sbl1.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'sbl1.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'sdi.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'tz.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'tz.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'rpm.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'rpm.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'hyp.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'hyp.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'splash.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'emmc_appsboot.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'emmc_appsboot.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'boot.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_1.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_2.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_3.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_4.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_5.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_6.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_7.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_8.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_9.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_10.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_11.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_12.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_13.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_14.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_15.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_16.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_17.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_18.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_19.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_20.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_21.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_22.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_23.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_24.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_25.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_26.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_27.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_28.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_29.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_30.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_31.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_32.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_33.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_34.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_1.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_2.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_3.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_4.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_5.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_6.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_7.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_8.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_9.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'persist_1.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'recovery.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_1.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_2.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_3.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_4.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_5.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_6.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_7.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_8.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_9.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_10.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_11.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_12.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_13.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_14.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_15.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_16.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_17.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_18.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_19.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_20.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_21.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_22.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_23.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_24.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_25.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_26.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_27.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_28.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_29.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_30.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_31.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_32.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_33.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_34.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_35.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_36.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_37.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_38.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_39.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_40.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_41.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_42.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_43.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_44.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_45.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_46.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_47.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_48.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_49.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_50.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_51.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_52.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_53.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_54.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_55.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_56.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_57.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_58.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_59.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_60.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_61.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_62.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_63.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_64.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_65.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_66.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_67.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_68.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_69.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_70.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_71.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_72.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_73.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_74.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_75.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_76.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_77.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_78.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_79.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_80.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_81.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_82.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_83.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_84.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_85.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_86.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_87.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_88.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'gpt_main0.bin'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'gpt_backup0.bin'
01:23:56: INFO:
Total to be tansferd with <program> or <read> is 1.33 GB
01:23:56: INFO: Sending <configure>
| ___|
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| __| '__| '__/ _ \| '__|
| |__| | | | | (_) | |
\____/_| |_| \___/|_|
01:25:36: {ERROR: Could not read from '\\.\COM3', Windows API ReadFile failed! Your device is probably *not* on this port
Writing log to 'C:\Users\Soultaker\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\port_trace.txt', might take a minute
Log is 'C:\Users\Soultaker\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\port_trace.txt'
Download Fail:FireHose Fail FHLoader Fail

rocess fail
Finish Download