
Hallo zusammen,

meins hat den Geist aufgegeben und zwar ist die Ladebuchse im Eimer. Von jetzt auf gleich war es nicht mehr möglich das Smartphone zu laden. :( Ärgerlich weil es eigentlich wirklich gut funktionierte.

Wie dem auch sei: Wer für nen schmalen Taler ein X800Pro als Ersatzteilspender braucht kann sich gerne bei mir melden. :pleasantry:


New Member

ICh habe seid kurzem das Problem, dass ich andauernd werbe popups bekomme. Chinesisches aliexpress, google play popups. Und in den Anwendungen habe ich immer zwei apps, die eine heißt TOOL und die andere tobe und hat das icon von YouTube. Selbst nach deinstallieren sind die kurz danach wieder da.
ICh habe auch schon mein erstes Backup eingespielt und vorher auch den internen Speicher gelöscht in twrp.
HAt jemand ne Idee wie ich den Dreck weg bekomme.


New Member
Hallo coraxT, nein dash flashen geht ueber fastboot, lese mein beitragen auf seite drei von diese thread, steht auch meine links zum rom 1


Hatte meins vor Ewigkeiten verscherbelt. Jetzt wird auf diesem immer Werbung gezeigt. Kann ich die China Apps einfach so runter hauen oder brauche ich Root und Co oder gar ein neues ROM?


New Member
Oder halt hier: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=65930

Obwohl ich ja inzwischen bei BetaHydri's Rom gelandet bin. CM sagt mir irgendwie mehr zu.
=> https://forum.xda-developers.com/leeco-le1-pro/development/cm12-1-rom-betahydri-letv-1-pro-t3416651

Vielleicht hilft die Anleitung: https://www.chinahandys.net/le-1-pro/
Der Anleitung wäre hinzu zu fügen, dass man nach dem Flash der TWRP beim Reboot die Lautertaste gedrückt halten sollte. Da die TWRP sonst wieder durch die Stock Recovery ersetzt wird.
Das gilt solange, bis man das Stock Rom gerootet oder durch ein schon gerootetes Rom ersetzt hat.
Wenn Interesse an anderen Roms besteht, einfach das Cuoco in der Anleitung durch eins deiner Wahl ersetzen.

Hier noch Links zu Cuoco's Roms: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=57601

Mal eine Frage in die Runde. Was ist eigentlich hiervon zu halten?
=> https://forum.xda-developers.com/leeco-le1-pro/development/cm-14-1-android-7-1-unofficial-letv-t3530173
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New Member
Any idea on how i can unbrick my LeTv x800?I have followed many guides but QFIL gives me always errors like this:
Start Download
Program Path:I:\MyBackup\NewBegin\fastboots\Attempt2\x1_na_dvt1_fastboot\prog_emmc_firehose_8994_lite.mbn
Binary build date: May 13 2015 @ 14:41:37
QSAHARASERVER CALLED LIKE THIS: 'C:\Program Files\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\QSaharaServer.exe -p \\.\COM3 -s 13:I:\MyBackup\NewBegin\fastboots\Attempt2\x1_na_dvt1_fastboot\prog_emmc_firehose_8994_lite.mbn 'Current working dir: C:\Users\Soultaker\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL
Sahara mappings:
2: amss.mbn
6: apps.mbn
8: dsp1.mbn
10: dbl.mbn
11: osbl.mbn
12: dsp2.mbn
16: efs1.mbn
17: efs2.mbn
20: efs3.mbn
21: sbl1.mbn
22: sbl2.mbn
23: rpm.mbn
25: tz.mbn
28: dsp3.mbn
29: acdb.mbn
30: wdt.mbn
31: mba.mbn
13: I:\MyBackup\NewBegin\fastboots\Attempt2\x1_na_dvt1_fastboot\prog_emmc_firehose_8994_lite.mbn
01:23:52: Requested ID 13, file: "I:\MyBackup\NewBegin\fastboots\Attempt2\x1_na_dvt1_fastboot\prog_emmc_firehose_8994_lite.mbn"
01:23:52: 321872 bytes transferred in 0.078000 seconds (3.9354MBps)
01:23:52: File transferred successfully
NOTE: Target requested image 13 which is DeviceProgrammer. Forcing QUIT. This is by design, ** All is well ** SUCCESS!!
01:23:52: Sahara protocol completed
Sending Programmer Finished
Switch To FireHose
Wait for 3 seconds...
Max Payload Size to Target:49152 Bytes
Device Type:eMMC
Disable Ack Raw Data Every N Packets
Skip Write:False
Always Validate:False
Use Verbose:False
Binary build date: Jun 3 2015 @ 17:12:06
Build version: 15.06.
C:\Program Files\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\fh_loader.exe --port=\\.\COM3 --sendxml=rawprogram_unsparse.xml --search_path=I:\MyBackup\NewBegin\fastboots\Attempt2\x1_na_dvt1_fastboot --noprompt --showpercentagecomplete --zlpawarehost=1 --memoryname=eMMC
01:23:55: INFO: Current working dir (cwd): C:\Users\Soultaker\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\
01:23:55: INFO: Showing network mappings to allow debugging
01:23:55: INFO:
01:23:55: INFO: Trying to store 'rawprogram_unsparse.xml' in string table
01:23:55: INFO: Looking for file 'rawprogram_unsparse.xml'
01:23:55: INFO: User wants to talk to port '\\.\COM3'
01:23:56: INFO: Took 0.43700000 seconds to open port
01:23:56: INFO: Sorting TAGS to ensure order is <configure>,<erase>, others, <patch>,<power>
01:23:56: INFO: If you don't want this, use --dontsorttags
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'NON-HLOS.bin'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'BTFM.bin'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'pmic.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'pmic.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'sbl1.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'sbl1.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'sdi.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'tz.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'tz.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'rpm.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'rpm.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'hyp.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'hyp.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'splash.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'emmc_appsboot.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'emmc_appsboot.mbn'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'boot.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_1.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_2.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_3.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_4.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_5.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_6.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_7.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_8.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_9.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_10.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_11.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_12.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_13.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_14.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_15.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_16.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_17.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_18.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_19.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_20.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_21.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_22.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_23.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_24.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_25.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_26.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_27.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_28.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_29.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_30.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_31.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_32.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_33.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'system_34.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_1.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_2.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_3.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_4.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_5.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_6.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_7.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_8.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'cache_9.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'persist_1.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'recovery.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_1.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_2.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_3.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_4.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_5.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_6.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_7.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_8.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_9.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_10.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_11.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_12.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_13.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_14.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_15.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_16.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_17.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_18.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_19.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_20.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_21.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_22.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_23.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_24.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_25.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_26.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_27.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_28.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_29.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_30.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_31.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_32.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_33.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_34.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_35.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_36.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_37.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_38.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_39.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_40.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_41.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_42.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_43.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_44.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_45.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_46.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_47.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_48.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_49.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_50.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_51.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_52.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_53.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_54.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_55.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_56.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_57.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_58.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_59.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_60.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_61.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_62.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_63.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_64.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_65.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_66.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_67.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_68.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_69.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_70.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_71.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_72.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_73.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_74.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_75.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_76.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_77.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_78.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_79.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_80.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_81.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_82.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_83.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_84.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_85.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_86.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_87.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata_88.img'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'gpt_main0.bin'
01:23:56: INFO: Looking for file 'gpt_backup0.bin'
01:23:56: INFO:
Total to be tansferd with <program> or <read> is 1.33 GB
01:23:56: INFO: Sending <configure>
| ___|
| |__ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __
| __| '__| '__/ _ \| '__|
| |__| | | | | (_) | |
\____/_| |_| \___/|_|
01:25:36: {ERROR: Could not read from '\\.\COM3', Windows API ReadFile failed! Your device is probably *not* on this port
Writing log to 'C:\Users\Soultaker\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\port_trace.txt', might take a minute
Log is 'C:\Users\Soultaker\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\port_trace.txt'
Download Fail:FireHose Fail FHLoader Fail:process fail
Finish Download
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Maybe you should ask in English, I doubt that many of our users speak Greek ;)

Ίσως πρέπει να ρωτήσετε στα Αγγλικά, αμφιβάλλω ότι πολλοί από τους χρήστες μας μιλούν Ελληνικά ;)



Liest hier noch wer mit?

Ich hab ein Problem mit WLAN/WIFI
...bekomme das ums verrecken nicht mehr eingeschalten
per Einstellungen eingeschalten - schaltet wieder auf aus ohne eine Reaktion zu zeigen
lediglich das schnellstart Icon steht dann auf aktiviert
Flugmodus, diverse Neustarts, nix bringt erfolg.
das Wlan vom Handy scheint aber ok, beim Hotspot geht es ...
Cuoco92 11s ist als ROM drauf nebst LBE

Eigentlich hatte ich paar tAge zuvor schon mal Probleme mit WIFI, plötzlich waren alle gespeicherten Paßwörter weg...

Hat da er noch einen Rat zu dem Gerät, das übliche was Google hergibt hab ich schon versucht


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