Firmware modding


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Frage: Was ist der Unterschied zw. einem normalen USB-Kabel und einem Flashkabel?
Wozu brauch ich das? Warum?
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New Member
Hello everybody
the cable to use in the mediatek editor must be the same use to flash the phone ( with the battery ) ????
have some instruction to use the program ????
Thanks for the help


New Member

To use my MediaEditor you dont have to plug in your Phone.
You start MediaEditor you have to open secondary_rom or third_rom and replace the pictures, sounds or text. after that you have to flash the rom file you opened at first step to your phone, like discribed in the forum, and you have the new medias on your phone, easy. please make a backup of your rom file first because MediaEditor overwrites the file you choose.



New Member
sorry for my english........ what about the phonebook ???
You toll me to make a backup ....what program I need to use ???

Thanks again for you help


You don't have to backup the firmware from you phone, you should have an unmodded, downloaded, firmware on your pc just in case the firmware you modded won't work. The Media editor will not change anyhting in your phone book.

Just download a firmware here and use it with the media editor, you'll figure it out, it's really easy.

One more thing: you will need to rename "SECONDARY_ROM" to "SECONDARY_ROM.bin", so you can open the file with the tool :)


New Member
You don't have to backup the firmware from you phone, you should have an unmodded, downloaded, firmware on your pc just in case the firmware you modded won't work. The Media editor will not change anyhting in your phone book.

Just download a firmware here and use it with the media editor, you'll figure it out, it's really easy.

One more thing: you will need to rename "SECONDARY_ROM" to "SECONDARY_ROM.bin", so you can open the file with the tool :)
Thank soo much............ working , but to do that I select all the file in the flashing menu is correct ???


Thank soo much............ working , but to do that I select all the file in the flashing menu is correct ???
Sorry, I don't quite understand??? You can only modify one rom at a time, whenever you have finished modding everything you want, you need to flash the entire Firmware (all firmware files) back on your phone.


New Member
That's right :)
After you have done all the changes you want to the SECONDAY_ROM and / or THIRD_ROM, you need to flash the entire thing back on your phone like this:
you're the best ....................tahnks for your help, and sorry again for my question.

Ps .... I'll try to chanhge the immage with the flower with the another, but I don't know if is complicate ???


New Member
it is not that complicate you only have to watch that your new image has the same resolution, same fileextension, same size or smaller than the original flower image thats all.



New Member
Hallo Leute,

habe gerade versucht das tool von Oxa herunter zu laden, aber leider funzt der link nicht :(.

Kann mir evtl. jemand weiterhelfen?

Viele Grüße



I haven't tried it yet, somehow I couldn't even install the software when I wanted to test it a while ago, maybe I'll give a newer version a try :)

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