ciPhone 3g firmware geflasht :-)


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colonel wie lange hat der versandbei dir gedauert udn welche versandart hast du gewählt
Ca. 2 1/2 Wochen und ich habe den billigsten Versand (registered Airmail) genommen.

Can you tell me where can i find information about the firmwares and flashing tools for the Ciphone s689
Sorry, I have NO IDEA!!! :( I only looked into flashing my ciPhone, I don't know anything about the s689 :(


New Member
Hi Dirk, follows the forum, from a posting wifi, has arrived from few to Rome. I must depart again in 30 minutes.
I take advantage of it, to ask you if you were so kind to be written a footstep footstep, on the procedure for flashare the telephone. I don't absolutely want to misuse of your goodness, but not speaking the German, neither the English, finds a lot of difficulty to perform the procedure reading the various posts of the forum. The time that you want take, you make the things with your comfort and, as soon as you have time and the pleasure to do him/it, you can also send a mail to my address
What I ask you is the detailed procedure, departing from the lighting of the computer to the connection of the telephone, to the various phases of the whole operation.
I would want to be able to repay you of this bother, but I would not know how. Make me know if you are daccordo, and the whole time that you want take.
I thank so much still you


New Member
aaaalso ich hab den von fastcardtech nochmal gefragt, da ist wohl firmware v2.2 drauf mit deutscher menusprache und umlauten ;) allerdings haben auch die die nationalen holidays.... damn


New Member
I have only three words to be able to tell you.
Be simply grandiose!!!!!!
I will always follow you on the forum, and as soon as it will arrive to me the cable, if I had to have some problem (I wish me of no), if you are not sorry it, I will ask your help.
For now I greet you.
Hi my friend


New Member
Good morning Dirk, you will now be sleeping still surely.
I, am returned just instead by the job. I have a problem with the drivers of the ciphone. I just connect the telephone to the pc, the telephone it gives me three options. Mass storage, Webcam, Com Port.
If I select Mass Storage, the pc, sees the telephone as two hard external disk, the inside memory of the telephone, and, a hard disk from 8G.
if I select Webcam, it appears me screens her of the webcam, but nothing doesn't happen. If I choose Com Port instead, the pc asks me for the installation of the drivers, but hes doesn't succeed in finding them. me, in the box of the telephone, don't I have any cd with the drivers, where can I find them those proper?
Could I have some difficulties to connect the telephone to the pc, with the cable flash?
I greet you and I thank you


The Driver that the pc requires me is MT6229


New Member
Hi Great!! Dirk, The drivers for the com are all right. I don't know whether to install the drivers for the web. which is the procedure for making to recognize the function webcam?


If you want to use the ciPhone as a web cam, you need some sort of web cam software for example WebcamXP. I'm no computer expert, you somehow have to "force" Windows to install the web cam driver I provided and NOT to use the windows driver.
Maybe this thread will help you a little??

Below is a picture of WebcamXP and the ciPhone used as a webcam



New Member
I can't get radio working with 1.5 firmware. When I plug handsfree in phone says "TV-Out plugged in". When I turn radio on the phone wants me to plug earphone in.


I didn't test the radio with the v1.5 firmware :(
I have the v.1.1 firmware on my phone right now and the radio is working fine :)

Here is something you could try AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!! I have NO IDEA if this has something to do with it, I haven't testet it!!!!

Go into the engineer mode: *#83646633*

When I check:

Device - TV-Out

it says that my TV-Out is OFF by default. Maybe you can check if your TV-Out is on????

I don't know what happens when you change anything in that setting, it's up to you if you want to change anything there!!!


New Member
colonel, bekomm ich dein wallpaper vom laptop??? ;)

warum nutzt du die 1.1 und nicht die aktuellere 1.5, nur so interessehalber

mfg fuller


It's OFF too in my phone. Are you using CiPhone 1.1 or CiPhone 3G 1.1 firmware?
Right now I have the v1.1 firmware on my phone :)

colonel, bekomm ich dein wallpaper vom laptop??? ;)

warum nutzt du die 1.1 und nicht die aktuellere 1.5, nur so interessehalber

mfg fuller

Die v1.1 Version wurde ja er nach der v1.5 Version "entdeckt", drum habe ich die aus Testzwecken geflasht und da sie nicht schlecher zu sein scheint als die v1.5, habe ich sie auf meinem Phone gelassen :)


New Member
Der Dienst gulli:share wurde am 01.09.2008 eingestellt. Mehr dazu kannst du hier nachlesen.
Danke für dein Interesse und noch viel Spaß im gulli:board.

bitte im reup!! wäre das möglich??


Du wolltest doch nur "mein" Wallpaper haben und der ist doch in dem Post zu haben :) Mit diesem Upload bei gulli hatte ich ja nichts am Hut, da solltest Du Dich wohl mal bei dem Verfasser Stephan melden ;)


New Member
Good evening Dirk. you could point out me, a site, or, a link whether to be able to unload of the games and of the applications java for the ciphone.On the video that you have inserted on youtube, I have seen that in the folder java, has a lot of applications. I like the game of the bowling
I hope that I arrive soon to me the cable for the new firmware.
AH! excuse me, I have read one your old post, where you explained some changes hardware. I have also seen some screens where you underlined some electronic components.
Of thing he treats?

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