ciPhone 3g firmware geflasht :-)


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New Member
also laut dem msn typ soll das umlaute können... werde mir dann das flashkabel bestellen und versuchen zu dumpen auch als backup aber klar werde ich dir dann gerne uppen!


also laut dem msn typ soll das umlaute können... werde mir dann das flashkabel bestellen und versuchen zu dumpen auch als backup aber klar werde ich dir dann gerne uppen!

Das wäre SUPER!!!! Und sollte sich (warum auch immer) Dein Handy mal verabschieden, dann hast Du mit dem Flashkabel zumindest eine Hoffnung das Handy wiederzubeleben ;)

So'n Flashkabel zu haben kann nie schaden :)


Nein, das wird nicht klappen, das Phone hat eine andere Hardware.


Mach das :)

Ich glaube, ne neuere Firmware als die vom 17.09.2008 gibt es noch nicht, aber ein paar andere Sprachen wären natürlich klasse :)

Es soll noch eine Firmware vom 10.09.2008 geben, die ANGEBLICH ein paar Fehler weniger haben soll??? Weiß aber nicht, ob das stimmt :(


New Member
Gutes Tag zu allen. Ich bin ein neues Mitglied.
Ich würde gern wissen, wenn, für die Fortbildung der Firmware von 2g zu 3G, des ciphone 8G, es dient nur den Hohl Daten, und, der sofware. (welch?
Oder es gibt die Notwendigkeit, usw einige Änderungen hardware,come saldature,aprire das Telefon vorzunehmen.. usw..
Danke zu allen für die Antworten


Infernus øv Hèll
Sorry Valentino, but it´s difficult for us to understand you.
I think you had translated your text into german with google or something else.
The text is a wrong translation, and we aren´t able to understand it.
Maybe you can ask again in English??
And sorry for my very bad english^^


Infernus øv Hèll
mmh eher unwahrscheinlich aber vielleicht kann er ja ein wenig english sprechen mal abwarten was er antwortet^^


New Member
OK! OK! I am sorry so much, me, as Dirk has said, I am Italian. I have used a software of translation, but, it looks like it is not very valid. What I want to tell you, is that I am a new affiliate in the forum, that I hold, both very valid and interesting.
I would want to adjourn the firmware of my ciphone 8G. To transform it from 2G to 3G.
I would want to know, if, all it takes is purchasing the cable you date, and, to get the new firmware, or it is necessary to open the telephone, and, to modify the hardware.
Thanks for your answers.


Hi Valentino :)

All you need is the cable, no need to open the phone :)

Once you have the cable, you can easily flash the 3G firmware on your ciPhone :)


New Member
Do you tell me where I can purchase the cable?
If I don't disturb you so much, would I have necessity to know if it needs particularly me some softwares, and, which?
Where do I take the file of the new firmware? I have two computers, one, with windows xp professionel and one with windows Vista. Which is it best for the operation?
Don't I want to be very conceited, but if I will need your help, can I count on you?
You are a true friend.
P.S I have seen the video of your mother. I have been moved, and I have cried.
Your mother is marvelous, the, her eyes have remained I engraved in my mind.
she always remembers, that even if we cannot see our cars anymore the, the life over the life it exists, they observe us to them and they always drive us.
Our memory and our love, can hold only in life who is not more.
Remember!!!!! A person dies really, only when she is stopped remembering it and to speak of her.
I embrace you.


Thank you for your kind words about my mother :)

Check out this thread:

In Post #5 you can download the Flashtool, in post #15 is the link to the cable, in post #71 you can find the 3G firmware from 17.09.2008 and the original Java files, in post #101 is onther 3G firmware from 10.09.2008.

If need ANY help flashing the phone, you can count on me, I'll help you!! :)

EDIT: I forgot, I have VISTA running and that works just great with the Flashtool :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


New Member
Thanks for your availability. But is the cable that "Cable Compatible Lowered for 4?"
Does it take so much time to receive it? Don't you know, a faster way to make it arrive in Italy in less time?

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