CiFans Q4


Well-Known Member
Edit: Achtung Fehlinformation: Siehe Post 65!

ach hat jemand etwa sein Q4 in einem Pub liegen lassen :hahaha:
So oder so ähnlich könnte es gewesen sein:

Die Jungs von CiFANS müssen wirklich alles nachmachen, sogar den Präsentations Skandal des iPhone4. ;)

Und Jason streitet natürlich erst mal alles ab:
- Original: Klick
- Google Deutsch: Klack
- Google English: Klick
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Well-Known Member
Ja, kann auch alles ganz anders sein, nämlich ein ganz anderes Gerät. ;)
Ich schau mal weiter, was ich noch an Hinweisen finden kann.

Google Deutsch: Klick

Goolge Deutsch: Klick

Ist es ein Clone vom CiFANS Q4 oder das Q4x?
Haha, das Video sah später, ist Taiwan in der Tat CiFANS Produkte, 3,5-Zoll-Bildschirm Original Sharp, kapazitiven Touchscreen, sehr glatt, gehärtetem Glas vor, 10.4mm mit einem doppelten Dicke des Glases, 3.5mm Kopfhörerbuchse, die symmetrische 01.01 Kabelbuchse, glatt den Unlock-Steuerung, die neueste Software WM6.5.3, Dual 256 Speicherplätze, 3,2 Millionen Samsung-Kamera, Standard WiFi, GPS, unten die rote und grüne Ladeanzeige links, es ist nicht perfekt top der 3 im Namen der SIM-Karte Schublade Jack, Mute-Taste und so weiter. . .

. . . Allerdings. . . Dies ist unsere Produktlinie, die mit sehr hohen Kosten "Q4x", nicht die Legende des Sets "Q4PRO" auch! !
Zitat Jason Post 17
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Well-Known Member
Jason steht unter Druck. Zum einen weiß er um die Produkte der Konkurrenz, wie bspw. dem D9, andererseits hat er Versprechen gegenüber der Community einzuhalten. Denn diese erwartet vor dem Nationalfeiertag [damit müssten die Tage 01. bis 03. Oktober gemeint sein] etwas Konkretes, nämlich das fertige Produkt. Deshalb hat er zuletzt wenig Schlaf gefunden und sagt, dass er morgen weitere Details nennen wird.

Als herausragendes Feature wurde das Q4 im Gegensatz zu anderen mit kapazitivem Display angekündigt, allerdings nur mit HVGA-Display. Nun ist Jason aber das Argument der Mitbewerber
WVGA-Bildschirm, 480 * 800 Auflösung, frei von den gravierenden Mangel Ciphone Reihe von Software-Problemen
wohl bekannt, denn er äußert:
Die Wahl des nächsten D9 Studenten, es hat noch viele weitere, die vor dem Austausch Maschine kommen, bin ich mehr daran interessiert WVGA Bildschirm, um die ersten Früchte der Haut sehen, kann die Stabilität der Software zu erreichen dieses Niveau.
und er beklagt:
Da die kapazitiven Screen-Technologie und Produktion Barrieren hoch sind, um qualitativ hochwertige Produkte haben in der ersten Maschine zu Maschine während des gesamten Produktionsprozesses muss warten,
Quelle Google Deutsch: Klick

Naja, wie auch immer die Google Übersetzung zu deuten ist, lassen wir uns morgen mal überraschen, ob und - wenn ja - um welche Features das Q4 weiter :download: wird.


Well-Known Member
Wenn ich noch dran denke, wie lange ich damals aufs C6 gewartet habe aber es nie überhaupt mal einige zwischeninfos gab, ist das ganze ja schon recht fortschrittlich....auf jeden Fall wirds direkt am Erscheinungstag geordert! :)


joa habe es gerade gelesen mit dem online shop. Zumindest kannst du schon das q4 reservieren wers braucht :grin:


Well-Known Member
Einige Fragen und Antworten:

1, let's kind of how that LOGO ah, what a true face.
JASON: Let's LOGO design has been completed and has been called a glass factory for hot silver screen, true sent before Friday.
** Additional important point, use CiFANS own LOGO, the greatest significance is to "in" sun "provides the quickest and most quality after-sales service, to avoid the previous organic machine, no one received the case again. We are more in Shenzhen "friendly friends" have given a very clear "tips" with all the fruit LOGO products will become increasingly difficult after the "very light" of providing services to users. hope porridge can appreciate!

2, 4th generation accessories on the market is not especially large, we provide accessories shop much? After all, we in Q4 to be thicker than the real fruit, 1mm, too little freshman. 4 on behalf of the relevant market, the Q4 accessories we can use it?
JASON: To be honest, I did not tested very professional, some time ago used a number of samples sent by suppliers, as the thickness of 1mm, and it did not cause a significant impact. We have started and some internal parts of the original made fruit suppliers to discuss when we ship the machine slowly after the similar parts will be provided to keep up.

3, let the camera what a capacity ah, 320w In fact, the first is good if the camera can be quite clear.
JASON: camera with original Samsung modules, related follow-up Screen will demonstrate.

4, rmvb small functions we see it?
JASON: 520Mhz the K3 software solution can use the program to see rmvb, but the effect in terms of, or recommended solution to mp4 format for playing hard.

5, later also offers activities? Example, an order for more concessions, I have a friend also looking at it!
JASON: will be there, please pay close attention to our notice.

6, let the gravity system support for photo-for-rock songs?
JASON: Let's gravity system can support this functionality, but the current production version of the software, do not put it into the next version of the new ROM will have this update.

We have a little to the proposal:
1, we can machine the past two days the faithful to put in a little real machine pictures, video wisdom for the.
JASON: Yes, being arranged.

2, lots of software with the best, after all, "idiot" type more, ha ha ha
JASON: Well, this is a must. We also hope that our porridge help upload some more high quality software, to a total share

Frage: Q4 should support the EDGE 2.75G, right?
Jasons Antwort: Some, Q3, Q4 series of the same, Philips NXP's EDGE module, the faster and stable, and more power.
Quelle: Klick

In the second to a simple explanation

A. 3.5-inch WVGA do with fruit and four generations of weakness;
1, the appearance will have very clear on both sides of the "black rough edge" to increase the cottage feel
2, compared with the same 3.5-inch "4:3" HVGA fruit display, 3.5-inch "16:9" WVGA lattice become smaller, basically capacitive screen difficult to achieve natural control of hand skin. This is why Apple has just come out of the 2nd generation and 3rd generation machines are in a 4:3 HVGA screen, but then, I believe we all remember that HTC has a 3.8-inch WVGA out of the HD1, Is not the ability to do that time Apple WVGA lattice? There is another example of why google's security desk system, the capacitance standard screen size is the 3.5-inch HVGA?

B. Fruit with separate speakers to do four generations of weakness;
The expense of the antenna and battery space, reducing the GSM phone and GPS receiving sensitivity.
D9 friend is designed to separate the lower right corner of the speaker into the machine, our engineers have tried in six months ago, a similar design, but because of lack of space and not to use, this design needs to give up using large area, model good ceramic GPS Enhanced GSM antenna and antenna, and if the speaker is not an independent structural design of the back cover to help open air, the relative effect is not particularly good. After balancing the benefits, we finally chose to GSM mobile phone antenna and GPS antenna to focus on ceramic design blueprint.
Interested students, after buying the D9, GPS antenna can see the materials used and the location of the data connection port, this could explain why the data link D9 down side I need to offset, rather than put it in the.
Another point to add, why Apple's products are used all the built-in battery? The reason is the quality and life if the battery capacity (in general, under normal use, at least one and a half to two days) have been tested after the full confidence of manufacturers have adopted the look to do even more beautiful. We also evaluated if the use of D9 battery space, can only be found in the market generally use 800mAh point core, which in terms of intelligent machines is unacceptable.
Quelle: Klick

Q4PRO and Q3PRO have similar 3D compass, using the German BOSCH products.
Quelle: Klick
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viel zu viel schnikck schnack wo man nur 3-4 mal benutzt um anzugeben das man es hat und dann wird es nie wieder verwendet.


Well-Known Member
Fragen und Antworten - Teil 2:

First added by post machine machine CiFANS 3G product line, Q3 and Q4 form the first 3G machines listed in about November, the first will use Telecom's EVDO standard. Interested students are requested to take notice.
Quelle: Klick

We have our own independent research and development, procurement, logistics, production, quality control and sales team, have their own special intelligence program to the company-specific and does not provide any program to any company, so we are not people so-called solutions company. Believe that this answer is more specific.
Quelle: Klick

Q series machine, extroverted voice separate yet? Oh, this is very important.
tist on 2010-8-18 08:49

I am sorry to say, this version also failed to do so, mainly capacitive screen cable, 3 100 200 000 pixel camera, GPS chip and antenna are all accounted for a large space, plus we need to reserve sufficient space for 1200mAH The battery can only extroverted trumpet combo. But this time we went to a good manufacturer, coupled with a new structure on the speaker design help, the overall volume has been significantly improved over 30%.
Quell: Klick

...coupled with some of the work arrangements Q5 project...
Quelle: Klick


Well-Known Member
Nicht gleich übertreiben! ;)

Vielleicht ist zunächst ein Produkt gemeint, wie es der CiFANS Admin angedeutet hat:
And we will start announcing a series of new products which are specifically designed for oversea market.
Also eher ein Q4 mit 3G/UMTS. Denn bis jetzt wissen wir offiziell ja noch gar nichts von Q3 und Q4, denn die Rubrik "[Q3, Q4 - 电容屏] - Coming soon ..." auf der alten Cifans Website gibt bis jetzt noch keine Infos in Englisch preis. Und bis jetzt sind nur die chinesischen CiFans in das neue Forum eingeladen worden, denn dieses ist noch nicht bilingual ausgelegt.


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