ciPhone 3G Firmware Flashing in English


Since there appear to be quite a few visitors and members from non-German-speaking countries, I decided to write a little tutorial on how to flash the ciPhone 3G firmware to an "old" ciPhone. First of all, you need a flash cable, you CANNOT use the original USB cable that comes with the ciPhone. It is available here:,4,Nokia8800,,NokiaN70,,NokiaN73,new,release,PDA,screen,big,than,old,model,,NokiaN73C,,NokiaN73 C2sim,,NokiaN73G,,NokiaN75,small,,NokiaN91,,Nokia6228PDA,,TecnoM280,,EverfoE591,,EverfoE713D,,Eve,,8 ,pin,COM,1,Cable,25895.php?cat=2185∏=25895

EDIT: I think the URL has changed, check this out:,4,Nokia8800,,NokiaN70,,NokiaN73,new,release,PDA,screen,big,than,old,model,,NokiaN73C,,NokiaN73C2sim,,NokiaN73G,,NokiaN75,small,,NokiaN91,,Nokia6228PDA,,TecnoM280,,EverfoE591,,EverfoE713D,,Eve,,8,pin,COM,1,Cable,Compatible,25895.php?cat=2185%E2%88%8F=25895∏=25895

You also need software for flashing, you can download it here:

The Firmware APL216_V1.5_20080916, languages: English, Arabic, 2x Chinese:

UPDATE!!! New Firmware:

New Firmware:
Version: APL216_PCB01_GPRS_MT6230_S02.APL216_V1_2_20080916.BIN
Build: APL216_V1.2_20080916.6230_06B_HW.2008/09/18 13:53.BUILD_NO.06B APL216
Languages: English, Spanish, German, Vietnamese, Thai

Edit: NEW LINK!!!!

In order to have all the applications on the 3G firmware running properly, here are the original JAVA applications that come with the ciPhone 3G, after the whole flashing procedure is done, simply copy them into the "Java" directory on your TF-Card.

Once you have all this, the flashing can begin:

Go to your flash tool directory and start the "Flash_tool.exe" file.

Go to "File" - "Open Download Agent File", select the "MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin" file which is inside the "MTK FlashTool_v3.748.0" directory

Go to "File" -"Open Scatter-loading File", select the "scatAPL216.txt" file which is inside firmware directory. Edit: The name of the file could be different, it depends on which firmware your are flashing, but it's ALWAYS a txt file!!!!

Your Flash Tool should look something like this:

Switch your phone OFF, connect it with your PC via your flash cable, connect a 9V battery to the flash cable.

Press the "Download" button of the Flash Tool software, the software now waits for the phone to be turned on to start the flashing process.

Turn your phone on, flashing will start and it will take approximately 50 minutes to complete.

[FONT=&quot]After flashing is complete, close the Flash Tool software, turn on your phone and enjoy your new firmware :)

EDIT: After Flashing the "[/FONT]APL216_V1.5_20080916" Firmware, you need to do a "Pen Calibration" and the language will be Chinese, so here's a little "step-by-step" instruction:


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New Member
nice die anleitung, richtig ausführlich aber ich glaube du hast die eigentliche firmware in deinem post vergessen oder? der inhalt der speicherkarte ist verlinkt, das flashtool auch, die firmware finde ich nicht.. oder erblinde ich??


New Member
a few member own the "old" ciphone not the 3G, but the hardware is the same also you can upgrade to Ciphone 3G by flashing the 3G firmware, its simple and updates your phone a lot, you got the extendend homscreen about 3 pages and a lot bugs are busted, but the best part is that JAVA is included in this firmware. for more diferrences i think you can ask ColonelZap;)

ahh zu spät war der colonel schneller ;)
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CiPhone Fan
@Colonelzap: Würde mal ne PDF Datei draus machen, wäre evtl. ganz Sinnvoll! Werde dein Tutorial auf jeden Fall testen, aber vorher auf ein Ladegerät warten! :grin:


New Member
hello, and I followed your steps, but what happens next to me to change the firmware given an error ciphone and now I can not turn on me you can lend a hand​


hello, and I followed your steps, but what happens next to me to change the firmware given an error ciphone and now I can not turn on me you can lend a hand​

I can try ;-)
If your phone doesn't start anymore it usually means that the flash tool and the phone have at least communicated with each other, which is a GOOD thing :)

Try doing a hardware reset on your phone by inserting a paper clip (or whatever) in the little hole on the left side of the phone for a few seconds and then try flashing it again.

This sometimes happens, I don't know why, it has happend to me a lot of times before but eventually I was always able to flash the phone :)

Give it a try and please report back, o.k.?!? :)

Good luck :)


New Member
I thank the ciphone 3g phone, it introduced a clip on the left side so I could better indicate that they do not understand where I was alone on the left side volume buttons and a button on top of them but I do not see any orifice​


New Member
ok thanks uncle problem solved now try to make changes to items ringtones etc and inform you if there is success thanks greetings​


New Member

i'm french and i have a Ciphone :grin: (V1)

I would like to install 3g firmware, but it's possible to have a french firmware, with french language ?

I can translate English to French.



New Member


New Member
Hab die neue Firmware geflasht und Französisch ist dabei. Da ich kein Französisch kann , werde ich auch nicht zu der Übersetzung sagen können.
Konnte auch sonst (leider) keine Veränderung feststellen.

Auch hab ich mal den Absoluten Hardcore Horror Test gemacht und das Kabel kurz nachdem Flashanfang abgezogen und es tat sich nichts mehr. Ich konnte nicht mehr Flashen und das Phone reagierte auch überhaupt nicht mehr. 15 Min probiert und verzweifelt, bis ich dann mal auf die Idee gekommen bin nen Hardreset zu machen und schwupps konnte ich wieder Flashen. Also nur dadurch kann man es NICHT Killen.:yahoo:


Bei mir ist es beim Flashen auch schon x-mal abgeschmiert und es ging GAR NICHTS mehr!!! Nach einem Hardrest konnte ich es aber bisher immer wieder neu flashen :) Braves ciPhone :)


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