ciPhone 3g firmware geflasht :-)


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But is the cable that "Cable Compatible Lowered for 4?"
Sorry, I didn't understand that :(

I think the store is "on vacation" until the 8th, the shipping time was about two weeks to Germany, I chose the cheapest shipping methode.


New Member
The link that you have pointed out me, brings me in a page where so many cables there are. There is the Cable Compatible for China 1-2-3-4-5-6.
Do I now ask you which that proper is for the model of ciphone that we have? The cable compatible for China 4?
This is the link :,4,Nokia8800,,NokiaN70,,NokiaN73,new,release,PDA,screen,big,than,old,model,,NokiaN73C,,NokiaN73C2sim,,NokiaN73G,,NokiaN75,small,,NokiaN91,,Nokia6228PDA,,TecnoM280,,EverfoE591,,EverfoE713D,,Eve,,8,pin,COM,1,Cable,Compatible,25895.php?cat=2185&prod=25895&prod=25895


New Member
Yes it is correct. I have chosen the consignment with DHL, because he should arrive in 3-7 days, even if coast 14 Euro
When however I complete the order, it appears me the notice that the consignment for my order is free.
he is also communicated me that up to October 8 they don't work.
I would want to pay with paypal, but I don't know whether to directly pay from my account paypal, or they would owe me the to automatically address payment to the section.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


I see what you mean, the "free shipping" is only for those additional items they show you when checking out, you still have to pay she regular shipping costs.

I don't quite understand what your question about paypal is, I also paid by paypal when I ordered my cable, it worked just fine :)


New Member
Hmm ich weiß nich ob ich das Kabel per dem billigsten Versand schicken lassen soll oder per DHL ^^ :(
Aber da das eing egal ist weil es soweiso noch ne weile dauert bis mein Handy da ist also kann ich noch warten und bis ne neue Firmware raus kommt dauerts sowieso noch also bestell ichs mit dem billigsten Versand hoffe das kommt dann auch an xD :)


New Member
Well, I try to be more precise
When some object is purchased in an any site internet, after the whole procedure of recording, choice of the objects, type of consignment and type of payment, the site internet, to complete the transaction, invites yourself to pay. This time, instead, when I go on check out, it doesn't allow me to pay.
Should I go on my account paypal and to make the payment?


New Member
AH!!!! Here where I was wrong. At the end of the page where the gadgets there are, that invite you to purchase, there is the link to proceed to the payment.
What a fool!!!! I was going crazy


Hmm ich weiß nich ob ich das Kabel per dem billigsten Versand schicken lassen soll oder per DHL ^^ :(
Aber da das eing egal ist weil es soweiso noch ne weile dauert bis mein Handy da ist also kann ich noch warten und bis ne neue Firmware raus kommt dauerts sowieso noch also bestell ichs mit dem billigsten Versand hoffe das kommt dann auch an xD :)

Ich hatte auch den billigsten Versand gewählt :)


New Member
Now, I, am sorry boys, but I must go to job. I am an engineer of the railroads. (I am what drives the Eurostars to intend us)
We hear again there tomorrow.
I wish you a happy evening and I greet you


New Member
Ich glaube ich hab nen Problem. Ich habe nen Notebook. Dort gibt es aber gar nicht so einen Anschluss. Gibts das Kabel nicht auch mit USB?


Mein Laptop hat auch keinen Comport, aber ich habe mir mal einen USB auf Comport Adapter gekauft.

Ich DENKE es gibt auch eine USB Variante von dem Kabel, das Flashtool soll aber unter Vista nicht die USB Variante unterstützen (wenn ich mich nicht täusche)?!?


Hier ist die USB Variante, aber wie gesagt, da soll es Probleme mit Vista geben?!?,4,Nokia8800,,NokiaN70,,NokiaN73,new,release,PDA,screen,big,than,old,model,,NokiaN73C,,NokiaN73C2sim,,NokiaN73G,,NokiaN75,small,,NokiaN91,,Nokia6228PDA,,TecnoM280,,EverfoE591,,EverfoE713D,,Eve,USB,Unlocking,Cable,Compatible,25897.php?in=1197&find=china%204∏=25897

Noch ein Edit:
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New Member
so ich hab nun mal beide versionen bestellt also sowohl usb als auch para^^ :grin:
mal sehn wanns kommt

colonel wie lange hat der versandbei dir gedauert udn welche versandart hast du gewählt


New Member
Colonel Zap:
Can you tell me where can i find information about the firmwares and flashing tools for the Ciphone s689 cuz my phone have some bugs for example when im trying to edit one of the gprs profiles i have a problem when i try to writte the password because the phone reset it self so i cant have gprs and mms to work....i have search already in this forum but i dont find any useful information about this phone....if you have any information about this it would be very appreciated...

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