Xiaomi Redmi 5/a-Redmi Note 5/a kommen demnächst !


keine Ahnung, kann auch ein Photoshop Bild sein, oder komplett neues Konzept, gar keine buttons. Muß man dann per Gestikulation steuern oder so.
wieso gibt doch Onscreen Buttons, so wie auch beim Mix2 jetzt und seit Ewigkeiten bei Nexus und Pixel Smartphones :)

Bei MTK muss ich auch sagen "Nein Danke", dachte eigentlich das Xiaomi geheilt ist von MTK :(


Well-Known Member
wieso gibt doch Onscreen Buttons, so wie auch beim Mix2 jetzt und seit Ewigkeiten bei Nexus und Pixel Smartphones
Nicht alles, was "es gibt", was "in ist" oder "modern", ist auch gut, notwendig oder praktisch. Das fängt bei Downsizing von Verbrennungsmotoren nicht an und hört bei FHD-Displays für 5"-Geräte noch lange nicht auf...


Für China kommt bestimmt beim Note wieder eine MTK Variante, war ja immer so ^^ :p


Well-Known Member
Das wäre nicht schlecht...bisher findet man sehr unterschiedliche Angaben was sicher auch den wieder verschiedenen Versionen geschuldet ist.
Bei Gearbest steht als Prozessor der Snap 652 drin, bei giztop der Helio P25 und bei Banggood der Snap 630.

Meine Wunschkombi
- 5,5 Zoll
- Snap 636 oder 660
- 4/64GB
- gute Dualkamera
- 4.000mAh Akku mit USB C und quick charge
- Band 20

Das ganze darf dann auch 200 Euro kosten.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Well-Known Member
Vielleicht sollten wir einfach... abwarten und Tee trinken? Über ungelegte Eier zu philosophieren ist doch irgendwie Ressourcenverschwendung von Zeit und Nerven?


Es sollen wohl 3 verschiedene Versionen geben, Redmi Note 5 Standard Version (5X ? )mit Mediatek CPU und 3GB Ram/16 + 32GB Rom und Redmi Note 5 mit Snapdragon 630 4GB Ram 64GB Rom . Zusätzlich dann noch Redmi 5 PLus mit 5,7" HD Display und Snapdragon 450.

Was davon stimmt, weiß ich nicht. Sind halt auch noch Gerüchte. Man erwartet aber irgendwas am 11.11.

小米吃定全面屏!红米三款新机齐曝光:完美性价比 mydrivers

Millet eat full screen! Red rice three new machine Qi exposure: perfect cost
In fact, 18: 9 full screen, and will not give manufacturers to add too much cost, and the shape of the mobile phone compared to the full-screen, it is not only the cost of low production is also very easy, so the introduction of such a new machine To seize the market is also reasonable things.

There have been news that the millet prepared a cheap full-screen mobile phone, which will be part of the red rice series, most likely red rice Note 5, and now the news broke the news, the aircraft may advance to double before Release, of course, the final outcome depends on its actual output, after all, this phone is to sell more away, the release of finished goods is not on the meaning is not big.

As for the shape of the red rice Note 5, from the latest exposure details, it is equipped with a 5.65 inch 18: 9 screen (1080p level, the screen is from the Pegasus), the fuselage on the forehead have been particularly reduced, so the actual Screen share is quite good, while the back to provide fingerprint recognition, and a dual camera blessing.

Configuration, red rice Note 5 Standard Edition (may be called red rice 5X) is said to carry the MediaTek P25 processor, comes standard with 3GB memory and 16 / 32GB storage space, and high with the version is Xiao Long 630 blessing, memory combination upgrade To 4GB RAM +64 GB storage space, so in accordance with the price to see, it should be 1299 yuan, high with hit 1599 yuan or so.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to this red rice Note 5, the millet also prepared a cheaper full-screen mobile phone, is expected to be named the red rice 5 Plus title, equipped with 5.7-inch 720p full screen, equipped with 14nm process based on Xiao Long 450 Processor, the price is expected to be 799 yuan.

As for the double eleven millet how to arrange their own new machine, it is not clear but can be sure that millet 6 4GB memory version will be introduced, the price may be done 1999 yuan, if so, then will undoubtedly stimulate more Many users to buy.
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Active Member
Könnte mir vorstellen das die eher den 630 oder 636 Snapdragon verwenden. Dachten ja auch alle das beim Mi Max 2 ein 660 zum Einsatz kommt aber der würde den Abstand zu den Premium Smartphones zu stark verringern...


paar Gerüchte und ein Bild vom Redmi Note 5 Plus Karton.

小米发飙!三款红米全面屏手机上路:主攻性价比 mydrivers

Millet soared! Three red rice full screen mobile phone on the road: the main cost
Although millet this year, important models have been released, but before the end of the year or will be sent a explosive models, the price is cheaper, full-screen mobile phone, how much we look forward to?

Now on the Internet to release the latest news that millet will be released in December, a full screen to enter the new machine red rice Note 5, which will be equipped with 18: 9 full screen design, and before they also intend to release two full-screen new machine Red rice 5 and red rice 5 Plus, according to this argument, millet prepared at least 3 such a new machine.

In addition, from the netizens exposed red rice full screen of the new machine spy photos, the white version looks a little special, it is said that although the three phones are 18: 9 full screen, but one of the screen is 5.5 inches 720p, While the other two are 5.99 inches 2160 × 1080.

It is worth mentioning that the difference between red rice 5 and red rice 5 Plus is that the former corresponds to 3GB RAM + 32GB ROM storage portfolio, while the latter is 4GB RAM +64 GB ROM storage portfolio, the price was 1099 yuan, Equipped with MediaTek P25 processor.

As for the more high-end red rice Note 5, it is said that the starting Xiaolong 636 processor, providing rear dual-camera, will still be 3GB RAM + 32GBROM storage combination start, the price is expected to be around 1599 yuan.
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