Xiaomi MIX 3 ? - Snapd 845 ? Samsung 2K Display Qi wireless charging ?



Angebliche Bilder eines Mix 3

小米MIX 3真机曝光!颜值飙升/前摄消失 cnmo

Millet MIX 3 real machine exposure! Face value soars / proactive disappears
 [ Mobile China News] With the release of vivo NEX and OPPO Find X , all the full-screen and non-full-screen mobile phones sold have become extremely boring and people have lost their interest in buying. Although the appearance style of vivo NEXand millet MIX 2 S are similar, but the screen ratio is higher, the front camera design is also very cool. The latest network broke the news that millet's next-generation flagship MIX 3 is likely to follow up this design quickly, or will soon meet with us.

In the exposure chart, the design of the top of the millet MIX 3 is almost the same as that of the millet MIX 2S , but the design of the “chin” changes very much. The width of the chin is only half that of the MIX 2S millet, reaching the very narrow level of the vivo NEX. This width is not enough to put down the front camera. We believe that the adoption of a pop-up camera for the Xiaomi MIX 3 is a high-probability event. After all, Xiaomi's camera patents have been applied for a long time.

Millet MIX third-generation products in addition to the CPU performance and rear camera upgrade, the design has not been a major breakthrough, the unique feelings brought to the rice noodles gradually disappeared, but also to rice noodles millet MIX's next-generation products are no longer full of expectations . The exposure of the millet MIX 3 real machine has greatly boosted the confidence of rice flour. I hope Xiaomi can bring us a big surprise.
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User des Jahres
Ich hatte erst einen Herzinfarkt wegen meine Mi8 order. Aber pop up camera?

Alles richtig gemacht. Nä, da hab ich (aktuell) keine Lust drauf.
Warten wir die weitere Entwicklung mal ab.


Well-Known Member
Ist doch gut, dann rückt das 2s in den Focus. Von mir aus können Sie die Egokamera weglassen.


Angeblich bekommt das Mix 3 ein 2K Amoled Display und , wie beim Vivo NEX , eine ausklappbare Frontkamera. Sind allerdings noch Gerüchte.

小米MIX 3细节曝光 骁龙845+2K全面屏 cnmo

Millet MIX 3 details exposure 骁 845+2K full screen
[ Mobile China News] At the end of March, Xiaomi launched the new MIX 2 S with the "S" suffix for the MIX series . Due to the mid-term change, some users are watching the Xiaomi MIX 3 in advance . Recently, Xiaomi MIX 3 has a variety of rumors from time to time, there is news that the aircraft will be released in September-October. If the rumors are true, the aircraft will compete with the top brands such as the new iPhone, Samsung Note9 and Huawei Mate 10 .

 After the release of OPPO Find X and vivo NEX , the pressure of the domestic full-screen flagship has increased sharply, especially the Xiaomi MIX series that created the concept of “full screen”. It is foreseeable that the current evolution of the Xiaomi MIX series is to narrow the chin width to achieve a higher screen ratio. To achieve this, there is news that Xiaomi will use the lift camera solution on the aircraft.

Today, some netizens exposed the details of the suspected Xiaomi MIX 3. The aircraft is equipped with a Samsung 2K AMOLED display, using COP packaging technology, is expected to greatly reduce the width of the lower border of the screen. In addition, Xiaomi MIX 3 is also equipped with a 20-megapixel lifting self-timer lens, equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 mobile platform, supporting pressure sensitive screen fingerprint and Qi wireless charging.

  The authenticity of this picture is still open to question. If it is true, Xiaomi MIX 3 will become more versatile.
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Well-Known Member
Wieso glauben immer alle "wird bestimmt ne Million kosten"?
Mi8 war auch die Rede "bestimmt 600 aber immer noch gut" und es sind keine 400€ am Ende gewesen. Mix 2s hätte 1000€ kosten können und war eines der erdten 845 Geräte, trotzdem 425€


Angebliches Produkt Bild.

饭制小米MIX 3渲染图:下巴取消、配骁龙855 mydrivers

Rice millet MIX 3 renderings: chin canceled, with 骁 855 855
With the spotlight of Xiaomi 8 full color and the price reduction of Xiaomi MIX2/MIX 2S, the pace of Xiaomi's new flagship machine has gradually accelerated. The rumor has been MIX 3.

Indian rice noodles have recently drawn a rendering of the millet MIX 3 and gave an imaginary price of 37,999 rupees (about 3,700 yuan).

This "Millet MIX3" is designed to have a zero chin shape, but the top has a forehead similar to Samsung Note 9, which is quite different from the previous generations.

Configuration, the Indian rice noodles look forward to Xiaomi MIX 3 equipped with Snapdragon 855 chip, 8GB RAM, 256GB ROM, front 16 million + 12 million dual camera, 3850mAh battery, IP68 waterproof, pre-support 5G and body thickness of only 6mm.

In general, the elements that are not reliable are mostly, so let's take a look.

From the exploration of the previous generations of Xiaomi MIX, the practice of moving to the bottom has not been followed by the peers. Instead, the COP package represented by iPhone X has cut off the chin and become the most accepted method to improve the screen ratio. Millet MIX 3 will also use the lift design?


Well-Known Member
Schade, da wohl auch die Hörmuschel da mit sitzen wird und man es dann ständig nutzen muss. Dann bleibe ich doch lieber beim Mi Mix 2s.


Schade, da wohl auch die Hörmuschel da mit sitzen wird und man es dann ständig nutzen muss. Dann bleibe ich doch lieber beim Mi Mix 2s.
wenn das Hoch-Schieben allerdings gleich als Annehmen bzw. Starten eines Anrufes fungiert, fände ich das gar nicht sooo blöd .

Face Unlock bei manuellem Schieben hätte sich dann auch irgendwie erledigt...
leider :(
(aber wurde das nicht auf einigen Geräten schon eh wieder elimimiert ? da war doch was mit "auf Indien umstellen" oder so ...)


Just me
Für viele europäische Länder wurde Face Unlock freigeschaltet, für Deutschland natürlich nicht. Und stimmt, die müßen dann die Region umstellen.


Well-Known Member
Das gilt komischerwiese nur für die Xiaomi/Redmi Geräte. Mit den Geräten von Samsung, LG, OnePlus, Vivo, Oppo, Huawei/Honor, Asus ist Face Unlock irgendwie kein Problem, auch wenn man Deutschland als Region auswählt. Vorausgesetzt, man kann/muss die Region auswählen.


Angeblich soll das Mix3 am 15 Oktober vorgestellt werden.
Ich bin echt gespannt ob es nun einen manuellen oder automatischen Slider bekommt, ebenso ob man zum Telefonieren sliden muss?

Mal schauen, ob es mein Vivo bereits ablösen kann, oder doch nicht. :smoke:


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