Xiaomi Mi5 / Mi5 Plus


Well-Known Member

According to the leak, the Xiaomi Mi5 will feature a 5.2-inch screen, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor coupled with 3GB or 4GB of RAM, a 16-megapixel rear camera, and a 3,000mAh battery. There’s also a rumor that the Mi5 may also be equipped with fingerprint ID technology. While the specifications of the Mi5 may not seem that different from its predecessor, the Mi4, it will come with the Snapdragon 810 which is widely considered as the current most powerful smartphone SoC so the performance of the Mi5 is expected to be impressive.

Additionally, a second phone was leaked today, a larger version of the Mi5 called the Mi5 Plus. According to the leak, the Mi5 Plus will feature a 6-inch 2K display with a bezel-less/borderless design as well as 4GB of RAM, 32GB of internal storage, and a 16-megapixel rear camera with optical image stabilization. No other information on the Mi5 Plus has been released but it should be expected to feature the same processor as the Mi5 as the Snapdragon 810 is the best available chip at the moment.

While the exact date of release of both devices is still unknown, it’s expected that Xiaomi will launch both devices sometime in July as they did with the Mi4 last year.


Nochmal ein paar Details zum Mi5 und Mi5 plus. Keine AHnung , ob das stimmt. Das Mi5 soll angeblich 2399 yuans kosten (350€).

小米5、5 Plus完全曝光!隐形战斗机都搬出来了 mydrivers

Millet 5,5 Plus fully exposed! Stealth fighter have to move out
Note millet top version listed did not take long, the next generation of millet 5 have come, and still is a dual version together and configuration is quite high, continue to high-end moving.

According KJuma microblogging users broke the news, Millet 5 will be divided into Normal Edition, Plus Edition The main configuration has been set, even the prices are almost the same, but Note that this only works machine's configuration, the future does not rule out a change in the official version.

Look millet 5 regular edition, Negative 5.2 inch LCD 2560 × 1440 2K screen, both before and after the double-sided fourth generation Corning Gorilla Glass covering 2.5D.

Processor or Snapdragon 810 Looks millet repression this "hot potato" confident, after all patent also apply a lot, but millet Note top version of the problem solving actually not too good, I do not know what will happen millet 5.

The weird thing is, It is said that he also supports Qualcomm SenseID ultrasonic fingerprint recognition technology , But according to previous information, the technology is only updated Xiaolong 820 will support, millet do not know how to do? Is it with the update revision Xiaolong 810?

Camera, Rear 16 million pixels, front of 13 million pixels, but did not mention optical image stabilization.

The operating system is the new MIUI 7, based on Android 5.1, the so-called floating screen of style. Millet 4, etc. should be able to upgrade it, but I do not know what year and what month.

Battery capacity 3000mAh Support rapid charging technology, Five minutes can charge 30%, 40 minutes full.

Price is tentatively scheduled for 2399 yuan, It seems never to go back to 1999.

Millet 5 Plus version naturally more sturdy,Enlarged to 5.7-inch screen with a resolution or 2K, but what is known as "point-ion" screen. Is quantum dot? Or a new name?

Body Material All-metal, and the back will not be three-band "vaginal discharge", because the introduction of new absorbing materials, coating similar stealth fighter, does not signal shielded.

Processor finally on Snapdragon 820 Qualcomm quad-core 64-bit architecture independent, justifiably support ultrasonic fingerprint identification.

Upgrade to rear camera 23 million pixels, and supports optical image stabilization, laser focus. But the odd thing is the front only 12 million pixels, Not as the ordinary version.

Battery capacity enlarged to 3500mAh, Still supports the fast charge, 50 minutes can be filled.

Price did not say, will not go directed 3K?


Well-Known Member
Mit dem 810 ist es für mich tot,vllt sollte ich mir doch noch ein mi4 oder mi Note zulegen und auf das mi 6 warten


810 + 2K-Display + "nur" 3000 mAh-Akku + wahrscheinlich wieder nur Single Sim = auch für mich erledigt wenn es so kommt.


Gibt es schon was neues von dem Release?
nicht wirklich, das im Juli war irgendein neuer Router oder so.

Am 13.8. wird dann wieder was neues vorgestellt. Vermutlich MIUI 7 und weitere Produkte, aber sind mal wieder nur
Gerüchte. Was davon stimmt, keine Ahnung :)

意外:小米5、小米4i售价曝光!小米全线发飙 mydrivers

Accident: 5 millet, millet 4i price exposure! Millet boomed across the board
August 13th, millet new conference will be held, in addition to MIUI 7 outside, red rice Note 2 is also expected to debut. In fact, in addition, Lin Bin , president of millet had also revealed that the second half of millet will have a lot of good product release, and that what the new do?

There are Weibo user Exposure millet phone product line layout, 5 next new millet, millet 4i and other new products, but also gives a different type of priceʱ??

It is reported that, Millet 5 will provide Xiaolong 810 and 820 in two versions, priced at 2,599 yuan, 2,999 yuan; Note the top with millet is from the current 2,999 yuan fell to 2,499 yuan.

As millet 4i, also rice into high version, standard version of the two versions, the price of 1,099 yuan, 999 yuan ʱ?? The red rice upcoming Note 2 high version 799 yuan, 699 yuan, Standard Edition, is consistent with our message before exposure.

Finally, the entry level product line, Red Rice 2 high with the standard version is 599 yuan, respectively, 499 yuan, while the red rice 2A is dropping to 399 yuan ultra-low thresholdʱ??

If the message is true, millet future product line will cover the entire 399 yuan -2599 yuan price range, closely connected. Ability to complete the 80 million annual target, to see the performance of the second half.


Mi-Boy [CH]
war ja auch schon die rede von einem mi5 plus. also könnte auch sein mi5 mit helio x20 und mi5 plus mit snappy 820 ??? mich intressiert auch welche gpu mtk hier verbaut.
auf jedenfall sehr intressant.


Mi-Boy [CH]
wird ja immer interessanter, steht xiaomi etwa unter druck ? zuerst ein helio x10 phone redmi note 2, dann das upgrade vom mi4i-->mi4c. nun ein wahrscheinlich vorgezogener launch des mi5. da es aus der gerüchte küche hies das mi5 könnte ein gekrümmtes disply ala galaxy s6 edge haben, mache ich nun folgende prognose. mi5, 5,2" mit helio x20 als gpu mali T820/830/ oder T860. 3-4GB ram erscheint in den nächsten 2 monaten. zu haben dann ende november anfang dezember. nächstes jahr märz vorstellung des mi5s mit gekrümmtem display vielleicht 5,5" und dem snappy 820.


Well-Known Member
naja ich denke mir nun immer..wenn das mi5 nun wirklich früh kommt also sagen wir in 1-2 monaten....

warum haben sie das mi4c dann nicht mi5c genannt ? für marketing

wenn es denn kommen sollte


Mi-Boy [CH]
so hab nochmal auf der arm seite geschaut. dort gibt es nur angaben zum mali t820/830. T860/880 kommen dann wahrscheinlich erst nächstes jahr. also wird vermutlich der helio x20 mit mali t820 oder t830 kommen. @SnowyNight sind ja erst vermutungen/gerüchte, warten wir mal ab. aber eben den grössten absatz schafft mann schon in dwn tagen/wochen um weihnachten. ein verkäufer sagte mal dass sie 1/3 des jahresumsatzes an weihnachten machen oder besser gesagt im monat dezember. weiss ja nicht in wie weit das xiaomi intressiert da sie sich ja vornehmlich auf china/indien orientieren. aber hersteller die verkaufskanäle in europa und andere länder haben die weihnachten gross zelebrieren werden einen fetten umsatz machen.


Well-Known Member
so hab nochmal auf der arm seite geschaut. dort gibt es nur angaben zum mali t820/830. T860/880 kommen dann wahrscheinlich erst nächstes jahr. also wird vermutlich der helio x20 mit mali t820 oder t830 kommen. @SnowyNight sind ja erst vermutungen/gerüchte, warten wir mal ab. aber eben den grössten absatz schafft mann schon in dwn tagen/wochen um weihnachten. ein verkäufer sagte mal dass sie 1/3 des jahresumsatzes an weihnachten machen oder besser gesagt im monat dezember. weiss ja nicht in wie weit das xiaomi intressiert da sie sich ja vornehmlich auf china/indien orientieren. aber hersteller die verkaufskanäle in europa und andere länder haben die weihnachten gross zelebrieren werden einen fetten umsatz machen.
ja das ist mir schon bewusst ich hätte nur gerne bald mal eine bestätigung ob das mi4c wirklich kommt und ob es wirklich eine version mit 3gb ram geben wird, ansonsten würde ich auf das mi4/redmi note 2 oder mi4i sparen...

am mi5 habe ich erst ende nächsten jahres interesse wenn es günstig zu haben ist :)


erstes angebliches Benchmark Bild, im Vergleich zu anderen Handys und ein paar Hardware info.

Und angeblich bekommen Mi3,Mi4 und Note Android 6.0 diesen Samstag oder Sonntag, falls das stimmt.


Millet new flagship ran sub first exposure! Xiaolong 820 Xian
Millet new flagship use MediaTek processor ? Currently almost sure it can be equipped with a 820 Xiaolong.

Today, GeekBench database appeared in a code-named "Xiaomi gemini" new machine, the machine is equipped Snapdragon 820 processor (MSM8996), built-in 3GB of memory, running Android 6.0 system.

Page shows Fengyun Xiaolong 820 clocked at 1.6GHz (perhaps small nuclear?), the results for the 2140 single-threaded, multi-threaded to 4762.

As a comparison, leaked before Xiaolong 820 single-threaded / multi-threaded performance is 1887/3936 respectively, the scores improved nearly 20%.

Compare Kirin 950, a single-threaded performance occupy an absolute advantage, but because of the number of cores, only four, so multi-threaded performance disadvantage.

The contrast iPhone 6S view, then, to be behind a number of single-threaded, multi-threading is leading by about 10%.

In addition, compared Xiaolong 810 of view, the single-threaded performance boost by about 50 percent, multi-threaded performance is basically flat.

It is said that this may not be Xiaolong 820 final performance, future results will be the final version of the stronger.

Come back to say that millet this new machine, it is equipped with 820 Xiaolong almost a foregone conclusion , "gemini (Gemini)," the code is also consistent naming millet Series models (constellation), so it is likely that Development of millet 5.

What end can not meet with us? Wait and see.

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拒交专利费?小米5处理器确定:只用骁龙820 mydrivers

Refused to pay royalties? Millet 5 processor determines: only 820 Xiaolong
Now, the general manager of MediaTek Zhu Shangzu statement is misleading people. Why do you say that? Because millet processor 5 will only be Xiaolong 820.

Before the news that Qualcomm profit for the quarter fell a lot, mainly millet and association with defaulted royalties related to the fact that really so? After all, Qualcomm has invested over millet, while the company's China president Wang Xiang also joined the millet.

Now, IHS Technology, said Wang Yang, research director at China, millet no 3G / 4G communications core patented technology, and their relationship with Qualcomm is also very close, how could refuse to pay Qualcomm royalties .

In addition, he also stressed that millet 5 using Snapdragon 820 without using any other platform. In fact, millet 5 determined by Xiaolong 820 processor, the same message there before, mainly a conservative X20 technology may not achieve anticipated .

After the processor determines, news earlier today also shows that millet will provide 5 pre-fingerprint recognition, with 5.2-inch 1080p screen, 4GB of memory, 16 million OIS camera, 3000mAh battery capacity, the estimated price is 1999 yuan .

Millet 5 biggest suspense, the processor has been determined, the next time to see what was released.

小米3/4/Note吃上Android 6.0!mydrivers

Millet 3/4 / Note to eat Android 6.0!
Eat a big wave millet products on Android 6.0, but not the official version, but not MIUI.

Ivan wind developer @ Akiba said today in microblogging, will be released this week, several models of Android 6.0 millet Brush Pack, time will be on Saturday or Sunday.

Specific aspects of the model, xiaomi3 Unicom / Telecom version millet 4 series (excluding 4c), millet Note Standard Edition series can get the Brush package . But Millet Note the entire network standard version due to lack of test models, can support so uncertain.

As for the generation of God machine millet 2, @ autumn wind ivan said they would next week begin adaptation.


Active Member
Wenn das Mi4 Android M bekommt wäre das natürlich klasse - besonders das neue Doze! Ist aber auch nicht so mega wichtig, MIUI hatte ja schon einige Features von M integriert, z.B. permissions.
Wäre aber ein großer Sprung, immerhin ist das Mi4 noch auf KitKat...


Well-Known Member
wäre echt schön :) ich muss sagen mir ist die android version auch nicht so wichtig aber kitkat ist halt schon etwas alt..bin da echt froh ^^ ich meine einen geschenkten gaul...schaden wird es wohl nicht :)


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