Mein Telefon ist auch bestellt und auf dem Weg hierher, daher noch kein Erfahrungsbericht zum Thema rooten, aber folgende Anleitung:
Tutorial / How To Root MTK6589!
This should work with most of the recent MTK6589 releases (Zopo zp800h, zp810, zp950+, zp900h, Caesar a9600, Hero h7500+, MX56, MX86). However, I can only account for my own current phone which is Hero h7500+. I take no responsibility for whatever evil may come to your phone from attempting to follow this procedure. The theory behind rooting isn’t complicated. What we’re doing is replacing the stock recovery image with one that will allow us to inject rooting privileges.
What you’ll need:
- SP Flash Tool (unter Donwloads zu finden)
- Gizbeat Combo zip from the Gizbeat-forum, which includes CWM recovery, MTK6589 ADB drivers, and superuser (unter Downloads zu finden)
- Your phone
- USB cable
Quick and dirty:
• Install MTK6589 ADB Drivers and verify in device manager
• Copy superuser zip to your external SD
• Run Flash Tool and load appropriate scatter
• Turn Off Phone, pull out the battery for 5 seconds and put it back in
• Click 'Download' on Flash Tools
• Plug in Phone - You will see it install the recovery. It should finish with a green circle
• Boot into recovery by holding vol+ and power together
• Select 'update from SD'
• Navigate to the previously copied superuser zip and select it
• Reboot and verify root
What to do (long version):
- Extract the 2 downloads to a clean folder
- Copy the superuser zip to your phone’s SD card
- Navigate to MTK6589 ADB driver folder and Run install_driver.exe regardless of whether you have 64 bit Windows or not, this is what you should run to install the driver. Running the other .exe does nothing. You should get a confirmation message saying the drivers installed successfully.
- To make sure the drivers have been installed and are properly recognizing your phone, plug your phone into the USB and open device manager on your PC. Confirm at the top of device manager you see “Android Phone” > “Android ADB”.
- Run flash_tool.exe from the previously extracted flash tools folder
- On the right side of the Flash Tool, you’ll see “scatter loading”. Click that box and navigate to and select the scatter file in ‘CWM and scatter’ folder from the previously extracted zip. Now in the bottom half of Flash Tool, you should see ‘Recovery’ checked and pointing to the CWM ‘recovery.img’ in the ‘CWM and scatter’ folder.
- Unplug your phone from the PC and turn it off. Some recommend a battery pull for a few seconds, but it wasn’t a step I took.
- In Flash Tools, at the top click the “Download” box. A warning will come up saying not all boxes are checked. Click ‘Yes’.
- Now you’re at the point of no return. Plug your phone back into USB. You’ll see the % bar at the bottom of Flash Tools increasing in different colors. At the end you’ll see a green circle in the middle of the screen confirming all has been completed successfully. Shouldn’t take more than a few seconds.
- Now boot into recovery by holding UPVolume and the powerbutton. Hold them until you see the dead Android bot, then hit the power button. Your recovery should be blue. That means you’re in CWM.
- Select update from SD in CWM recovery
- Navigate with the volume buttons to the previously copied superuser zip and select it with the power button
- Navigate to ‘Yes’ and select with the power button
- Bam, it will install superuser. You are now rooted.
- Reboot and search “root checker” on google play. There are several. Assuming all went well, you will see a dialog asking for root privileges. Alternatively, run whatever software you know requires root access and it will request root access if all went well.
Die Credits gehen an
gizbeat.com, die dieses Tutorial erstellt haben.
Im Download-Bereich gibt es einen französichsprachigen User, der, so meine rudimentären Kenntnisse der Sprache ausreichen, positiv von der Installation auf einem STAR N9589 berichtet hat (ich lasse mich da aber gerne korrigieren). Wer also sein X920 rooten möchte, findet so vielleicht die passende Lösung.