original firmware for flying 7100


Well-Known Member
it is like n2k1 said!

volume +/- = up/down
homebutton = choose/enter

please try

you will get into factory modus like the following instruction:
phone is off
press and hold Volume- and than power the phone (while volume- is still hold)


Well-Known Member
the fake cpu you can also in the link i have postet....
we were discussing in a other thread that your model is the 7100 :)
And FCT calls 40% of their phones HDC *g


Well-Known Member
yes it's same as hammtidammtis one....

i don't know where the problem is!! the problem is that you can't make a reset, because i think if you can make wipe of data, wipe of cache and dalvik cache than reflash the fw COMPLETE again, than it MUST work!


Well-Known Member
@tommy: Ist das echt leiser + an? Bei meinem Gerät ist es lauter + an.

dalvik-cache is part of cache partition. If you clean cache - dalvik cache is also cleaned.


New Member
I hate chinese naming policies

Hi from Croatia! Since my German got a little rusty over the years I'll use the english speaking board.

I'm a little late to the party. I've also gotten myself a Star 7100 or is it HDC 7100 or is it Flying 7100? :grin:

I bought the Star 7100 from fastcardtech because it was great bang4buck ratio. Camera is shitty, GPS fix is slow and inacurate (130ft) but otherwise everything works just fine.

Since support is non-existent and google doesn't help at all, maybe you guys can help me a bit. I'll return the favour in any way possible.

For starters I'd like to be able to make a recovery so I can thinker with the phone without fear of bricking it.

1. Is there a working clockworkmod recovery for this model?
2. What other brands / models are identical to this phone?
3. Are there any other roms available?
4. How to enter engineer mode / recovery mode?

This is my phone info:
Model number: 7102
Baseband version: MAUI.11AMD.W12.22.SP.V9.P2
Kernel: 3.0.13
Build Number: ALPS.ICS2.MP.V1.9
Custom build version: release.V2.03

Kind regards.


Well-Known Member
@ mid
1. i can make for you, if you will sent me your original recovery.img (if you don't know ow to do this i can help you too)
2. this is a problem, because you get your phone from FCT and so nobody know whch phone you have...you said you bought a 7100 but it is listet as 7102 :/
3. sure but if nobody knows which model you exactly have.....
4. enter engineer modus you can do wit a combination of diffrent numbers, but don't know for your device or just by mobile uncle tools (but for that you need root)
and recovery mode just press and hold "volume+" and than turn on your phone (while still holding v+)
Hi everyone, I'm new in this forum!
I saw that the firmware has Hammtidammti I need!
I have not found anything on the Internet and only him I can 'help! the only problem is that his lack of backup cache, userdata and secur root! why my phone is not good! can have a full backup so I can fix it? thank you very much!
sorry for my english!


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