original firmware for flying 7100

Ilut Ismail

New Member
so i flashed the fw. everything is ok but why can't my phone boot up. when i switch on the phone only the android logo came out. is it normal if the fw has no cache img ang userdata img.


Well-Known Member
yes that's normal....please go to cwm and wipe data and wipe cache and try again.
If you don't have cwm you will get from me!
This fw must work!

Ilut Ismail

New Member
can i have the cwm. i can get to the factory recovery but i can't choose where to go. volume rocker can go up and down. but no response from power, home button or soft key button.


Well-Known Member
so here is cwm-r 6028 for your device.
just flash this recovery.img with flashtool
than go into cwm-r
choose wipe data
wipe cache
and reboot....

and hope that your phone will start now :)
please give a reply!



Well-Known Member
It is also possible to flash a clean cache.img and data.img via flashtool.
Just pick it from any official firmware.

Ilut Ismail

New Member
no cwm recovery. just factory recovery. what do you mean by flash clean cache.img and data.img.
just put it in the same folder as the fw i'm trying to flash is it?

my power button, home button and soft keys can't be used. so i can't choose.


Well-Known Member
hmm....if you don't have cwm-r i think it is not the correct fw for you, but need to wait. I will talk to Hammtidammti and ask him, if this file work for him.

If it works for him, it isn't the correct fw for you!

And about cache and data. There is no need NOW to flash! It is more work to read out empty cache and empty data, than just go to cwm-r and choose wipe data and wipe cache!

So please be patient.
I will contact you again!

i just took a look at your Picture! Please choose "enter recovery" in this Menue! Now you should be in CWM-R. Please try out!!!

Edit2: ahh you can't choose the menue :/ than you have to follow the things N2K1 has said! just make clear cache and clear data. and flash them with the fw you already have!
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Ilut Ismail

New Member
i took a cache.img and data.img from another fw. now the phone can boot. but still the touch screen and the soft keys not functioning very well. what should i do.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean with not very well? Do they work sometimes? Or didn't they work at all?

Here are some solutions:
try again to enter cwm-r and choose wipe data and wipe cache.
Now try if it works better!

Try to open factory modus and choose the first point to test your hardkeys and softkeys, do they work correctly there?
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Ilut Ismail

New Member
it works but if i touch in the middle of the screen then the upper screen will react. the soft keys don't function at all. maybe need calibrating.


Well-Known Member
no.....you can't calibrate a capacitiv screen :/

please try the following......you can't enter cwm-r at all if your keys doesn't work....so please try to go to
system settings
factory data reset
reset phone

Ilut Ismail

New Member
cannot reset. i don't know why. but maybe if i got the cache.img and data.img from the original fw then i can solve this.

Doppelpost zusammengefügt nach 20 minutes:

so i boot into recovery using mtk droid tools. i wipe data and cache. still cannot solve the touchscreen problem.
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Ilut Ismail

New Member
before i flashed this fw, i flashed another fw for feiteng n7100. the fw for feiteng makes my phone's touch screen goes like this. it can boot up but the sound and camera don't work. when i got the original fw i flashed all the sound and camera all works but the touch screen still like that.


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