MMS Setup PinPhone 3GS


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New Member
Clonelzap, thanks for you help. this phone is really doing my head in now :)
I have done that and deleted the previous settings and now cannot save the settings sent by my provider. do did change any thing else for you to be able to save this settings?

Ps: My Safari Service Inbox, is also empty, so where actual is did the message save to
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. do did change any thing else for you to be able to save this settings?
No, I did absolutely NOTHING. All I did was that I had the settings sent to me, what happend then you can seen in my attached pictures.

Ps: My Safari Service Inbox, is also empty, so where actual is did the message save to
Mine is also empty, the message you are receiving is saved nowhere, the settings are directly stored, there is no "message" to be stored anywhere.


New Member
Just one last thing, when you received the settings from your provider, were in the desktop view and the prompted to save? All i see is the usual new message and each time I try to touch the screen the it disappears and nothing in my sms inbox either.


After I requested the settings online, this is the first thing that happend:

All i see is the usual new message and each time I try to touch the screen the it disappears and nothing in my sms inbox either.
I don't get to see anything like that at all, the screen above just "pops up", I click on the "Install" button and what happens next can be seen in my additional pictures.


New Member
Just one last thing, when you received the settings from your provider, were in the desktop view and the prompted to save? All i see is the usual new message and each time I try to touch the screen the it disappears and nothing in my sms inbox either.
I have the same problem. I only see the message on the screen and nothing happens.
I have added the settings manually.



You have the "push enabled" in the internet settings and the user agent set to a Nokia N93 in the engineer mode, right?!?

What country are you in and what is your service provider?

Thanks :)



Did you try different number formats? Like

+53xxx or maybe 0053xxx

I really don't know what the format for Ireland should look like?


New Member
Still no joy, I have done factory reset, but still cannot save provider sent settings. Just can't understand why the phone will not display or prompt to save the settings.

I have even tried chaning SMS settings > Preferred storage to Phone and still noting


This is really strange, it works so easily with my phone! :(

Here's another idea:

Change the user agent in the engineer mode back to "default", then have the settings send to you again and IF the setting are actually accepted and installed this time, change the user agent back to the Nokia N93 afterwards.

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