Meizu MX3 - 5,1 display ( 1920 x 1200 p) Samsung Orion 5410 Octacore ????


Meizu Fanboy
Woher wollen wir das wissen? Bisher gibt es keine "echten Bilder" von Meizu direkt.
Dies sind die einzigen,und man sieht deutlich dass das abgedbildete dünner und größer als das MX2 ist.
Auch die Stereo Lautsprecher waren reine Spekulation und wurden nie in irgendeiner Weise von Meizu bestätigt.


Meizu Fanboy
Ist wieder im Water Cube wo auch das MX2 vorgestellt wurde.
Aber mit der 1080x1800p Auflösung sollte man mittlerweile fest rechnen ;)


Active Member
Lol also war die große Neuigkeit von Heute (einen Tag früher als geplant) das es am 2.9 eine große Neuigkeit gibt :LOL: na dann...


Meizu Fanboy
Nein nicht ganz. Es wird in Peking im water cube vorgestellt ;)
Vergleichbar mit einer Apple Konferenz ;)

Logischerweise muss das ja vorher gesagt werden,sonst kommt ja niemand ;)


mal wieder gestochen scharfe bilder :p

flyme 3.0/超窄边框 魅族MX3真机照曝光 pconline

flyme 3.0 / ultra-narrow frame Meizu MX3 real machine according to exposure
[Information] PConline Meizu on the 15th at the official microblogging officially announced in September 2 new conference held at the Water Cube, the highly anticipated MX3 will be officially unveiled. Today, there are users in the Meizu forum and paste it MX3 suspected exposure of the real machine photos, news on such pre-exposure, MX3 like a larger version of the MX2, another ultra-narrow frame design stunning.
5.1-inch screen, ultra-narrow frame stunning exposure

Depending on exposure photograph, MX3 MX2 machine size compared to a large circle, according to the ratio, MX3 screen size looks to 5 inches. According to previous information, MX3 indeed the size of 5.1 inches and a resolution of 1800x1080, about 411ppi, the screen ratio is 15:9. Like with the MX2, MX3 screens compared with the majority of the phone's screen a bit special.

Spy photos of the real machine frame is very narrow, it is very amazing, who had expected only about 1.2mm, which can be described in the present mobile phone second to none. Screen proportion is quite high, so even if the size is 5.1 inches, body control was also easier to grasp. As for the Home key and MX2 design seems like, do not know will not add to the update function.

Another spy out the MX3 is also exposed using flyme 3.0 system, version 3.0.137, you can also see MX3 corresponding model M353. While the setup menu to the left increases the shortcut toolbar, in addition, flyme 3.0 should bring more improvement and surprises.

Other configurations, MX3 will be equipped with Samsung's new Exynos 5420 dual quad-core processor, the machine was transplanted at the bottom of the antenna aperture and dual opening design, enabling improved signal problems. In addition to the camera to upgrade to 13 million pixels, Meizu MX3 also use better quality sound module dedicated to increasing sound quality and output, resulting in better sound quality.

Meizu mentioned earlier MX3 may take a Chinese name, the official name of the future may be "new dream", and together with flyme3.0 system released on September 2, is expected to officially on sale in late September.


Meizu Fanboy
So heute sind viele Bilder des "Holz-Dummies" aufgetaucht das uns unter anderem die 5.1" und den NFC Support bestätigt.
Auch der Name des Modells,MX3 ist endgültig bestätigt was er von seiten Meizu zuvor nicht war.

Wie immer danke an MeizuMe und HondaRacer fürs posten :)

Jack Wong Meizu MX3 invitation 2.jpgJack Wong Meizu MX3 invitation 1.jpgJack Wong Meizu MX3 invitation 6.jpgJack Wong Meizu MX3 invitation 7.jpgJack Wong Meizu MX3 invitation 8.jpgJack Wong Meizu MX3 invitation 10.jpg
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魅族MX3到底咋样?J.Wong:最好用的大屏机 mydrivers


Meizu MX3 in the end Zeyang? J.Wong: best big-screen machines
J.Wong yesterday revealed inside the forum, M8 can redeem MX3 (or should discount 700 yuan), and also praised the MX3 is the best use of the large-screen phone.

Large screen smartphone technology is the trend, and now there are kerosene in the forum issued a picture also caused J.Wong, original OPPO 9 months to launch a new machine N1 slogan is better with a large-screen phones, while the kerosene also ask questions, OPPO which can be considered challenges Meizu do?

After seeing the above, J.Wong said who is better with a large screen mobile phone comparison and you know, and yesterday he MX3 description is that the market is certainly no better than the MX3 with a large-screen phone.

In addition, there are kerosene are the most discussed issues MX3 processors, before the official Meizu has hinted that it would be the Samsung 4 +4 core, from the current rhythm of view, the model should be the Exynos 5410, for everyone's problem, J.Wong no clear processor type, but said excess performance when performance does not bring more direct user perception, they need to pursue a better user experience.

As Flyme 3.0 Well, J.Wong said the new system is very good, the daily one-handed operation is very convenient, and for power and heat generation are well optimized.


Meizu Fanboy
Hat mir HondaRacer gestern auch gezeigt,ist aber Fanmade von den bisherigen Informationen.
Wird wohl genauso aussehen,aber das Bild stammt nicht von Meizu :)


achso , naja. aber hab noch einen Text. Man geht davon aus , daß es eventuell 1999 yuans kosten wird.

MX3有望1999元 mydrivers

MX3 is expected to 1999 yuan
Meizu has declared war once before, that MX2 dropped to 1,999 yuan, and now, sources claimed that they want to come back once more violent, that is cost-effective route to go MX3 price set at 1,999 yuan.

Revealed, MX2 sales are not optimistic, but the rapid growth of millet, are so determined to change the past Meizu pricing strategy, namely MX3 price set at 1,999 yuan, but they also intend to start in the first quarter of next year to gradually reduce the Meizu line stores, prior to the company's CEO Bai Yongxiang accepted media interview, he said, the store channel led to their high cost.

In addition, the message also said, Meizu intends to gradually give up its own production line (in addition to controlling costs, but also limited capacity), that later they would all orders to Foxconn, in fact, from this year, Meizu has conspired to large most orders to the Foxconn factory in Langfang.

Finally source also revealed that this MX3 conference, the chapter may show up, so that the Internet can finally have pictures appear more yellow chapter.


Meizu Fanboy
Oh,das ist neu!
Wäre sehr erfreulich.
Danke dafür.
Aber für Europäische User sind Preise unter 350€ sowieso nicht machbar :(


Meizu Meister
Ist ja nur ein Gerücht, andere Quellen rechnen mit ca. 2499RMB. Jack ist nicht daran interessiert ein Billig-Modell herzustellen :)


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