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Gibt einen neuen Artikel über Leeco und deren Verlust. Ist halt Google übersetzt.
Aber im Grunde hat Leeco in diesem Jahr 1,6 Millarden yuans Verlust gemacht, das Geld der Anteilseigner wurde eingefroren und die CEOs haben das sinkende Schiff verlassen.

乐视网前三季度亏损16.5亿:CEO梁军等高管集体离职 mydrivers

Music Watch the first three quarters of a loss of 1.65 billion: CEO Liang Jun and other executives collective leave
Music Watch today announced the third quarter of 2017 earnings, while announced CEO Liang Jun and other executives left , and the new investors did not show up.

The third quarter of this year, music Watch business income of 554 million yuan, down 91.76% year on year, attributable to shareholders of listed companies a net loss of 1.015 billion yuan, down 586.49%.

The first three quarters of this year, music video net total income of 6.095 billion yuan, down 63.67%, a net loss of 1.65 billion yuan, down 435.02%.

According to earnings, Jia Yue Ting is still the largest shareholder of music Watch, holding 1024266644 shares, the proportion of 25.67%, but all in a frozen state.

Jia Yue Ting's brother Jia Yue-min is the fifth largest shareholder, holding 87894498 shares, the ratio of 2.20%, is also all frozen.


Leung said at the same time, Liang Jun for personal reasons resigned Music Watch directors, general manager positions, Gao Fei, Zhang Minhui, Jiang Xiaolin, Yang Yongqiang for personal reasons will resign as vice president of music, while resigning in the company's other duties, not And then any position in the music as the network.

Music Watch has accepted the resignation of all the above applications, the application of the resignation of Liang Jun since October 29 from the entry into force, before the arrival of the new general manager on behalf of the board of directors to perform their duties.

Their original term of office as of October 13, 2018.

As for the legendary Evergrande, Wanda shares , there is no below, music watch network resumption is still no timetable.



Der 44-jährige Jia Yueting musste eine bittere Erfahrung machen. Jia Yueting war mit dem Technologiekonzern LeEco angetreten, um Netflix, Tesla und Apple in nur einem chinesischen Riesenkonzern zu imitieren. Am Ende könnte nicht viel übrig geblieben sein.

Skyfall: Nicht jeder kann Elon Musk sein! | wallstreet-online.de - Vollständiger Artikel unter:


Letv bekommt wohl etwas Geld geliehen ?, wenn ich das richtig verstehe.


Rongchuang China borrowed 1.79 billion yuan from LeTV: 3 billion yuan of guaranteed debts
Rongchuang China today announced that it will conditionally lend to LeTV a total of 1.79 billion yuan, and agreed to have the conditions for the music network does not exceed 3 billion in debt guarantees. - Obviously, Sun Hongbin does not intend to give up.

According to the Announcement, on November 15 , 2017, Tianjin Jia Rui, the lender controlled by Sunac China, entered into the first loan agreement with LeTV (borrowers) and LeTV (the guarantor), and Tianjin Jia Rui Conditions Loyalty to provide a new loan of 500 million yuan for the music to the new general working capital.

As one of the preconditions for the first loan, Tianjin Jia Rui (Pledgee) entered into the first equity pledge agreement with LeTV and LeTV (Pledgor), respectively. LeTV will renew its investment in LeTV 100% equity pledged to Tianjin Jia Rui, the guarantee amount of 500 million yuan, LeTV net of its holdings of small loans of Chongqing Leslie 100% stake in Holcogorsk as a 100% stake in the new generation of music as the sports 6.47% equity pledge To Tianjin Jia Rui, the guarantee amount is 200 million yuan.

Pursuant to the Second Loan Agreement, Tianjin Jiarui is conditionally able to provide a loan of RMB1.29 billion to Les Regent for the general working capital of Lesotho.

The precondition is that both parties sign the second equity pledge agreement. LeTV will pledge 13.5% of the equity of LeTV to 13.51416% equity held by LeTV and 50% equity of LeTV as pledge to Tianjin Jia Rui.

In addition, Sunac Real Estate, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sunac China, signs a commission agreement with LeTV for the provision of a guarantee of not more than RMB3 billion for the existing debt and new debts of LeTV.

Sunac China said: "The Company continues to be optimistic about the long-term prospects for large-screen operations and content areas. After a period of adjustment and optimization, the recent music-to-new and the overall operating conditions of LeTV has achieved some recovery."

As of the announcement day, Tianjin Jia Rui holds 8.56% stake in LeTV, Music as the new 33.4959% stake. LeTV network, music as the new value for the financial joint venture in China.
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Well-Known Member
Ich finde, es ist gerade alles etwas mysteirös mit LeEco, was die Smartphones betrifft.

Das LeEco Le Max 3 (x850) gibt es wohl zu kaufen. Habe ich bei mydealz und in einem inoffiziellen LeEco Forum gefunden. Das Gerät läuft offensichtlich mit einer EUI 6.0.617T. Die EUI 6.0 wird auch hier angepriesen.

Angekündigt wurde das x850 schon im November 2016 und es sollte im April vorgestellt werden. Wenn es das wurde, ist das an mir vorbeigegangen und bei jd.com finde ich das Gerät auch nicht.

Auf der chinesischen LeMall Seite habe ich auf der Startseite keine Links zu den Smartphones gefunden. Sucht man im Netz nach z.B. dem Le 3 AI (in chinesischen Lettern, versteht sich), kann man die LeMall Seite zum Produkt aufrufen.
Klickt man auf "Kaufen" (立即购买), wird die Seite nicht gefunden.

Auch die Download-Seite für die Stock ROMs, die Ende Juli noch ging, scheint offline zu sein. Aber die Seite für die TV Firmwares ist auch offline. Erreichbar waren die Seiten von hier aus. Die angebotenen ROMs auf dieser Seite sind etwas veraltet.

Ich habe letzte Woche ein LeEco Le 3 AI bei banggood bestellt. Ich befürchte, es wird eine Shop-ROM drauf sein. Mal sehen, welche EUI Version installiert ist.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Leeco zahlt einige Schulden zurück , u.a. auch Anteile von Coolpad


甘薇:通过资产抵债方式已解决部分债务 mydrivers

Gan Wei: Part of the debt has been settled through the asset-backed method
Today Jiayuenting wife Gan Wei microblogging voice to the outside world announced the latest progress in debt issues. Gan Wei said that in the past week, a substantive solution to part of the debt was achieved by means of offsetting assets and selling assets.

First, as the core assets of music as the mall to 92,900,000 yuan debt to the music as a subsidiary of LeTV listed company as a new music as intellectuals, part of the debt repayment of listed companies.

Second, the sale of Cool shares, the transfer price of 807 million Hong Kong dollars directly offset by China Merchants Bank corresponding part of the debt (the original principal and interest of about 1.4 billion Hong Kong dollars), debt service ratio of nearly 60%.

Gan Wei said the next step will actively seek to seek communication with China Merchants Bank, hoping to thaw the frozen assets to a corresponding proportion so that they can repay more debts of creditors.

The following is the original Wei Wei microblogging:

Hello everyone!

In the past week, I worked with the debt management team to realize the substantial settlement of some of our debts by offsetting assets and selling assets.

Details are as follows:

1, the core assets of the music as the mall to 92,900,000 yuan worth of debt to the music as the controlling subsidiary of the company as the new music as intellectuals, repayment of part of the debt of listed companies.

2, the sale of cool shares, the transfer price of 807 million Hong Kong dollar directly offset by China Merchants Bank corresponding part of the debt (the original debt about 1.4 billion Hong Kong dollars), debt service ratio of nearly 60%.

In the next step, we will actively seek to communicate with China Merchants Bank, hoping to thaw the frozen assets in proportion so that we can pay more debts of our creditors. We hereby also request China Merchants Bank to understand and support us.

Thanks to the music as a listed company, thanks to the transferee cool shares of investors. We will continue our efforts and urge everyone to give us more understanding and time, thanks!


Nachdem Leeco bzw Letv nun einer anderen Firma gehört, nennt die sich um in Letv Financial (Google Übersetzung) [乐视金融] .

乐视金融改名乐为金融:唯一不冠名乐视 mydrivers

Music as the financial renamed music for the financial: the only non-title music

Say goodbye to Jiayue Ting era, enter the era of Sun Hongbin, music as the ecological system underwent drastic reforms, to give up a number of business, exit the easy to, Cool, retained the core business has also been renamed.

On January 18, MTV Financial officially announced that it will now change its name to Le Financial, and will launch a new brand LOGO.

LeTV Financial said in a statement that after careful study by the management of the company and solicitation of all aspects of research and investigation, it is necessary for LeTV to carry out the appropriate form of name changes in order to reflect its own business advantages and enhance its own brand value.

As the financial logo, in the last six months, the company has experienced a lot of trials and hardships but it has withstood the test. The products are available online, trading operations, cash receipts and payments and other links are very smooth, and abide by its commitment to fully meet customers, customers return on investment stability.

Prior to this, LeTV has announced its plan to change its name to New LeTV, while LeTV renames New LeTV, LeTV renamed LeTV, LeTV renames LeTV, and LeTV (LeFinance) is also new Music system, the only one renamed ceased to be the name of music.

As for the specific reasons, the official did not explain.

In addition, the staff members of the joint venture also entered the music for the financial (formerly Music Financial), and served as chief financial officer and other important positions.

In addition, already suspended for 9 months of music Watch reportedly about to resume trading .
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Well-Known Member
Es gab laut xda im Dezember schon ein OTA Update 28S für das Max 2. Habe ich gestern auch bekommen und installiert. Danach gingen die Google Apps nicht mehr richtig. Auch dazu gibt es einen Thread bei xda. Hat bei mir auch eine Weile gedauert, bis es wieder lief.

Jedenfalls, dafür, dass sich in Sachen Handysparte bei LeEco nichts mehr tut, erstaunlich, dass noch ein Update kam. Google-Sicherheitspatch ist übrigens vom Januar 2017. Nein, nicht vertippt - 2017! ;)


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