Jiayu S1: root und Stock-ROM inside

Nur mal ein allgemeiner Aufruf. Wer ein S1 hat und hier mitliest, soll sich mal bitte bei mir, oder besser hier im Thread, melden. Ich brauche, um mit der CWM weiterzukommen, weitere Daten zum Vergleichen.
So, kleines Update.
Was schonmal nicht klappt, ist das einspielen einer signierten recovery.zip (mit CWM) über die stock recovery. Schade. Aber man bleibt am Ball.


New Member
Hi Guys,
I found this topic however I can't speak German. I went through all posts Your effort is appreciated!

I am writing for please help me out, because I got angry with myself after doing a silly thing:
just changed my phone to Jiayu S1 and wanted to upload titanium backup savings.(Earlier root was done with framaroot.)
My shame (and uncircumspection) but I loaded Contacts as well (I know it marked red...) IMG_6779_.JPG
Then after reboot problems came: android.process.acore stops etc.
Of course dialler and phonebook don't work anymore.

Can you propose me a solution? If you could send me original titanium saved files - all of 'com.android.contacts' - it may help.
I'm asking your help please.
Thank you in advance!
Regards, Peter
I can backup the contacts, no problem. But it will take a while (2, 3 days, I´m not at home). Take the update in the first post, decompress it and search for the contacts.apk (or the name which is used for).
Otherwise, and this is the way I prefer:
Install the update one more time (or first time :grin:) and then copy in the new backup from Titanium Backup. But this time, without contacts, please. I would prefer this, because it´s faster.


New Member
Thanks for the reply, it is appreciated.
I also willing to choose your proposal to reload sock rom, but recovery is Chinese :scratch_one-s_head:. Just for sure I suppose to select last row, which contains 'SD'IMG_6783_.JPG

I also curious: what is the difference between your ROM version and the original one? (you might wrote it, but it is in German...). And what android version - I assume there is only one for S1 at the moment. IMG_6781_.JPG

Thank you again your help!
Regards, Peter
Hi, the new one is like the first, but you have a grey status line instead of a black line. It will be a 4.1.2-Rom and I think the bug with factory defaults is patched. I did that before 5 days and the phone is still running without flashing a new android. I don´t know something about other changes in the system itself.

It´s not my rom :), both are from Jiayu. The one is factory default, the N007 is renew software.


New Member
Hi, so my phone works now, but I share some strange thing whether you are facing with the same issues:

- first ROM (from page 1) was not loaded onto my phone (probably, because the missing modifications)
- second ROM loaded, but finished too soon. thin blue line run only cca 1/3 it's distance
- ?? contacts are not recognized if number differs from provider given number. So called 'caller ID problem'. I googled, who says device checks all digits, not the last 7. Do You have the same problem?

br, Peter
With the second rom, I got no problems. It was installed without any problems, but I don´t looked at the phones display while installation. Sorry.
And with caller id problem... the other Peter (look at the last pages) wrote via mail, that there is a problem with the pictures and names from contacts. For me, I don´t see any problems. Maybe that´s a bug included in the language you use?


New Member
Hello. Sorry for writing in English, unfortunately I don't speak German.
I recently got my Jiayu S1 from PandaWill (it came with the "S1-JYS1N011-20131219" firmware). After messing with the APN settings it suffered a bootloop everytime it was connecting to a wifi network. I tried to flash the firmwares found on this thread but no luck (both firmwares, via sd and adb sideload, with and without the modified "updater-script"). After lot of search I was able to find and flash the S1_JYS1N009_20131017 firmware. It's an older firmware but it seems to work just fine.

Does anyone have a link to the "S1-JYS1N011-20131219" firmware or newer?
Is it possible to exist two versions of the S1? The "build.prop" on the firmwares you provided names the firmware as "JYS1D000.1373939756".
And last but not least, are there any updates on the CWM recovery?

I'd be glad if I could help in any way I can in the development of CWM.
Thanks :)
first negative:
I don´t think, that we could get CWM on this device, because I can´t go into fastboot mode. Without fastboot the bootloader is locked and you can´t update the recovery.
For CWM, you could help, if you get your phone into bootloader mode (fastboot). But this didn´t run on mine with terminal instructions or with vol+/-/home/etc...

And with the software.
Maybe that there are two versions of the S1. But from Jiayu I only get these one you can see in the beginning post. What was the name of the device in the build.prop of N011? Do you remember? Was is different?

Sorry, but I don´t have better news.
Cool, but this doesn´t work for me?!? Now I really think, that there are two different Versions of the S1. But thats nice. Can you dump your recovery-partition (mmcblk0p29, look the pages before) and send a link via private message? Or upload it to builder.clockworkmod.com? Then, I think, you can get the first Jiayu S1 with CWM.

Otherwise I don´t know if download mode is the same like fastboot. Just give it a try, install adb and fastboot and try to reboot via fastboot command. If it´s working, you´re on the right way.
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