Jiayu G4 - 1,2ghz MT6589 4,7" IPS HD720 display 8,2mm dick 1800mah / 3000mah Akku



Angeblich hat Jiayu diese Lizens nun und der Verkauf soll "bald" starten. :download: was auch immer bald heißt :grin: Zuerst wird die dicke Version in den Verkauf gehen. Wer die dünnere Version haben will muß warten, aber das ist ja nix neues :p

佳域G4已获入网许可 下一轮发售在即 mtksj

good domain G4 has been under a network license will soon be available for sale
Offering a good domain G4 good domain Yutong official has revealed early rumors this week that is expected to get the network standard for the next batch of Offer, the good news finally came good domain G4 network has officially distance large-scale Distribution of the day is not far away.

Good domain G4

Do better domain Yutong this year's first quad-core products, good domain G4 effort to fight the good domain at this stage the phone "image", the appearance of the aircraft design simple and stylish, with a thin electric, thick power, and high and low with different versions , thin electric version of the battery capacity of 1850 mA, thickness 8.2 mm; thick electric version of the battery capacity of 3000 mA, the thickness of only 10 mm. In addition, the good domain G4 MT6589 quad-core processor, 4.7-inch IPS wide fit screen resolution of HD level 1280 * 720, and Corning Gorilla Glass screen protection, memory first listing standard version with 1G RAM + 4G ROM combination, the high version introduced later 2G RAM +32 G ROM specifications. G4 is also equipped with the first 300 million pixels + after 13 megapixel back-illuminated dual high-definition camera, running Android 4.21 version of the system, in addition to the already supported gyroscope, electronic compass, and other commonly used sensor, follow-up will also increase the OTG function support.

Good domain G4

Get the network standard, wait for the long-G4 Friends of the machine is undoubtedly exciting good news, but for like a the thin electric version of the machine Friends may need to wait, the official in the preceding paragraph when the statement may will still early sale of two batches of thick electric standard version, but since it has been network, believe that the follow-up of multiple versions are not that far.
Reproduced MTK mobile phone network original articles please keep the link: good domain G4 has been under a network license will soon be available for sale


6000 Stück werden morgen verscherbelt, bzw heute, die sind ja zeitlich voraus. Die Version ist allerdings nicht final und hat bugs, na toll :p

首批6000台 佳域G4厚电标准版今天开抢 mtksj

Good domain the G4 thick Standard Edition, the first batch of 6000 units rush to open today
With the network license issued a formal good domain G4 finally ushered in for the first time a large number of Offer will be open, according to official sources said today (May 22) 12:30 6000 buy is still 1G RAM thick electric version, black and white two colors priced at 999 yuan / 1029 yuan.

Good domain G4

Note that the offering thick electrical Standard Edition is still not OTG function, Friends of the machine concerned about OTG function can wait for a subsequent batch, and the official Android 4.2 system, there are some system software BUG, the latter is expected to repair, and touch buttons backlight design. In addition, the Offer is still available for sale to register a purchase right registration payment within 24 hours after the successful purchase within 7 working days of delivery.

Popularity from the good domain Yutong official Forum of view, the current round of the 6000 Offer for huge demand Friends of the machine can be described as a drop in the bucket, but since the network license has come, the rhythm of the follow-up Offer will certainly speed up, many network looks thin electrical version may also be sold fast.
Reproduced MTK mobile phone network original article please keep links


Aus Bochum...
Jiayu kann man doch inzwischen in die Tonne treten.. Phones raus bringen mit bekannten Software Bugs? Großes Kino Jiayu!


Jiayu kann man doch inzwischen in die Tonne treten.. Phones raus bringen mit bekannten Software Bugs? Großes Kino Jiayu!
Irgendwie hast du recht. Es ist wirklich traurig... Naja trz. werde ich mir eins kaufen. wahrscheinlich zu Weihnachten :grin: Ich hab mir erstmal das Star S2000 gekauft und warte so lange bis das Jiayu kommt


Hallo zusammen,
ich muss jetzt mal ne Frage stellen die wahrscheinlich provokativer rüber kommt als ich sie meine.
Warum wartet ihr alle auf das G4? Klar als es vorgestellt wurde, war es , wie das G3, ein klasse Gerät zu einem guten Preis. Aber inzwischen gibts doch gute und vor allem lieferbare Alternativen. Mir fallen spontan iOcean X7 (5", FullHD, 6589 usw) Newman K1 (5", 720p, 6589, usw) oder, wenn die beiden vorigen zu groß sind, das Xiaomi M2a (4,7", 720p, Snapdragon, MIUI, usw) ein.
Also übersehe ich am G4 was revolutionäres oder ist das jetzt inzwischen mehr die sportliche Herausforderung eins zu bekommen? ;)


Also bei FCT heißt es "in Stock" auf Mail Nachfrage ist die 3000mAh version lagernd.
Ich werde es mir ev. holen, 5" is mir zuviel und da ich DualSim brauche gibt's grad nichts was mich sonst einigermaßen anspricht.

Zu groß, zu dick, nicht schön, SingleSim, DualCore, mini Akku, zu hoher Preis irgendwas nervt leider immer (blöder Riesen Handy hype)...

@ StefanW: Das Xiaomi M2a kann ich nicht finden, aber wahrscheinlich SingleSim, Mini Akku hoher Preis. Wie es leider bei Xiaomi so üblich ist. Ansonsten finde ich nichts was mich vom Hocker haut unter 5"
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ja offiziell soll es nun zu haben sein:

简单之美 佳域G4官方高清图赏 mtksj

G4 with a generous good domain minimalist design, alloy frame makes the machine by adding more texture, and in order to meet the needs of different users, the machine has thin, thick two different thicknesses, thinner version of the thickness of only 8.2 mm, equipped with a 1850 mA battery, while the thick version is 10 mm, with 3000 mAh battery.

G4 has begun now officially on sale, thin electricity as 949 yuan, 999 yuan for the thick electric version.


Also der Händler den ich gefragt habe schrieb mir das die dünne 1GB Version noch nicht erhältlich sei! bzw. das es dafür noch nicht mal einen Ausliefertermin gäbe


Active Member

Die G4 Testgeräte gibts schon seit ein paar Wochen, seit dem schießen die Reviews wie Pilze aus dem Boden.

CECT gibt übrigens an ab 10. Juni liefern zu können.


Am 1. Juni gibt es wieder offiziell G4 zu kaufen. Stückzahl 6000 :scratch_one-s_head:

增加OTG功能 佳域G4于6月1日再次开卖 mtksj

Increase OTG function good domain G4 on June 1 on sale again
Many users may know a good domain phone will be on sale again this Saturday, but the latest official news shows there is little change in the situation, the good news is good domain G4 batch began to support OTG function, but the number of reasons to online sale the 10,000 units reduced to 6000, will be June 1 Children's Day 12:30 of the Offer, is still thick black electric standard version, priced at 999 yuan.

Good domain G4

As to why the sale will reduce the number, the official explanation given is not supported by the original preparation of inventory OTG function, so that part of the model into physical channels to sell. Also note that the same batch of keys G4 no background light, delivery time is 7 working days after the same official mall experience than 6,000 members, the official forum bronze above the level of a member or veteran online time more than 600 hours or more Member , you can enjoy 1 hour ahead of the 11:30 start buying registration priority purchase green channel.

G4 is the recent good domain more popular MTK6589 quad-core models, the machine is equipped with 4.7 inches of HD resolution IPS screen, OGS touch all fit, and with Corning Gorilla Glass protection, although the size does not use mainstream 5 inches, but OGS, gorilla glass into the second generation of the screen makes the machine specification upgrade. MT6589 quad-core processor with a standard version of the built 1G RAM +4 G ROM memory, front + rear 13,000,000 3,000,000 pixels high definition dual camera, with thick, thin two versions available, and equipped with a gyroscope, magnetometer, etc. sensors. Today also added a USB OTG function, no doubt for the machine to add a lot of competition.
MTK mobile phone network reproduced the original article, please keep links: Increase OTG function good domain G4 on June 1 on sale again


New Member
Am 1. Juni gibt es wieder offiziell G4 zu kaufen. Stückzahl 6000 :scratch_one-s_head:

增加OTG功能 佳域G4于6月1日再次开卖 mtksj
Hallo Forum, ich bin der neue.
Heute ist mein G4 mit 3000mA Akku gekommen:happy:
Zum Handy kann ich noch nicht viel sagen, außer dass der Akku ganz schön groß ist im Vergleich zu dem was ich bisher in Händen hatte.
Momentan läd das gute Stück.

So jetzt ist der Akku geladen und ich kann zumindest den Firmware Stand schreiben: Android 4.2.1 , Build-Nummer: G4H 20130515-202809.
Weiteres später.
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