Hero H2000+ build 121115 root and battery help


New Member
Ok, I went to recovery mode, and then installed the .zip you sent me, and now what?
Phone is still not rooted and battery still sucks :/

In the recovery mode I also reseted battery stats, but nothing...


Well-Known Member
If the installation was successfully, your phone is rooted!
Try the adb shell.
If you flashed the patched boot-image, you will have root access in the adb shell.
Now write su and press enter.
What happens?


Well-Known Member
Open MTKDroidTools. Go to ADB shell (and press enter)
write adb shell (enter)
Now you are in the shell on your phone.
Other way: Install terminal emulator - now write su.


New Member
Hello N2K1 ( and all )

I have this phone ( H2000+ ) since one month, bought in January 2013

my phone has last generation of build :

Basisband-Version: MAUI.11AMD.W12.22.SP.V7,2012/08/20 16:49
Kernel-Version: 3.0.13 test@test-virtual-machine #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Dec 20 20:41:06 CST 2012
Erstellungsnummer: 121225.ICS.V13FWVGA.CN.COM.4P4.MT6628

I was able to ROOT the phone and actually I have instelled the ICS ROM that USER DANMUE released at this link: Hero H2000+ Firmware vom 25.12.2012 - Downloads - Chinamobiles.org
everything is working and phone is really responding, my problem is the same problem of other user: THE BATTERY LIFE IS TOO SHORT and in my case also the volume during conversation is not really performing...having volume at maximum I can hear people talking but I would say it's working at 50% of phone potentiality...

NOW, my first intention is to adjust battery life and don't really understood what you suggested to to after ROOT process is completed?

Can you please describe to me what I should do to RESET the battery?

Many many thanks


New Member
Hi N2K1!

Yes, i'm agree we need a woodoo to solve it...
I already posted at danmue link forum but unfortunately nobody is adding any suggestions....and i would say it's strange because looks to be a common issue for all users that are actually buying this device .

Is uboot something we can flash with maybe a stable working version?

It's really a pitty there are no developers trying to pick up this challenge..

In case you have some suggestions how to modify uboot please let us know.


Well-Known Member
There are new sources - so now we are able to investigate also the uboot.
Try to write danmue a private message. On private messages most users will receive email.
You should try to flash other uboot. But remember: This may make your phone inaccessible.
So remember to make a backup of all files!


New Member
Hi N2K1

ok I will try to contact with private message.
anyway, in case I flash UBOOT and something is going wrong, can I anyway RE-FLASH with SP FLASH TOOL and simply load again the ROM I am using actually?
saving data stored onmy phone it's not a problem, but have the phone then completely inaccessible even with SP FLASH TOOL this make me worry a bit....


Well-Known Member
In DSP_BL are some drivers located.. so don't flash this image if you unsure it is the right.
But with backup it is no poblem.


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