Hero H2000+ build 121115 root and battery help


New Member
I bought this phone but battery emties too quickly.That is why I want to root it but I read that there are some problems with that.
Has anybody been able to root this phone build 121115 and how? Can you please help me with this?

Does anybody else have issues with the battery?
Is there a way to fix it?
Recalibrate it?

Any help would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Quick is relative.
Rooting is easy if there is a custom recovery on phone such as TWRP or CWM.


New Member
Is 3 hours quick for you?

I bought a cellphone, not a tablet :/

I am noob on this subject, but I would just like to know has someone tried to root build 121115 and was it successful?

If YES, which method and how to do it?

Quick is relative.
Rooting is easy if there is a custom recovery on phone such as TWRP or CWM.


New Member
No mail accounts, no youtube, half hour surfing web, wifi on, and that's it. after 3 hours battery says 4% :/ and brightness is on 50% :/
I installed apps to check which processes run, but everything is normal...
It is a brand new phone, how can it work like this !!??? :/
Is there an official website from the producer, I couldn't find it on google...

You use mail accounts?
If yes: Push or poll?

You use browser or YouTube in this time?

3 hours with screen on a good time.

Install CPU Spy to Monitor the CPU modes.


Well-Known Member
If it is brand new - this is normal.
Battery must be recharged some times before the capacity will be able to use.
But a half hour is really short.
Try to install "where is my android power" and "CPU Spy" to check deep sleep mode.
If the phone doesn't reach this mode, the battery will drain rea


New Member
Well it is brand new, but it is not normal. Battery jumps from 10-20% after I lock and unlock the screen. When I plug in the charger it goes 10-15% higher than it was before I plugged in the charger. This cant be right, because it cannot be charged this much instantly!?

Anyway, I am trying to find out how to root it and I will check for those apps.


Well-Known Member
In this case ist is normal - because on other phones it is the same thing.
If you plug the charger, the voltage jumps up some hundreds milivolts. In this case the phone assumes, the battery is higher loaded than before. If you unplug, the voltage runs down (also if you use phone and the CPU will consume some power) so the voltage monitor signals a lower charge state.
There are some mistakes or issues in the uboot.
The calibrating is not able with some tools - they only delete the stats... this is not recalibration.

To root the phone you must "read back" the boot.img and recovery.img with SP Flash Tool and upload here.
I will patch the files for you, so you will have root access in adb shell and a custom recovery (such clockwork mod or team win recovery mod)

Sorry, my english is poor -- but my tools are safe and proof.


New Member
First of all thanks for your time and answers!

I dont think it is normal because I have charged it to 100% in 16:00 today, and now 32 minutes later it is on 90% !!?? This is 3rd or 4th time I am charging it so it cannot be normal anymore!
I dont know what mistakes are there, but I already asked for my money back from DINODIRECT who sold it because this is the second time that they sold me something where battery didnt work!

I will try to do it myself but if I dont reply soon, maybe you can explain me how to readback these files, and then I will upload them.
I downloaded sp flash tool, but dont know what to do next.

Once I have root access, your advice is to not recalibrate battery?
How should I fix it then?
I dont know what will custom recovery do for me, nor what are these programs you mentioned used for... :/

In this case ist is normal - because on other phones it is the same thing.
If you plug the charger, the voltage jumps up some hundreds milivolts. In this case the phone assumes, the battery is higher loaded than before. If you unplug, the voltage runs down (also if you use phone and the CPU will consume some power) so the voltage monitor signals a lower charge state.
There are some mistakes or issues in the uboot.
The calibrating is not able with some tools - they only delete the stats... this is not recalibration.

To root the phone you must "read back" the boot.img and recovery.img with SP Flash Tool and upload here.
I will patch the files for you, so you will have root access in adb shell and a custom recovery (such clockwork mod or team win recovery mod)

Sorry, my english is poor -- but my tools are safe and proof.
Doppelpost zusammengefügt nach 19 minutes:

You will have to explain me because when I click readback in sp flash tool nothing happens :/
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Well-Known Member
Ok. I will try to explain the steps to read back.

Download following files:

Unpack tools and drivers.
Install VCOM such described here Anleitung MTK6577 USB VCOM Treiber Installation + Test: [CWM Recovery Flash] (sorry, german description)

Enable debugging in phone.
Plug phone on PC.
Start DroidTool and press "Blocks Map".
Remember the two lines with bootimg and recovery
(Such as
9 bootimg 00F88000 00600000
10 recovery 01588000 00600000 )
Now press create scatter file (and save it)
Now start FlashTool
Click Read back
Remove all lines and add 2 new lines
Click on first line and give it a Name (boot.img)
Startaddress is is (in my case) 0x00F88000 and length 0x0600000
Second line with recovery ....
Press read back
remove battery from phone.
Reinsert battery and plug USB on phone.
Watch device manager - there must be a preloader device without error (yellow !)
If all is fine the read back will start.

Upload the files here - I will patch the files for you.

To install the files use the flash tool and the scatter file (created with droidTool)
(Only the 3 files in one directory - scatter, boot & recovery)


New Member
It is so frustrating, but I cannot install the driver! I tried everything and did everything like in that manual, but when I turn on the phone and plug it in, the files that should be the driver for the phone dont work...When I select the folder where they are located, windows just tell me that the files are not there and that it cannot be installed!
I hate this device :(


New Member
I tried on my home comp XP and laptop Vista :(
While the phone is off, i can manage to get to step 8) from the link you sent me.
Then, I plug in the phone, that MediaTek preloader USB VCOM entry shows up for 2 seconds, and I manage to click it, and when I try to update it, windows say that it is updated.
I then turn on the phone, and when it is turned on, device manager has one component that is not installed correctly, the MT65xx. I try to update that with the files from the folder, but windows say that "The file WinUSBCoInstaller2.dll on Android WinUsb installation disk is needed."

Windows cannot find that file anywhere so there I have to cancel the installation.


New Member
I did it!
Downloaded .ddl-s from 4shared...
Now continuing all other steps, but MTK tools show me my phone! Finally!

Now I have stopped in the Flash tool.
Where should I click Readback?
Should I load the file I saved first in the line for loading scatter file?
After I load that, there are a lot of new lines in the down part, should I delete them and put two new lines, or I should go to readback tab?


New Member
Sorry, but I dont understand what do I have to do with these files?
I suppose I have to rename them into boot.img and then put them in my phone somehow?
Can you send me some tutorial for that?

Also, this is for root access right?
And what about my battery problem, what can I do about that? :/

Doppelpost zusammengefügt nach 23 minutes:

OK, I unpacked your boot file, and also unpacked recovery_cwm file. Then I loaded my old scatter file into SP flash tool, and then I double clicked on boot image, selected your file that you uploaded, did the same thing for recovery file, and when I turn on my phone and try to open screen capture application which needs root access it says that it has no root access!??

What am I doing wrong?
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