hier mal eine englische EFOX 9300 (Bluebo L100) Flashanleitung für unsere ausländischen Freunde.
here an english EFOX 9300 (Bluebo L100) flashguide for our foreign friends.
Warning !!!
All data will be lost!
Please follow the instructions!!
Don't mess around with anything else!!!
Not responsible if you do anything else and brick your device !!!!
So here are the steps:
What you need
1. EFOX 9300 (Bluebo L100) phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Download latest SP Flash Tool for MTK6577 from here
http://n2k1.com/n2k1/GT-i9300/SP_Flash_Tool_V3_1224.zip or here
SP_Flash_Tool_v3.1224.01.rar (12,18 MB) - uploaded.to
4. Download the ROM for Bluebo L100 from
http://n2k1.com/n2k1/GT-i9300/BLUEBO_9300_13_09_12_ROOT_FULL.zip or here
BEST-BLUEBO_9300_13_09_12_Rzip (211,87 MB) - uploaded.to <-CWM Recovery, Bootanimation, rooted and fast!
5. Download MTK6577 Driver from
MT6577 USB VCOM drivers.rar (342,12 KB) - uploaded.to
Installation Steps:
1. Unzip and Install the USB drivers on your Windows PC using the MTK 6577 VCOM Driver Zip file. Click on Install Driver, it will automatically install the USB driver.
Connect your phone switched off and battery removed using USB cable. Windows will recognize and install the MTK drivers for your phone (any free COM ports) will be configured.
Disconnect the phone. Put the battery back but do not switch on the phone
2. Extract the latest ROM folder from downloaded ICS ROM. You will get 1 folder
This is the folder that has all the image files you need.
3. Extract and run SP flash Tool.exe (the one with Blue image icon)
4. Click on Scatter-loading button which is on the right side below Downloading Agent. A window will open. Browse to your extracted (BEST-)BLUEBO_9300_13_09_12_ROOT_FULL ROM folder.
By default you will have only one map file of name
MT6577_Android_scatter_emmc.txt . Select this!
5. The flash tool will populate the Map file on the application window. You will see multiple Entries such as
PRELOADER, DSP_BL, MBR etc etc. Each will have a check box.
6. CHECK all entries EXCEPT FOR "PRELOADER,DSP_BL and USERDATA" (leave box 1,2 and the last one UNCHECKED!)!!!!!!!!.
7. Now click on "Download" ! on the Application or press F9 on keyboard. A warning message will pop up. Press YES
8. You will see in the status bar below "Searching"
9. Connect your phone (switched off and with battery inserted) via the USB cable.
10. Flash tool will do its stuff. First a red progress bar, then a count down, a yellow progress bar (5-7 Minutes!) and final window showing Green Circle.
If you get this the Congrats You have flashed the ROM !
Check by unplugging the phone and re-starting it.
In case you get any other error on SP Flash Tool, then recheck your MTK driver installation or try on another PC.
Fixing a bootloop:
1. Start your phone in CWM Recovery (volume+ and power on)
2. Go to Advanced
3. Choose "Wipe dalvik-cache"
2. Now go to "Mounts & Storage"
3. Choose "Wipe /data"
4. Choose "Wipe /cache"
5. Reboot your phone
IMEI Restore:
Warning !!! - Please follow the instructions. Don't mess around with anything else. Not responsible if you do anything else and brick your device !
The IMEI s are on a sticker in the battery compartment of the phone.
1- go to em with this code *#15963#* (just type it on call pad). Now is your phone in engineer mode.
2- then follow that path –> CDS info –> Radio info –> Phone1 (for the first imei)
3- at the top there is a command line which begins “AT+” just type there “AT +EGMR=1,7,”IMEI_1″ (instead of IMEI_1 put your first imei number)
4- hit send command
5- if you done just reboot the phone, if you change the second imei go to step 2 and select “Phone2″
6- and enter the code “AT +EGMR=1,10,”IMEI_2″ (instead of IMEI_2 put your second imei number) hit send command
7- reboot
Now I hope this opens the door for many other things !