GPS Problem


gps is activated..
but after one houre it cannot find me on yhe map.. unavaiable..
i use gps test .. it see some time signal avaiable and some time nothing..


Well-Known Member
@ sumon
sorry to say this, but i would suggest to buy a new phone :/
I mean gps is not working right and your soft keys didn't work correctly too, so your phone seems to have some hardware defects :/


Well-Known Member
i know it isn't helpfull, but he has original FW and softkeys doesn't work, so what do you think?!? In engineer mod the softkeys doesn't work it seems to be a hardware defect! Or what do you think?


Well-Known Member
If I remember right, the softkeys will work with some applications - so I guess, there is no problem with hardware!
I guess, this is not the right firmware for this phone!


Well-Known Member
@ n2k1
no this is other user! sumon softkeys don't work at all, not in os not in engineer mod! So this must be up to 99% hardware defect.
And fw must be correct one! It's same as composer has and he has no problems!


Well-Known Member
You are wrong!

Is it problem in my phone hardware?

Now i use his Apps.. SoftKeys for ROOT USERS - Android Apps auf Google Play

when i use this software.. softkey button light turn on when i use ..
But I know, it doesn't matter if I copy his statements - your opinion is the only one!


Well-Known Member
ok this statement is new for me, saw this now for the first time!
But engineer mod is undependend to the fw or? And there his softkeys don't work! So i think it is a hardware problem!


Hello tommy0815, N2k1

I follow your Process for fix GPS, and i found Satelite signal..then i close all.. and go to map and find me.. but one problem..

After one hours i go to map.. and see same problem... and then i do same process.. and found me map..

so i see all time need to do this process for use GPS..

How can i lock it.. i use third party apps.. GPS Test - Android Apps auf Google Play

I running this apps at least one hour..

How can i know that my location is lock over correctly..?

see attach file..


Well-Known Member
Your TTFF is 10118ms=10s?!
Wow! This is really a good value to fix.
And in GPS Test is no fix available?


Well-Known Member
In use 6 = 6 Sats fixed.
99 feet is a usual value - because your Location is not changed.
If you enable Location Service via GSM - a Navigation Software should have a good accuracy.


some time in use see: 3, 2 0. 8, or 10 not stable..
there see
in View 14
in use: 4

so if i see in use 14 then it all fix

and i do it over wifi..
you say use Location Service via GSM.. where can i find it?


Well-Known Member
Normaly the phone uses 3-8 Sats - not more at the same time.
To use a satellite there must be a straight line between sat and phone.

Wifi locatin service and GSM location servie is the same option. (both things are networks)

android e353

New Member
v6888 have a hero. I've done as described, but still not satellites.
mtkgps.dat delete file
ygps running outdoors on a sunny day.
I waited over an hour and nothing.
any ideas?
ygps scaner.jpgygps information.jpg


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