Carpad T69 Max - MT6592 6,95" WUXGA (1920 * 1200) 4200mah 2Gb Ram 16GB Rom 7.98 mm dick



Naja, falls das Carpad doch "ein paar Schrauben locker hat", wirds uns Ora schon berichten ;) Ich lehne mich mal zurück, und warte auf News über das Cube Talk 69 und das Huawei Mediapad X1.
So, jetzt ist Männerabend angesagt ... Pizza ist bestellt und Sportschau läuft :drink:


Was da an Schrauben fehlt...
vielleicht ein design feature, denn hier fehlts ja auch

NFC scheint nur optional zu sein , was auch immer das heißt

With these features may change process has shipped, stand one Hall holster, optional NFC, higher pixel cameras before some of the columns feature unformed temporarily released.
und im dem Bild steht auch
More large windows holster bracket Hall / Optional NFC, etc. successively exposed
T69 图14 综合  拷贝.jpg

Muß man vielleicht dazu bestellen ?


Gibts eigentlich was neues zum VÖ Termin, @johndebur? Außer immer mal ein paar "Sample Pictures" (wie sinnvoll, warum machen die kein Review???) findet man keine weiteren Infos. Da ich ganztägig arbeite und hier kein Skype nutzen kann, hatte ich Mixe per Mail angefragt, aber keine Antwort erhalten (ist ja leider nix neues).


Also das letzte Lebenszeichen von Carpad , war so eine sinnlose Aktion, wo man das T6 billiger vorbestellen konnte. Vom T69 Max gab es keine news oder reviews.
Ach ja das war die tolle news, daß es die HAndys nun auch in gold gibt:

Das letzte über das T69 war, daß die den Verkauf für einen Tag geöffnet hatten.
Today 0:00 began to open for 1 day to buy.
Aber irgendwie gibt es auch noch keine reviews, weil die noch Prototypen haben.
let us first see it , the video evaluation T69MAX appearance , display, run sub video , because is not yet a final product , mold process , system optimization yet in place , so it ran out of 26500 + high points, with Samsung S4 is almost the same , I believe will be higher after optimization , see the video :
(Bei mir will da kein Video laden)
von hier:

Allerdings sind das glaube ich auch so Werbe-news auf mtksj und vom Hersteller selbst verfaßt, bzw aus deren Forum kopiert?
Sind in der Regel auch immer negativ bewertet.


hatte ich Mixe per Mail angefragt, aber keine Antwort erhalten
Meine letzte Anfrage wurde "lieferbar" beantwortet, nur glaube ich es nicht und je länger ich darüber nachdenke, desto weniger bin ich entschlossen. Wenn NFC 100%ig sicher wäre, würde ich es sofort ordern... Aber was ist in China 100%ig?


Meine letzte Anfrage wurde "lieferbar" beantwortet
Glaube ich definitiv auch nicht. Es gibt weder irgendein Review, noch hat es ein anderer Shop "auf Lager". Bei merimobiles kann man es für 280$ vorbestellen. Könnte aber wetten, das die den Preis noch anheben und man dann die Differenz nachzahlen muss. Wie auch immer, ich selber würde NIE vorbestellen ... allein schon wegen der Paypal Frist!
Wäre schade wenn es kein NFC hat, denn die eigentlichen Specs lesen sich durchweg positiv, und das Design ist verdammt gelungen :)


wenn es kein NFC hat
Im Moment ist genau das mein Problem... der MT6592 reist mich nicht um... Klar wenn Userfragen kommen sind eigene Erfahrungen immer das Wertvollste..., aber OT wenn das Ding zB. Halten würde was es verspricht, dann wäre es für mich eine Alternative. OT Habe mir schon verschiedene Video Reviews angeschaut. Die NFC Antenne war zu sehen, nicht aber eine Demo dazu.


@rWx: habe heute kurz vor Ladenschluss noch mal versucht die (MIXE) aus der Reserve zu locken... behaupten spätestens in 12 Tagen (EUEXP) hätte ich es. Wer das glaubt ist naiv (meine Meinung)


Ich denke die warten auch bis die erste Charge kommt. Vielleicht haben die aber auch ein paar mehr Infos wann die ersten Geräte verfügbar sind?
Dieser multicorechina Blog sieht mir nach nem Testlabor für Prototypen aus. Da gibts ja auch keine Reviews zu "fertigen" Geräten. Naja, mal abwarten.

*from mobile*


Pass auf, gehe eigentlich kein Risiko ein, wenn ich morgen im Chat mal versuche, das Ding mal zu ordern. Bis die das losschicken sin auch meine Rückläufer fertig....
Übrigens verdammt kleine Antenne für die Größe...


Es gibt wieder so komische Aktionen von Carpad, keine Ahnung was da los ist:

7周年司庆3.8折反哺回报 凯派全线产品特价 mtksj

3.8 fold celebrate the 7th anniversary of the Secretary Kay sent nurturing return all products Specials
March 22, 2007 , the parent company of Kay sent金海嘉Cheng was born in the beautiful coastal city of Qingdao, did not do from automotive electronics to GPS operations and then to the final tablet to tablet phone , seven years experienced the vicissitudes of life can be described as precarious , unfortunately out much success , but also a pity that we have not yet stood down . In this 2555 day, countless friends quietly helped us through the ups and downs one after another , it is your arm and it did not fall, your encouragement makes us more courage to go forward. 7 years, we have precipitated a culture , accumulated reputation, build a brand , make friends , with these , stick to these , we have confidence in the vision of 70 years , Kay sent centennial vision .

Kay sent T69MAX

Been to Qingdao friends are aware of the old city of Qingdao , mostly German construction , perhaps by the influence and impact , Kay sent the same style of acting excellence, the pursuit of excellence, the conscience of culture throughout the production , sales and service in all aspects . Low-key and restrained , pragmatic moderate , which is a favorite of many important reasons Kay Kay pink faction . We are not Worship Germany, but to learn German meticulous pursuit of perfection of the spirit. The same is vanquished in World War II , Germany 's attitude to history admirable , but the industry as long as there is a small area of German products in Japan basically are not rivals , German car win the Japan-US Department . Germany is the culmination of a camera and no one can . Today we bring you a set of "Lycra and Kay sent T69max" HD Photo , like Lycra not because of his extravagant , but his deep cultural heritage , like the Leica not because of his looks stylish but his inner superb quality. Lycra in countless classic story , the most classic is : a collection of Leica cameras for many years the old man , the total out of bed at midnight , took a Leica camera , gently press the shutter , I heard that issued the metal parts in the dark fall asleep after clicking sound faintly discernible . Love Lycra, is a grade is required , culture, hobby , which reason will do, no matter what kind of reason will involve a lot of philosophical thinking . That red flag is a great aura , which is the spirit of the brand Kay sent pursuit and dream of longing.

Although T69max trial production machine looks very beautiful, but there will be more spiritual excellence Lycra meticulous . 1913 The first Leica camera just a hundred years since the birth of red marks, heavy body and consistent design style, not instant success , do not follow the crowd , painstaking technique , real materials , this is the lycra. Let us pursue a dream : Kay sent - to build China 's Lycra !

March 3 until March 8 , Kay sent celebrate the 7th anniversary of the Division of nurturing chapter opens , the audience 3.8 fold during the event . Kay sent the audience all mobile phone products 10% off all products and equipment intelligent audience six pack , all leather , batteries , film, data cable , headphones and other mobile phone accessories audience 3.8 fold, activity six days only . Buy way , after you have captured goods can note in the postscript , you also need something like 1,000 yuan to buy 10% of mobile phones that only 900 yuan , 100 yuan to pay after receiving the goods to you directly refunded in cash, but also in postscript Note that you need to increase 100 yuan other commodities may be, this 100 yuan to buy smart if equipment is arrived 166 yuan , if it is to reach 380 yuan optional accessories are used to force it ! If you buy 100 yuan a separate accessory merchandise only 38 yuan , and the remaining 62 yuan to buy other goods , that arrived in 380 yuan 100 yuan payment using cash only optional accessories accessories reclaim goods . Purchase accessories are required to select one during the event postage, product wins red is not to participate in activities .

Supplemental Thanksgiving Activities : Due version of 3G, F2 holster still some inventory , two groups of users and this is the earliest benefactor Kay sent , so long as you are still using Kay sent these two products , as long as you take any shop in the factory thing, in order postscript note on your purchase order number and F2 3G version before , can you complimentary one original leather case. If your version of 3G and F2 are not purchased online , you can display the status of your phone in the boot ( to prove the machine has been in use ) , local newspaper the day with a photo shoot together ( to shoot clear date ) and submitted to the customer can provide you free of charge. Activities to March 8 deadline , old friends , benefactors of these two do not need your money, please pay close attention to the needs , these stocks while supplies last.

Then aggregated for everyone to see:Time: March 3 - March 8, 2009Activities:1, mobile phone products 10% off the audience , audience intelligence products and equipment 6 fold, 3.8 fold audience accessory products , limited activity six days .2,3 G version , F2 and old customers can be anything as long as the shot threw a leather factory , while supplies last.3, after a 10% price difference can return the phone now also available for purchase other accessories , equipment and accessories required to cobble together a smart purchase amount , such as smart equipment 100 yuan 166 yuan arrived in use , accessories 100 yuan 380 yuan arrived in use .

3.8 is Women's Day , in the absence of the mother before the holiday actually , 3.8 is the mother of the festival , Kay sent the faithful not only with local fish and water , it is everyone's child, Kay sent smaller still need your continued care of the sheep 's milk had to kneel Well, there are feeding crow love, Kay sent in its capacity as much as possible under the rewards faithful machine to express our mind . Celebrate the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the Division I sincerely wish all our friends and your mother in good health , happy holidays !
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So sieht es in der rauen umkämpften Praxis aus:
Mein heutiger Dialog:
[09:00:27] Ich: Carpad T69 Max - MTK6592 6.95" WUXGA (1920 * 1200) 4200mah 2Gb Ram 16GB Rom 8.0MP camera 7.98 mm dick smartphone
Battery: Battery * 2pcs
Colour: Black with NFC Option via EUEXP and Flip cover for fre
[09:09:29] Ich: Do you unterstand me?
[09:09:40] tony zhou: yes
[09:09:42] tony zhou: understand
[09:11:04] Ich: I like to order the Carpad now together with you, beacause you wrote:
[09:11:06] ich: [Freitag, 28. Februar 2014 11:10] tony zhou:
<<< it is about 8-12days
[09:11:46]Ich: It ist possible now, please make a calculation.
[09:13:49] tony zhou: one second
[09:21:59] tony zhou: let me confirm warehouse for stock wait
[09:23:28] Ich: When you get this information? Today?
[09:25:42] tony zhou: this model is delayed for release
[09:25:44] tony zhou: sorry dear
[09:26:06] tony zhou: take one more week , it is supposed today for released
Nun wer es glaubt...


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