hmm....if you don't have cwm-r i think it is not the correct fw for you, but need to wait. I will talk to Hammtidammti and ask him, if this file work for him.
If it works for him, it isn't the correct fw for you!
And about cache and data. There is no need NOW to flash! It is more work to read out empty cache and empty data, than just go to cwm-r and choose wipe data and wipe cache!
So please be patient.
I will contact you again!
i just took a look at your Picture! Please choose "enter recovery" in this Menue! Now you should be in CWM-R. Please try out!!!
Edit2: ahh you can't choose the menue :/ than you have to follow the things N2K1 has said! just make clear cache and clear data. and flash them with the fw you already have!