MT6585 - Mediatek Quad core am Ende des Jahres ?


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Bissl verschwommen, aber immerhin mal bissl was zu sehen:


dann koennte ja auch die goophone i5 verrsion sich von dem quadcore begluecken lol


laut Mediatek wird im dritten Quartal dieses Jahres die Taktfrequenz vom MT6589 chip verbessert sein, da es sich dann um eine geupdatete CPU handeln wird. Soll dann auch mit verbessertem 4G support kommen.

联发科动态:近期推出MT6572/MT8135等新芯片 - MTK手机网

MediaTek dynamic: the recent launch of MT6572/MT8135 new chip
Already past the 2013 Mobile World Congress, MediaTek portability unveiled its range of products and new technologies, which is undoubtedly the most talked about recent production MT6589 quad-core chip, equipped with the MT6589 quad-core production The chip terminal onto the market in the near future. MediaTek general manager Xie Jiangqing still the General Assembly demonstrated the wireless transmission support MiraCast multi-screen smartphone, and revealed MTK new product planning.
With its innovative, superior cost and design flexibility, MediaTek complete wireless communications solutions, has become the best choice for terminal manufacturers to seize the opportunities in the rapidly changing field of mobile communications. The end of last year, MediaTek launched the world's first commercial production quad-core smartphone system-on-chip, its characteristics significantly shorten the time-to-market and popular domestic power companies, including ZTE, Huawei, Coolpad, Lenovo, and Jin, TCL, etc. will launch a terminal equipped with MTK quad-core chip products, follow-up and more manufacturers will use the chip, MediaTek MT6589 subsequent sales full of confidence.
In addition, Xie Jiangqing MediaTek in the first quarter of this year production MT6572, the chip supports TD-SCDMA network, using 28nm process has two core terminal equipped with the platform in the first quarter to the second quarter, about the official amount production market. The second quarter began to follow up the MT8135, MT8135 for tablet PCs tailored for tablet optimized higher main frequency can speed up the system response speed. Released MT6589 upgraded version of the third quarter, will enhance the speed of the CPU, higher frequency. The end of the effort to create the next generation of LTE chips support 4G network.


@johndebur: Und was heißt das für die Phones, welche jetzt bereits mit dem MT6589 Chip ausgestattet sind? Kriegen die Update, wenn das überhaupt möglich ist?


Denke mal das ist so wie beim MT6577, der ja dann als MT6577T mit höherer Taktfrequenz auf den Markt kam. Im Herbst gibt es dann komplett neue handys, da wird man sicherlich nicht extra die CPU wechseln.


ist ja auch beim goophone der fall, könnte man nun das zu einer T version umschreiben ?


Klar kann man das umschreiben... Einfach die build.prop manipulieren, dann zeigt er an was du willst, auch 6899, oder 937434236...

Damit begibt man sich allerdings in ein Niveau, das vergleichbar ist, mit den kloppern, die sich auf ihren Corsa 1.0i ne Aufkleberbatterie a' la "turbo, 600v, v8, kompressor, aldi" kleben...


das was die tun ist ja sinnfrei :banghead: am Besten auschrauben und pruefen :grin::grin:

Sent from my GOOPHONEi5 using Tapatalk 2


angeblich plant mediatek den MT6572 28nm Dual Core chip auch als WCDMA CPU anzubieten. Bisher ist der chip als TD-SCDMA chip geplant, aber angeblich wird er auch WCDMA unterstützen?

Biography MT6572 recent mass production will launch quad-core version
Recently, a senior industry broke the news, The MediaTek under a new product MT6572 upcoming Recently the amount of production, the fastest in the second quarter saw equipped with MTK6572 terminal available. More explosive information MT6572 not just support the TD network, allegedly also compatible with both WCDMA and EDGE networks, and there will be quad-core layout city, in order to counter the Qualcomm MSM8X25Q and other competitors' products. That person broke the news credibility has always been very high, MTK and a "God-level chip coming soon.
Take a certain degree of security measures before the chip company's products are not released to the outside world will only know the MT6572 will use 28-nanometer process, just 4-layer printed circuit boards, integrated Bluetooth, WiFi, FM and GPS and other communication function, given some time ago by existing schemes equipped MT6572 chip PCBA offer very competitive prices.
In this year's MWC 2013 conference, the general manager of MediaTek Xie Jiangqing also revealed that the first quarter of the production MT6572, equipped with the chip terminal may be listed in May. Although initial two cores, but compared to the process already on the market and a big seller MT6577 is more advanced, lower power consumption, and is compatible with the TD and EDGE networks, and there may be more new features equipped, and the subsequent four The nuclear version to further enhance the the MT6572 market competitiveness.

MediaTek Although intelligent era started slow a half-beat, But virtue with its own products of highly integrated, as well as price and other advantages quickly chase, has been listed mononuclear MT6575, dual-core MT6577 are obtained fairly good sales, the latest four-core chip MT6589 more is already used many large manufacturers at home and abroad, equipped with MT6589 quad-core processor smartphone seems to have become synonymous with cost-effective quad-core, with the addition of MTK6572 new chip, MediaTek's product line will become increasingly rich, user choice will be more and more.


Es ist ja überall zu lesen dass der MT6585 probleme hat mit den 2GB RAM. Gibt es schon geräte auf dem markt die so ausgestattet sind und funktionieren?

Noch eine frage, sind die 8mp kameras die selben die sie verbauen oder gibt es da mehrere zur auswahl. Bei der 13mp kamera gibt es ja welche die eine sony verbaut haben, wie sieht es bei der 8mp aus?


Ab 1. April werden die MT6589 CPUs billiger laut Mediatek. D.h es werden dann noch mehr MT6589 handys auf den Markt kommen? Da steht was von 40 neuen Modellen? oder vielleicht verstehe ich das auch falsch :) Der chip kostet dann 18$ statt 20$

Sony gehört anscheinend auch zu den Kunden von mediatek, dann kommt ja bald mal ein Sony mit MT6589 ?

Ist doch kein April Scherz? :p

联发科动态:或4月1日下调芯片价格 mtksj

The MediaTek dynamic: or lower chip prices on April 1
News from the Economic Times, MediaTek, or on April 1 began to cut its full line of products priced first quad-core smartphone chip MT6589 prices drop by about one percent, comprehensive sprint shipments. In addition, the impact of the Chinese New Year holidays in February this year, MediaTek closed at 6.092 billion yuan, turnover in March is expected to have increased dramatically, revenue is expected to more than 8 billion.
In response to client quad-core mobile phone by the end of the new machines together, plus the latest low-cost version of the dual-core and quad-core chip mass production soon, the market came the Asian mobile phone chip leading MediaTek full line of products price adjustment will be carried out on April 1 , the highest decline in the quad-core chip, the announced price cut of about one percent, and shipments of full sprint.
The legal price cuts sufficient impulse, the gross margin impact remains to be seen, now it seems, MediaTek half gross margin should fall 41-43% range, the second half of the year have the opportunity to improve.

Due to the higher price of quad-core chip, the early customers much, MediaTek approximately scored 20 customers, including mainland China's Lenovo, ZTE, Huawei, Gionee, TCL and Japanese companies Sony (SONY); wave 1 production The customers have seven or eight, the end product has been listed on the Lunar New Year.

Phone chip supply chain, said, using MediaTek quad-core chip of 20 customers, about 3 Yuedi early April to enter the dense listed period, total about three, forty models the new machine will be listed, as the main cause of MediaTek Division this price cut, new price about April 1.
The supply chain of mobile phone chip MT6589 last December, is currently only a small number of models listed, price changes than meaningless, but by the end of March, the client will be mass production, need more chips MediaTek bound to cut prices, so four core chip prices more "close to the people", while impulse competition for the quad-core mobile phone market share, and Qualcomm (Qualcomm).

After this adjustment the view MediaTek core chip card prices listed a price of about $ 20 per set about down to $ 18, about one percent of the price of parcels. The dual core chip and single-core chip part the originally lower prices, a decline is relatively small. The MediaTek no Reviews price trends, but said the price is not any exception.

By the drastic fall in the number of working days, MediaTek February revenue of 6.092 billion yuan, month less, refrain.

Mainland mobile phone customers back to a single force of good corporate forecast MediaTek March intelligent mobile phone chip shipments will have around 15 million units, driven by monthly revenue back to 80 billion yuan, the quarterly smooth touchdowns.


Q2 kommt der neue 28nm Dual Core von Mediatek, MT6572.

28纳米双核MT6572临近 WCDMA版本率先登场 mtksj

28 nm dual-core the MT6572 near WCDMA version is the first to debut
MediaTek new generation of 28-nanometer low-level MT6572 test large single release, legal estimate, Sigurd belongs MediaTek supply chain members, on revenue of $ 4.5 billion in March, 3 percent monthly growth rate point of view, and visibility of orders to see to the second half of the year. Equal to MediaTek Daihatsu, supply chain, with
Hot news recently about MTK MediaTek technology first in April will usher in a full range of chip products prices down, and low-cost quad-core chip MT6589 m this month is the amount of production, WCDMA, TD SCDMA and EDGE also supports a variety of network, the use of MTK dual-core smartphone system-on-chip (SoC) MT6572 MTK MT6589 four-core processor smartphone will have a higher market competitiveness, another much industry concern about to stage MTK6572 terminal around the second quarter of this year or so available.

MT6572 is MediaTek new generation of chip products using 28-nanometer process, based on the Cortex-A7 architecture, built-in Mali-400 graphics processor, MT6572 MediaTek's first smart phone chip Mali-400 GPU. MT6572 has two cores, the main frequency 1GHz single core, first launched WCDMA version began mass production, the second quarter is not mass production to support the the TD standard of MT6572TD then MT6572E, will support the EDGE network. In addition, industry insider, the late also launched MT6572 quad-core version. This article from the the MTK phone network

The MT6572 Chart circulated, Image Source Network.

According the smell currently Mainland smell the Thai Hua Qin, Shing, as well as Hong Kong Xinlong programs (IDH) have been equipped MT6572 PCBA motherboard available, and informed sources, the MT6572 terminal run smooth and stable experience good. Renowned IDH have followed suit, and are optimistic about the prospects for MT6572 dual-core chips, not just because of the price advantage of the chip, the most important the MTK6572 performance in the same level of chip products more competitive, and follow-up is estimated there will be more mobile phone design company will launch MTK6572 motherboard programs, the competition will continue.

MTK MT6572 thousand dollars / thousand mainly for the smart phone market, a more advanced process technology, lower power consumption and more competitive prices, so that the MT6572 just appeared on the touted, but sources said. recent large shipments still MT6589 quad-core chip-based, the terminal large quantities listed may have to wait until the second quarter did not.


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