ok bad news, hab eben die mail von fast card tech bekommen, das der Zoll Probleme macht und alle Pakete mit Akku (wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe) einer genauen Untersuchung unterlegt und nicht aus HongKong raus lässt. Nun wird mein Paket von HongKong zurück an FCT geschickt
Hier die original mail:
Dear buyer,
Thank you for you always order from fastcardtech.com.
We are very proud to sell to you.
We always try to give buyer best service and support.
About your order:
edit US20110xxxxxxxx we got DHL bad news.
We always use high price HONGKONG DHL ONLY for help buyer not pay high tax or tax due to ship from HONGKONG DHL always more easy than CHINA DHL pass custom.
Package will ship in china and tranfer to hongkong fly to you.
Bad news is in May 18- 23 this part time. HONGKONG customs office have an action for check all DHL packages Security agreement for packages with battery .
All this part time DHL packages with battery be hold and ask provide paper documents.
We provide a very detailed documentary evidence, but the customs requirements of the conditions are tough, so unfortunately have to return your package.
Package will be back to us on June 8th or 9th .
We truly sorry for it, we know that you wait long time for our package.
We would like to confirm with you:
If you are willing to re-send your package. If you would like to re-send, For delay sorry we will refund you 8USD for compensation.
If you do not want us to re-send your package, we can refund you ASAP after got your comfirmation for a refund in the mail within 24 hours.
For this unexpected customs event, We most sincerely apologize once again.
Hope for your understanding and fast comfrim with us
thanks and best regards
ich werde wohl erst mal das Geld zurück verlangen, da mir im Moment die lust vergangen ist.