Muster-Brief an EMS
Hallo allerseits,
das Basis-Problem ist ja, dass einerseits EMS ein sehr guter Versand für Ware aus China ist und oft auch mit anständigen Firmen in Deutschland weiter transportiert wird. Nur ein Teil der Pakete landet bei der GDSK, aber dadurch ist es natürlich ein Glücksspiel, wenn man EMS nehmen will oder muss. Ich denke, EMS sollte von möglichst vielen Leuten über das Problem informiert werden, was aber leider etwas schwierig ist. EMS hat keinen Kundenservice per email (die weiter oben genannte Adresse akzeptierte von mir keine Nachrichten); per Telephon gibt es einen englischen Kundenservice, der meine Beschwerde auch nicht annahm. Das Problem war, dass der Telephonservice in Shanghai sitzt, der Versand aber aus Peking erfolgte. Peking hatte nur ein chinesisches Tonband. Ich habe nun einen englisch-sprachigen Brief entworfen und an EMS in China geschickt. Das Porto kostet aktuell nur 75 Cent und wenn genügend Leute sich beschweren, bringt das ja vielleicht etwas und EMS sucht sich bessere Partner für alle Pakete. Ich stelle den Brief hier zur Verfügung für diejenigen, die vielleicht nicht so gut Englisch beherrschen. Wer Details will: Übersetzt ihn einfach mit google-Sprachtools. Die Dollarbeträge folgen den aktuellen GDSK-Preisen beim momentanen Wechselkurs. Das sollte man also aktuell jeweils anpassen.
China Courier Service Corporation
Bldg. 17
Zhu Shi Kou East Street
Chongwen District
Beijing 100050
People’s Republic of China
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to you because I sometimes buy from Chinese merchants. Many of them prefer EMS because it is safe and fast. Unfortunately, there is a problem when EMS is used to ship to Germany. Many packages are delivered by reliable and honest German shipping companies, like GLS. But some are handled by a company called GDSK. When GDSK get an EMS-package, they confiscate it and then send the recipient a letter. They give you two choices: Either refuse the package and demand that it is sent back to China, or pay them an unusually high fee (about 35$ at the current exchange rate) to take care of customs. (Many companies do this for free, a few charge a low fee; nobody is as expensive as GDSK.) They demand that fee even if no customs need to be paid because the package is a gift or cheaper than 30$. If the process takes longer than a week, they also demand a 7$ per day fee for storing the package. Recently, some people have started an information page on the internet: It is possible to take care of the customs issue yourself even if GDSK has your package. But while customs officials just want an invoice so they can calculate the customs fee, GDSK demand that you do all the paperwork yourself, which is extremely complicated because of all the numbers customs would usually fill in themselves. This is meant to stop people from using this option so that they pay the 35$ to the GDSK. But even if you do this anyway, GDSK still want money for giving the package to you and taking your money for customs. This means that they a) delay delivery b) charge a lot of money from every single customer c) make things a lot more difficult than they would be with any other shipping company. As a result, many Germans don’t buy items that are shipped by EMS and many Chinese sellers refuse to ship to Germany or they use another shipping service than EMS. GDSK harm your business and your reputation by their greedy and dishonest behavior. I was a recent victim, so are many others. GDSK must make hundreds of thousands of Dollars every year with this method. They even go so far as to sue people who don’t want to accept these methods. Their methods have also been reported to the law by at least one victim. I don’t know if you are informed of these problems, so I wanted to let you know with this letter. I hope that you will stop doing business with this company so that Germans can buy in China and use EMS without having to be afraid that GDSK will get their package.