kann man hoffentlich mit dem Smartphone steuern? 
小米神秘新品曝光 就是要睡你!mydrivers

小米神秘新品曝光 就是要睡你!mydrivers
Millet mysterious new exposure is to sleep you!
Although the conference on the 25th of last year, millet, but this does not mean that no new products this year, millet, and some accessories or peripheral categories of products will continue to meet with us.
@ Millet smart home has just announced that the public will be at 10:00 on December 1 to raise a new mystery, which features "that you want to sleep."
About this new, official is so described:?? "Meng lovely coffee beans stay, eat and drink actually still can not figure out sleeping baby showing at 10:00 on December 1, to @ millet smart home together?! Sleeping beans about it? "
Is this is a coffee machine?