Xiaomi Hongmi/ Redmi/ Note- Alles Roter Reis von Xiaomi


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Unter Kodename Red Rice (Roter Reis) baut Xiaomi ein Handy mit 4,7 Zoll Display für 100 Euro. Es wird ausgerüstet mit ein 1,2 GHz dual core CPU, ein 4,7 Zoll Display mit 1280x720 Resolution, 1 GB RAM und 8 GB ROM.

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AW: Roter Reis von Xiaomi

Klingt doch sehr interessant, würde dann mit Versand und Steuer ja so bei ca 140,–€ liegen

Gesendet von meinem N9500 mit Tapatalk 2


Bekommt anscheinend den MT6589 Chip? Nächster Monat startet die Produktion, angeblich. Nur wenn es ein reines TD handy ist, ist es ja für uns uninteressant :)

传MTK6589四核版红米手机2下月量产? mtksj

MTK6589 quad-core version of the red rice phone next month production?
Millet mobile phone push red rice lead to the attention of the majority of users, a variety of spy photos, rumors continue, the latest roadside community news released recently another storage test abortion rumors linking core version of red rice through China Mobile phone is not equipped with MTK6589 quad-core processors red rice phone or named red rice phone, and there likely will be in mass production in June.
On red rice suspended messages may be true, a number of senior industry has made ​​it clear, is not because of storage tests do not pause or some other reason unknown. As for the red rice mobile phone equipped with MTK6589 quad-core platform will be introduced has been news spread, just ahead of the reasons for the suspension because of the red rice. Production from June 2009 is true also yet to be verified.

Early as February this year, not when red rice, millet to launch mobile phone news quickly spread on the network, and will launch MTK6589, joint core 1810 and Spreadtrum Shark three TD version, but the end of the addition to the current version of the associated core hardware specifications and Price news came out, the other two versions is still a question mark.


Der Rote Reis 2 soll angeblich im Juli zu haben sein und mit dem MT6589T ausgestattet werden. Laut gerüchten soll es dann 999 yuans kosten?
Wenn das alles stimmt?

传红米2升级1.5G主频处理器 7月份上市 mtksj

Chuan-hong m 2 processor clocked at 1.5G upgrade listed in July
Rivers and lakes are not yet the true capacity of red rice phones, but the world is full of red rice phone legend. Initially outgoing phone message to the red rice now lasted more than in March, in addition to a red rice has a red body suspected spy cell phone charger and a red rice packaging photo, people seem no longer hard to find red rice phones real "face." Some time ago came with the core version of the red rice died, MTK6589 edition red rice 2 will continue, and may in the June production, recently another red rice 2 news that came out, not only with time to market prices have been exposed .
Is said to provide insider news, millet technology introduced MTK6589 mobile version of red rice (red rice 2) or officially listed in July, and the price may be 999 yuan, while most people concerned about is that red rice 2 adopt the latest MTK MT6589T (MT6589-Tubro) quad-core processor, the processor upgraded to 1.5GHz. The accuracy of the above news yet known, well-known red rice millet phone is built TD series models, MTK version of the red rice will be used to support mobile 3G network MT6589 processor, therefore MT6589TD version or 1.5GHz frequency MT6589Tubro there are questions.

Millet technology currently no officially announced the news of red rice phone, the above message is true or false is also difficult to trace, but it is certain that, if the price is really red m 2, it is estimated will give one thousand yuan is not a small quad-core markets pressure.


Ist ja anscheinend nur TD-SCDMA

MTK6589版红米手机已获入网许可证 mtksj

MTK6589 mobile version of red rice network license has been
Millet technology products never lack of attention, came together core dual-core version of the phone called red rice after a pause, came immediately adopt MTK6589 quad-core platform red rice 2 will be available later message, for now the rumors are not groundless , recently a model for the 2,013,011 new machine has network millet, red body confirmed the identity of the aircraft indeed phones undoubtedly red rice.

Red Rice phone 2

Millet phone with previous products, red rice phone's body is even more correct some of the curvature of the corners is not very clear, the machine uses a former black red color, the design of the back of the spy spread out before the same Surrounded by a large rear arc. Another red rice and millet two phone lines, like the power button and volume keys on the right of the fuselage design, more convenient one-hand operation.

Red Rice phone

Pass before the news flow from that, red rice with a 4.7 inches mobile phone or an HD resolution display screen, equipped with the latest 1.5GHz main frequency MTK6589 quad-core processors that can support TD-SCDMA + GSM dual sim dual standby, 1G RAM +8 G ROM memory, battery capacity of 2000 mA, 800-megapixel main camera. But in addition to the suspended joint core version and MTK6589 version, there will be a follow-up pass Spreadtrum quad-core version, but currently there are no Spreadtrum version of the message.

MTK mobile version of the red rice may be listed in the 6-7 months, and the media reported that the price of the machine may be 999 yuan, did not get official confirmation of millet, now no one can not be sure of the accuracy of the above news.



Das Handy wird es ja wohl erstmal nicht geben. Es darf erstmal nicht verkauft werden, zumindest in bestimmten Geschäften nicht , außerdem wurde die Network Lizens wieder entzogen.
Die Gründe stehen im roten Text, den ich nicht ganz verstehe. Also hat den "Chinese mobile storage test" nicht bestanden ? und der zweite Grund hat irgendwas mit dem MT6589 zu tun?
Naja war ja eh TD-SCDMA :p

Red rice is canceled! Industry Bureau blocked millet? Meizu M045 burst!
[ PConline Guangzhou station market ] yesterday morning, on the microblogging see a more significant message: Beijing Industry and Commerce Bureau to ban millet! I was shocked on the spot, in order to determine the authenticity of the message is also picking up a complete picture, the specific content as shown below. The effect is based on the Beijing Industry and Commerce Bureau of the provisions related to the electronic mall "millet" brand products will be off the shelf, shall be displayed, may not be sold, will be severely punished found, was signed XX electronic mall. I flew to Beijing to find colleagues to understand a bit, finally learned only this mall is currently being blocked millet products, there may be just Tophere Management Office's internal reorganization. But I have a question here, and actually is Beijing Industry and Commerce Bureau ordered the ban millet, why only ban this mall merchants? This has an understanding of users may wish to burst under the insider.
In addition, the recent microblogging burst, from the Ministry of Equipment Certification Center released information indicating that red rice mobile phone network license had got have been canceled. This means that at least in the short red rice phone will not officially available, industry analysts red rice mobile licenses were canceled for two reasons, first of all equipped with the core-core processor 1810 pairs of red rice a failed Chinese mobile storage test, and then have the secret to create MT6589 millet quad-core version of the second generation and red rice production this month, went on sale in July. Estimated price of 999 yuan.

Information preceding two seemingly not very good for millet, then this article is to make millet worse, its old rival Meizu will soon release its first TD mobile phone M045, appearance and current commercially available version of the MX2 no difference , purely on the basis of the current system increases the TD standard, gossip refers to this MX2 will also support China Unicom HSPA, As for the prices no announcement, if nothing unexpected happens, this will be the mobile phone contract machine, package Buy an estimated discount rate came great. In addition, senior director Meizu microblogging rumor, which means that out of 1399 yuan Meizu impossible cheap mobile phone, Meizu suppliers are industry TOP 3, does not meet the market with cheap low-quality accessories to make cheap goods.

Edit Comment: Although TD and no other standard experience for good, but now more and more mobile phone manufacturers to join the TD formation, always mobile user base than the other two operators are large sales volume should not be a problem. Red rice millet phone may be just canceled the current strategy, follow-up may actually launch low-cost quad-core TD models.


Meizu Fanboy
Weil Meizu darin erwähnt wird,gebe ich dazu auch mal einen kurzen Kommentar ab.
MeizuMe weiß von diesem "M045" nichts,ich werde mich mal erkundigen aber ich halte es eher für unwahrscheinlich dass Meizu ein billig Modell herstellen wird.

Gesendet von meinem M040 mit Tapatalk 2


Das rote Reis handy bekommt anscheinend den MT6589T, hoffentlich bleibt es nicht bei TD-SCDMA . Soll angeblich so um die 999 yuans kosten. ( 125€ )

999元!小米神秘四核机完全曝光 mydrivers

999 yuan! Millet mysterious four-core machine fully exposed
Pass for a long time mobile phone seem quite mysterious red rice, red rice before 1 generation through a network license, but then it's license is revoked, and then there are sources, red rice a no through China Mobile's storage tests.

Even so, millet does not seem to give up the TD network to build support millet phone, and thus two generations on red rice surfaced, but before the message is displayed, the phone will work with millet 3 on August 16 released simultaneously.

Users now have the first release of the red rice two generations of ROM, its code shows the aircraft is equipped MT6589 quad-core processor, built-in, such as Paypal, Amazon, WPS so common applications, but also with the millet system default wallpaper machine built the same.

In addition, the users also exposed red rice two generations to run sub-scores, and its security Bunny score of 14073, mobile device manufacturers displayed as millet, equipped with a 720p resolution screen, MT6589 equipped with quad-core processor (clocked at 1.5GHz, does the MT6589T?) and 1GB RAM, providing 800-megapixel main camera and 1.2 megapixel front camera.

According to previous rumors, the aircraft is equipped with 4.7-inch screen, running MIUI V5 system, and built-in 2000mAh capacity battery. As for the price of the machine, reveal insiders acknowledge these messages is 999 yuan.


Persona non Greta
sieht interessant aus,obwohl ICH lieber eins von den "großen" Xiaomis bevorzuge :),

aber noch interessanter ist der 47" TV von Xiaomi


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Hier ein Video zwischen das Mi-2 und Red Rice
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Red Rice kommt mit einem MT6589T CPU aber immer noch mit TD-SCDMA

Vorbestellen fängt am 30. Juli in China an.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


So jetzt wird es das Red Rice wohl auch mit WCDMA für die CHina Unicom geben.

支持W+G双卡双待 红米手机联通版真机现身 mtksj

Support W + G dual card dual standby mobile phone Unicom version of red rice real machine appeared
Millet technology spate of recent wedding, September 5 will launch mysterious new product, has successfully completed a new round of financing, valuation of 10 billion U.S. dollars, LEI certainly a good mood, believe in the microblogging immediate concern about exposure of red rice mobile Unicom version of the real machine photos. Founder Lei Jun millet technology had previously disclosed, the market not only to TD, WCDMA markets were not spared, saying Unicom version of the price will be consistent with the mobile version of $ 799.
The exposure of the cell phone as a white version of the red rice, appearance and TD edition no different, is still boxy candy bar design with red buttons, although the text logo on the box for the mobile version, but the system notification bar Unicom version of the aircraft that is displayed indeed, support for WCDMA + GSM dual sim dual standby.

According to maintain the original price can be speculated that red rice Mobile Unicom version or configuration is still the TD version, processor, and might also be MTK6589T, since the program is compatible with TD and WCDMA, another screen, and other aspects should not have too many changes. Unicom version or 720P resolution still equipped with 4.7 inches IPS screen, 1G +4 G memory, 2000000/8000000 pixel camera, 2000 mA battery, running MIUI V5 systems, such as sensors, other estimates remain.

Unicom version of the real machine even though it had surfaced, the official still not announced a specific time to market, although another network standard also began a comprehensive cost is also high, but the average user is difficult to buy success, a lot of electricity 799 yuan mobile phone providers, cattle are in the fare sold 1400 + price ordinary users can not afford to really hurt.


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