Xiaocai X9 - MT6589 4,5" display 2GB Ram 32GB Rom 5MP Cam


New Member
Habe mir ein ein Xiaocai X9 bestellt und es gestern erhalten...

Das Handy an sich ist ganz nett, Verarbeitung m.E. voll OK. Die Kamera ist aber sehr mäßig - kein Vergleich mit den Testbilder oben und GPS eine absolute Katastrophe. Kompass funktioniert gar nicht und selbst unter blauem Himmel habe ich keinen Fix hinbekommen.

Für mich damit totaler Fehlkauf und ich kann jeden der ein gutes GPS sucht nur warnen - sind wohl ziemlich extreme Streuungen...


Das Xiaocai X9 bekommt nun auch den MT6582 und kostet damit 788 yuans (92€)

仅售788元 小采X9升级版上市 mtksj

For only 788 yuan a small mining X9 upgraded version listed
Small mining heavyweight last year launched its mobile phone quad-core products - small mining X9, has a light and thin fashion appearance, while a variety of colorful backshell for users to choose , priced at 888 yuan , now upgraded this phone after the version sent to the party, an upgraded version of the processor core has been adjusted , while prices also dropped .

Compared with the original version, the new small mining on the X9 will enhance the performance , because the machine will MTK6589 quad-core processor to replace shortly before mass production MTK MT6582 quad-core , GPU becomes MALI 400MP2, main frequency has also been upgraded to 1.3 GHz, other aspects and nothing changes.
The new version is equipped with a small mining X9 4.5 inches qHD resolution, full -screen fit with front 5,000,000 8,000,000 -pixel dual cameras , 1G RAM +4 G ROM memory and battery capacity of 1800 mA, support the replacement , has a dual SIM card slot support W + G dual card dual standby.
Another machine in addition to their own CAI OS, there are a large number of third-party ROM provides adaptation.

Founder stylish appearance is one of the selling points of the machine , a small mining X9 upgraded version of the continuation of the original design, the measurements for size 134 * 65 * 7.9mm, black, white double standard colors , in addition to red, pink , yellow and blue and other optional rear shell .

Small mining X9 upgraded version of the current price of 788 yuan in the official mall sale , Address : http://www.coko.com.cn/?product-105.html
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