When you had a bad flash, and have only a white screen, but you can access phone through activesync
Try This:
Install acitve sync
Install IDT
Install K3firstaid
Turn on Phone.
Connect though active sync
Run K3 first aid
Put phone into download mode with the button in K3firstaid program
Run IDT ( password: hisilicon)
upload C4EN.bin to phone
When no connection to phone in IDT, try to push on/off button
worked for me
Runs with Windows XP, have not used it on windows Vista or 7
Sorry for my bad englisch
Try This:
Install acitve sync
Install IDT
Install K3firstaid
Turn on Phone.
Connect though active sync
Run K3 first aid
Put phone into download mode with the button in K3firstaid program
Run IDT ( password: hisilicon)
upload C4EN.bin to phone
When no connection to phone in IDT, try to push on/off button
worked for me
Runs with Windows XP, have not used it on windows Vista or 7
Sorry for my bad englisch
6.9 MB Aufrufe: 128
6.7 MB Aufrufe: 81
1.5 MB Aufrufe: 111
75 MB Aufrufe: 73