"Talking Tom" on Iphone 4 clone


New Member
Dear all, I recently bought an Iphone 4 clone from a local dealer and thus I am unable to tell the exact model. However my best guess is that it is a Pinphone. I have the following queries.

1- "Talking Tom" and "Skirt" icons do not work. When tapped, it give the following error.
"Can not find the installation file, whether to download?" and then it fails to "download". "Talking Tom" is an Android/Apple application. So is my phone an "Android Phone"? If yes, then why is it not identified as android phone when connected to PC via USB?

2- If no, then how can "Talking Tom" be installed on a non-android phone?

3- Anyway, how can I get these two applications working?

Best Regards


Some of these phones have a JAVA version of Talking Tom on it, I'm GUESSING those files are missing on your tf-card. And I'm sorry, I wouldn't know where to find these files and where they have to be located. I would really help if you could find out exaclty what phone you have. I doubt you have THE pinphone because I don't think the pinphones were ever released with Talking Tom on them.


New Member
ColZap, many thanks for the quick reply. Pl. take a look at the following links.
K7 Pinphone
Pinphone 4 i6S
These are variants of Pinphone. My phone is almost exactly like these two models apart from a few icons and themes. These two phones run Talking Tom with the icon named "tom cat". How can I know for sure which model do I have?

Secondly, I did not know there was a Java version of "Talking Tom". In fact I am pretty sure that this application is currently available only for Apple & Android only.

Do these iPhone replica manufacturer(s) ever come on front? It seems there are many suppliers on the Internet but they seem to supply the same phones.

Thanks again for the prompt reply.


O.k., here is the thing: I have a Yophone V3 that also has Tomcat on it. The program seems to be part of the firmware, no way it can be extracted.


It also uses some files that are on the SD card. On MY SD-card there is a folder in the root directory called "tomcat". Unzip it and copy it directly on your SD-card


MAYBE it'll work on your phone as well? I doubt it but it's worth a try :)


New Member
Thank you Col for your help. It was really nice of you to take so much trouble for me :thank_you: BUT it did not work for me. Anyway I think I should not spend too much time on this.

However, the files that you posted have given me another idea. I think I can code a "Talking Tom" like application on MATLAB for PC using these files! I guess Chinese have done something similar for their mobiles.

Thanks Again.


New Member
Problem solved thanks to the SD card files supplied by member evo2power

That file isn't online anymore.

I have quite the same issue: I inadvertantly formatted my phone's TF card and now Talking Tom and a few more don't work anymore (most annoying is that the "chat" mode for SMS doesn't work anymore, instead it shows SMS message in a very badly readable test format). I already tried the files supplied with the Sophone (someone posted them on this forum), but they don't seem to contain what I need. So does someone happen to have the file quoted above ? (or does someone have a firmware flash file for the non-Android Yophone?) Thanks a lot in advance.


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