suche für game level test ...


New Member
hi bin auf der suche nach tablet oder anderen android device usern die mal auf ihrer hardware testen möchten wie performant das demo ist.
ich habs hier auf einen sony s tablet geteset.
ist aber auf android 2.2 lauffähig.

die demo gibts grati sbei androidpit oder wer sich nicht anmelden möchte kann sie auch direct von mir haben.

danke euch schon mal.


Die neuere Version läuft auf dem FT6 mit Cortex A8 nicht.

Getestet mit Android 2.3 und ANdroid 4.03

Es kommt nur ein Screen auf dem JellyPixel steht und dann passiert nichts mehr


New Member
erstmal vielen dank euch beiden.
oh das klingt ja erstmal nicht gut. also auf nen andern tablet lief es von bekannten.
Schumuckl: haste auch weng gewartet? das braucht ca 1 minute zum laden. die alte version lief?
ColonelZap: evtl könnte es an den tegra image compressionen liegen. ich werd heute später nochmal neues build ausspielen.
danke nochmal das ihr euch die mühe gemacht habt.
ich poste dann wieder hier rein.
tja das ist leider etwas problemtatischer mit den ganzen android devices


hier mal ein kleines logcat vom Herotab C8 mit ner beta firmware:
I/System.out( 3945): UPDATECOUNTERS REQUEST: de.jellypixel.tunneltest = 0
I/System.out( 3945): UPDATINGCOUNTERS: de.jellypixel.tunneltest = 0
I/ActivityManager(  152): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=de.jellypixel.tunneltest/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerProxyActivity } from pid 3945
I/ActivityManager(  152): Start proc de.jellypixel.tunneltest for activity de.jellypixel.tunneltest/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerProxyActivity: pid=4055 uid=10131 gids={3003, 1015}
I/ActivityManager(  152): Starting: Intent { flg=0x10000 cmp=de.jellypixel.tunneltest/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity } from pid 4055
I/Unity   ( 4055): cpuarch.GetCpuFeatures() = 254
I/Unity   ( 4055): cpuarch.GetTotalMemory() = 360
I/Unity   ( 4055): gles_mode = 2 (integer)
I/Unity   ( 4055): splash_mode = 0 (integer)
I/Unity   ( 4055): hide_status_bar = False (bool)
I/Unity   ( 4055): 32bit_display = True (bool)
I/Unity   ( 4055): 24bit_depth = False (bool)
I/Unity   ( 4055): default_aa = 0 (integer)
I/Unity   ( 4055): development_player = True (bool)
D/dalvikvm( 4055): Trying to load lib /data/data/de.jellypixel.tunneltest/lib/ 0x40513190
D/dalvikvm( 4055): Added shared lib /data/data/de.jellypixel.tunneltest/lib/ 0x40513190
D/dalvikvm( 4055): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/de.jellypixel.tunneltest/lib/ 0x40513190, skipping init
D/dalvikvm( 4055): Trying to load lib /data/data/de.jellypixel.tunneltest/lib/ 0x40513190
D/dalvikvm( 4055): Added shared lib /data/data/de.jellypixel.tunneltest/lib/ 0x40513190
D/Unity   ( 4055): NativeActivity creating: 0x1edf20
D/Unity   ( 4055): NativeActivity entered application thread
D/Unity   ( 4055): main entering.
I/Unity   ( 4055): onResume
D/sensors (  152): (struct sensors_control_device_t) --> activate
D/sensors (  152): check_old_gsensor_mode: off(new game).
D/sensors (  152): (struct sensors_control_device_t) --> set_delay: 200000000ns
D/sensors (  152): (struct sensors_control_device_t) --> set_delay: 20000000ns
D/sensors (  152): (struct sensors_control_device_t) --> activate
D/sensors (  152): check_old_gsensor_mode: off(new game).
D/sensors (  152): (struct sensors_control_device_t) --> set_delay: 200000000ns
D/sensors (  152): (struct sensors_control_device_t) --> set_delay: 20000000ns
D/Unity   ( 4055): NativeActivity start: 0x1edf20
D/Unity   ( 4055): NativeActivity resume: 0x1edf20
D/Unity   ( 4055): NativeActivity input queue created: 0x1edf20 -- 0x202ca0
D/Unity   ( 4055): NativeActivity window focus changed: 0x1edf20 -- 1
I/ActivityManager(  152): Displayed de.jellypixel.tunneltest/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity: +1s522ms (total +1s610ms)
D/libEGL  ( 4055): loaded /system/lib/egl/
D/libEGL  ( 4055): loaded /system/lib/egl/
D/libEGL  ( 4055): loaded /system/lib/egl/
D/libEGL  ( 4055): loaded /system/lib/egl/
D/Unity   ( 4055): Creating OpenGL ES 2.0 context (RGBA32 8888 24/8)
I/Unity   ( 4055): onSurfaceCreated
I/Unity   ( 4055): onSurfaceChanged 800x445
I/Unity   ( 4055): view is 800x445
I/Unity   ( 4055): initUnity
I/Unity   ( 4055): glGetString (GL10.GL_VERSION)='OpenGL ES 2.0'
D/Unity   ( 4055): [SHA1] d85d5d6d27161780bbcb4cccdbb97d1cd5e1cbdb   10690809 bytes ~ lib/armeabi/
D/Unity   ( 4055): Mono path[0] = '/data/app/de.jellypixel.tunneltest-1.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed'
D/Unity   ( 4055): PlayerConnection::Initialize
D/Unity   ( 4055): PlayerConnection constructor
D/Unity   ( 4055): Playerconnection 3
D/Unity   ( 4055): Waiting for connection from host on []...
D/Unity   ( 4055): Timed out. Continuing without host connection.
D/Unity   ( 4055): Using monoOptions --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,embedding=1,defer=y,address=
D/Unity   ( 4055): InitializeMonoFromMain OK (46cc6f00)
D/Unity   ( 4055): PlayerConnection::Initialize
D/Unity   ( 4055): PlayerInitEngineNoGraphics OK
D/Unity   ( 4055): Renderer: PowerVR SGX 540
D/Unity   ( 4055): Vendor:   Imagination Technologies
D/Unity   ( 4055): Version:  OpenGL ES 2.0
D/Unity   ( 4055): GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_fragment_precision_high GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_egl_sync GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_IMG_shader_binary GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc GL_IMG_texture_stream2 GL_IMG_texture_npot GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_program_binary GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): Creating OpenGLES2.0 graphics device
D/Unity   ( 4055): InitializeGfxDevice OK
D/Unity   ( 4055): Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
D/AudioHardware(   73): AudioHardware pcm playback is exiting standby.
D/AudioHardware(   73): openPcmOut_l() mPcmOpenCnt: 0
W/AudioFlinger(   73): write blocked for 132 msecs, 93 delayed writes, thread 0xc700
D/Unity   ( 4055): Platform assembly: /data/app/de.jellypixel.tunneltest-1.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed/UnityEngine.dll (this message is harmless)
D/Unity   ( 4055): Loading /data/app/de.jellypixel.tunneltest-1.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed/UnityEngine.dllinto Unity Child Domain
D/Unity   ( 4055): Platform assembly: /data/app/de.jellypixel.tunneltest-1.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless)
D/Unity   ( 4055): Loading /data/app/de.jellypixel.tunneltest-1.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
D/Unity   ( 4055): Platform assembly: /data/app/de.jellypixel.tunneltest-1.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll (this message is harmless)
D/Unity   ( 4055): Loading /data/app/de.jellypixel.tunneltest-1.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
D/Unity   ( 4055): Platform assembly: /data/app/de.jellypixel.tunneltest-1.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed/Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless)
D/Unity   ( 4055): Loading /data/app/de.jellypixel.tunneltest-1.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed/Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
D/Unity   ( 4055): Platform assembly: /data/app/de.jellypixel.tunneltest-1.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed/Assembly-UnityScript.dll (this message is harmless)
D/Unity   ( 4055): Loading /data/app/de.jellypixel.tunneltest-1.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed/Assembly-UnityScript.dll into Unity Child Domain
D/Unity   ( 4055): - Completed reload, in  0.324 seconds
D/Unity   ( 4055): PlayerInitEngineGraphics OK
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): Watchdog wakeup : 1.13s has past without activity
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): Watchdog wakeup : 2.38s has past without activity
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): Watchdog wakeup : 3.63s has past without activity
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): Watchdog wakeup : 4.96s has past without activity
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
I/ActivityManager(  152): Process com.socialnmobile.dictapps.notepad.color.note (pid 3974) has died.
I/ActivityManager(  152): Process android.process.acore (pid 3991) has died.
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
I/ActivityManager(  152): Process org.kman.WifiManager (pid 3982) has died.
I/ActivityManager(  152): Low Memory: No more background processes.
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
I/ActivityManager(  152): Process (pid 3953) has died.
W/ActivityManager(  152): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 5000ms
I/ActivityManager(  152): Low Memory: No more background processes.
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): Watchdog wakeup : 6.21s has past without activity
I/ActivityManager(  152): Process (pid 4014) has died.
W/ActivityManager(  152): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 14827ms
I/ActivityManager(  152): Low Memory: No more background processes.
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
I/ActivityManager(  152): Process (pid 4023) has died.
W/ActivityManager(  152): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 35738ms
I/ActivityManager(  152): Low Memory: No more background processes.
I/WindowManager(  152): WIN DEATH: Window{40550070  paused=false}
I/ActivityManager(  152): Process (pid 4034) has died.
W/ActivityManager(  152): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 45702ms
I/ActivityManager(  152): Low Memory: No more background processes.
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
I/ActivityManager(  152): Process com.touchtype.swiftkey (pid 4043) has died.
W/ActivityManager(  152): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.touchtype.swiftkey/com.touchtype.KeyboardService in 55550ms
I/ActivityManager(  152): Low Memory: No more background processes.
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
W/InputManagerService(  152): Session failed to close due to remote exception
W/InputManagerService(  152): android.os.DeadObjectException
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at$Stub$Proxy.finishSession(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at$ServiceDispatcher.doDeath(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at$ServiceDispatcher$
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at android.os.Looper.loop(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at
W/InputManagerService(  152): Session failed to close due to remote exception
W/InputManagerService(  152): android.os.DeadObjectException
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at$Stub$Proxy.finishSession(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at$ServiceDispatcher.doDeath(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at$ServiceDispatcher$
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at android.os.Looper.loop(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at
W/InputManagerService(  152): Session failed to close due to remote exception
W/InputManagerService(  152): android.os.DeadObjectException
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at$Stub$Proxy.finishSession(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at$ServiceDispatcher.doDeath(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at$ServiceDispatcher$
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at android.os.Looper.loop(
W/InputManagerService(  152):   at
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
I/ActivityManager(  152): Process org.adwfreak.launcher (pid 3945) has died.
I/ActivityManager(  152): Low Memory: No more background processes.
I/WindowManager(  152): WIN DEATH: Window{40992c08 org.adwfreak.launcher/org.adwfreak.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
D/Unity   ( 4055): WARNING: DXT texture format is not supported, decompressing texture
I/ActivityManager(  152): Process de.jellypixel.tunneltest (pid 4055) has died.
E/InputDispatcher(  152): channel '40559468 de.jellypixel.tunneltest/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x8
E/InputDispatcher(  152): channel '40559468 de.jellypixel.tunneltest/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
D/sensors (  152): (struct sensors_control_device_t) --> set_delay: 200000000ns
D/sensors (  152): (struct sensors_control_device_t) --> activate
D/sensors (  152): check_old_gsensor_mode: off(new game).
I/WindowManager(  152): WIN DEATH: Window{40559468 de.jellypixel.tunneltest/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity paused=false}
I/WindowManager(  152): WIN DEATH: Window{406b24c0 SurfaceView paused=false}
I/ActivityManager(  152): Start proc org.adwfreak.launcher for activity org.adwfreak.launcher/.Launcher: pid=4074 uid=10065 gids={1015}
I/ActivityManager(  152): Low Memory: No more background processes.
I/ActivityThread( 4074): Pub org.adwfreak.launcher.settings: org.adwfreak.launcher.LauncherProvider
I/ActivityThread( 4074): Pub org.adw.launcher.providers.CustomDocksProvider: org.adw.common.CustomDocksProvider
D/AudioHardware(   73): AudioHardware pcm playback is going to standby.
D/AudioHardware(   73): closePcmOut_l() mPcmOpenCnt: 1
I/ActivityManager(  152): Start proc for service pid=4082 uid=10116 gids={3003}
I/ActivityThread( 4082): Pub
D/AirbrakeNotifier( 4082): Registered and ready to handle exceptions.
D/HomeLoaders( 4074): load applications
D/HomeLoaders( 4074): loading user items in Thread[main,5,main]
D/HomeLoaders( 4074):   --> starting workspace loader
D/HomeLoaders( 4074):   ----> running workspace loader (1)
D/LAUNCHER( 4074): ORDER=null
W/InputManagerService(  152): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 4055 uid 10131
I/ActivityManager(  152): Displayed org.adwfreak.launcher/.Launcher: +4s619ms
kann es sein das du von 1GB RAM ausgehst?

edit: nach dem logo kommt ein schwarzer schirm, dann bin ich wieder auf dem desktop.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


New Member
@ Loonix
hm ne 1gb geh nicht von aus. lief auch schon aufn 256mb device.
aber ich glaube aus den log rauszusehen das es tatsächlich meine vermutung sein könnjte mit den texture compression. ich hab die glaub ich auf tegra gestellt. beim testen.

ich mach mal ne neu version raus

nochmal super vielen dank das ihr mir dabei helft.


Die ladezeiten sind recht lang, aber es läuft gut ^^
es wäre nett wenn es ein 'menü' gäbe zum programm beenden oder der 'zurück' button einen effekt hätte.
Der Biertrinker scheint keine Dose in der Hand zu haben
Der Unity Watchdog beschwert sich öfter über hulls mit mehr als 255 polygons.
Ein FPS counter wäre im development build evtl praktisch.

Schöne texturen, lighting, ambient sound...
Mach so weiter ;)


New Member
loonix,danke. ja ist alles noch quasi am austesten. hab mich erst anfang des jahres mit den ganzen gamemaking beschäftigt. und daher alles quasi noch am überall austesten. aber werd dann später auch komplette baking auf die objects drauflegen, das erspart dann auch licht usw. und gibt noch viel möglichkeiuten zusparen an rechne zeit.
ja die figuren sind auch nur als test drinnen erstmal. später solln die auch unterhaltungs menues dazu bekommen. ab und an kommt auch action rein . aber eher ein mix aus quest und action.

aber ich muss ab und zu auch mal was anderes machen deshalb liegt das manchmal etwas. aber demnächst werd ich mal wiedr paar tage exesive dran workeln können.

auf was frün gerät haste denn getestet?


ich hab auf dem Teil aus meiner Signatur getestet,
7" HaiPad M7 CPU: Samsung s5pv210
Ist auch als Herotab C8 oder Dropad A8 bekannt.
Was für eine GPU ich hab kannst du ja am logcat oben sehen ;)

der Name 'Dark City' hat für mich immer noch starke bindung zu dem 1998er film, darauf willst du denke ichnicht hinaus? ;)


New Member
hehe ne hab den namen spontan gewählt. evtl nenn ich den auch nochmal um weil ist ja doof das es schon nen film gibt. ich kenn den aber gar nicht. will eher wemng in richtung fallout gehen.
Oben Unten