sophone help about language, music and internet. (English)


New Member
I have been trying to understand some german threads, but it is very difficult... So I apologize if the topic has been discussed before, I couldn't find any english version.

I bought a sophone and would like some basic help about the things mentioned above:
I downloaded opera mini but i dunno where to put it to make it work.

1-The keyboard is only in chinese or english with normal letters, but I would love to have å ø æ as well, even ö ä would make it better.

2-I can't manage to make my mac read the sophone when connected, is there a trick or something?

3- Last but not least, I downloaded some music from my job-PC but I don't know how to put the covers on, so they will show in the ipod application.

that was a loads of question, I hope some of you can answer,

Thank you very much in advance!


1. That won't work.

2. Probably only via Bluetooth, Macs don't like MTK-Phones.

3. You need to put a "music.jpg" picture into each of your album folders.


New Member
thank you so much! that worked actually!
do you know how I can fix internet/browser? I downloaded opera mini but when I unzipped it I got many files, have no idea what to do with them.


New Member
I managed to connect through bluetooth, I sent both bolt.jar and opera.jar files to the phone.
they are in the "received files" folder, when I click on one of them it says error...
Sorry for bothering like this, I wish I could sort this out by myself...


I don't know :( Maybe you should move them somewhere else on your SD card and then try to install them from there?


Well-Known Member
There is a trick....if you push the .jar file there comes "error"...thats right.....BUT you must NOW push on the Options Button on Header Left! so it starts.....tricky but works....


New Member
I managed to install it :)

I'll tell you how I did, in case someone else has the same trouble.
In the "received files" folder I created a new folder named "browser" then I could click on the .jar file and right after on the options button on the header, and it suddenly worked!

Now I got one more problem... the covers on my ipod list are gone, I can see the files in the folders, but there's no cover on the ipod app. I can play all the songs though. I really hope to get this phone to work at 100%, it seems solid and has a nice flow, but some instructions would be nice to have...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


New Member
I already tried that :)
There must be something tricky here, yet simple...
Today I fooled a friend, he tought it was the real iphone4 ;)


Did your phone come with some music already on it? Westlife for example? If so, take a look what format the music.jpg has and try to make your own pictures similar to the pixel and kb size.


New Member
That is actually a good idea, but the problem is that I deleted all the music... Do you have a sophone yourself? if so maybe you could tell me?


hmm, on the i68+ and so on the name was 'folder.jpg' if i recall right
and it had to be quite small (80x80 or something like that)


New Member
ok, I tried to do like ths:
with the file music.jpg you sent me I can see the cover in the cover flow, but with the files I put there I couldnt. Now I wonder what's special about this file, it must be 300x300 and maybe must be 30kb. I will try again with some other files and let you know.


I really can't tell you what the problem is? So far I could use pretty much ANY picture, I didn't even worry about the correct format.

Good luck :)


New Member
ok, I found out how :)
there's no problem using big pictures, but you have to rename them "music" and put them in the right folder. For example if in my music list I have a folder named "Michael Jackson -Thriller" I just put the cover in that folder and then I rename it "music", then it works.
I found out when I saw your file, so thank you!! :)


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