Pinphone Issue - Opera, Google Maps and Facebook icons on desktop won't work


New Member
Hi ColonelZap / everyone! It's very nice to finally find a Pinphone forum as it's very hard to find information on it...

Just read another post in here and somehow it matches the issue that I'm having... I have a Pinphone 3GS and the Opera, Google Maps and Facebook icons wouldn't open their respective apps. When I click on them I get the following error: "Not possible to open". I must be missing something...

I was wondering if maybe I deleted any files by accident like the other fellow did... Do you have any clues on why these application don't work?

Do you know where I can find the original files for firmware i835NG_FN_CA_W_V1_1_9?

Also, this firmware doesn't have MSN Messenger like firmware 1.3. Why is that?



New Member
Hi :)

As I already answered you in the other thread, try to use the system files from this download:

Make SURE to have your PC show you all the HIDDEN files, simply copy the HIDDEN "java/app" folder on your SD card.
Thanks ColonelZap!

I sort of figured it out. What happened is that my Pinphone (I don't know why though) originally came without the "app" folder inside the "Java" folder (it wasn't hidden either), so that's why those apps were not working.

I put the opera, google map and facebook JARs in there and it worked! And the great think about it is that you can put JARs with the most current version of those softwares.



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